CONCAT(字串1, 字串2, 字串3, ...): 將字串一、字串二、字串3,等字串連在一塊兒。sql
SELECT CONCAT(region_name,store_name) FROM Geography WHERE store_name = 'Boston';
Used to connect the field, or the characters. But as long as the field is connected with a value of null, then the concat get is null. 用於鏈接字段或者字符,若是用於鏈接的字符中有一個值爲null,則結果爲null.code
This is a very dangerous thing. I believe the number of fields connected with the concat the results people want most is not the case:get
concat (A, B), if B is null, then concat (A, B) = nullio
What we want is this: 就像這樣:class
Connection A, B, if B is null, then the connection should be A.sed
解決這個問題,可使用CONCAT_WS() At this time should CONCAT_WS (separator, str1, str2 ,...)im