What is the difference between Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 boot process?
Windows Server 2003 Boot Process
Windows Server 2008 Boot Process
Power On -> BOIS Loaded -> POST
Power On -> BOIS Loaded -> POST
BIOS Looks for the MBR on the bootable device
BIOS Looks for the MBR on the bootable device
Through the MBR the boot sector is located and the NTLDR is loaded
Through the MBR the boot sector is located and the BOOTMGR is loaded
NTLDR reads BOOT.INI from the system volume to determine the boot drive
BOOTMGR reads the BCD (boot configuration database) file from the \boot directory
NTLDR loads and executes NTDETECT.COM from the system volume to perform BIOS hardware detection
BOOTMGR transfer control to the Windows Loader (winload.exe) or winresume.exe in case the system
was hibernated.
NTLDR reads the registry files, selects a hardware profile, control set, and loads drivers flagged as "boot" defined in the system hive, then passes control to NTOSKRNL.EXE
Windows Loader loads drivers that are set to start at boot and then passes control to NTOSKRNL.EXEide