問題描述:近在項目中有一個需求爲須要在 Http
的Header裏面添加一個User-Agent參數,當請求時。項目自己的目標框架是 .NET Standard 2.0
。因而,在項目源碼中發現了,最終調用的請求是使用 HttpWebRequest
首先是用 HttpRequest
request.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Windows";
這個Headers 的 Dictionary<string,string> 類型的,而後copy to HttpWebRequest
foreach (var header in request.Headers) { httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value); }
本地也進行了相關的 UT 和 FT,一切都很完美。而後發佈了新版本。app
在調用最新Nuget版本的包後,請求調用一直報錯:必須使用適當的屬性和方法修改 User-Agent測試
首先先讓用戶回退到上一個版本的包,而後詢問了用戶的目標框架,用戶說是.Net framework 4.6.1
去官方文檔看了看,這個包最低支持的.net framework 框架爲 4.7.1 。我想,那若是我在目標框架中也包含了.net framework 4.7.1 會不會就不報錯了呢。調試
繼續沿着這個思路,我去尋找了: 如何在csproj 文件中指定多個 targetframework ,因而也便有了這個提問,如何發佈多個 TargetFramework 的nuget 包 。當我設置完了這個目標框架,測試時發現,怎麼仍是不行呢。我發現我可能走錯路了,可能根本就不是這個地方出現問題了,是否是我問題定位的有問題。並且奇怪的是,code
爲何若是我本地目標框架是 .netcoreapp2.0 或者 .net standard2.0 時就不會報錯呢?好奇怪。orm
httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
HttpWebRequest exposes common HTTP header values sent to the Internet resource as properties, set by methods, or set by the system; the following table contains a complete list. You can set other headers in the Headers property as name/value pairs. Note that servers and caches may change or add headers during the request.
The following table lists the HTTP headers that are set either by properties or methods or the system.
Header Set by Accept Set by the Accept property. Connection Set by the Connection property, KeepAlive property. Content-Length Set by the ContentLength property. Content-Type Set by the ContentType property. Expect Set by the Expect property. Date Set by the system to current date. Host Set by the system to current host information. If-Modified-Since Set by the IfModifiedSince property. Range Set by the AddRange method. Referer Set by the Referer property. Transfer-Encoding Set by the TransferEncoding property (the SendChunked property must be true
).User-Agent Set by the UserAgent property.
httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);
if(header.key.contains("User-Agent")) { httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "Set as you like"; }
PS:下一篇寫一下 httpWebrequest 中的timeout,這個也坑死我了。