create or replace function get_mpda_no_mpt(p_no in varchar2) return number as v_seqname varchar2(80); pos number(10); m_pda_id number(10); begin --1條碼 begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' select t.m_product_id from m_product_alias t where t.no = :1' into m_pda_id using p_no; exception when no_data_found then m_pda_id := null; end; if m_pda_id is not null then return m_pda_id; end if; --2條碼 begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' select t.id from m_product t where t.name = :1' into m_pda_id using p_no; exception when no_data_found then m_pda_id := null; end; if m_pda_id is not null then return m_pda_id; end if; --3流水碼(截取位數) pos := ad_param_value(37, 'portal.6001', 0); begin --raise_application_error(-20201,pos); FOR v IN (SELECT regexp_substr(pos, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL, 'i') AS text FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length(pos) - length(REPLACE(pos, ',')) + 1) LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select max(m_product_id) from m_product_alias where no=:1' INTO m_pda_id USING substr(p_no, 1, length(p_no) - v.text); IF m_pda_id > 0 THEN return m_pda_id; END IF; END LOOP; exception when no_data_found then m_pda_id := null; end; if m_pda_id is not null then return m_pda_id; end if; --4國標碼 begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' select t.m_product_id from m_product_alias t where t.INTSCODE = :1' into m_pda_id using p_no; exception when no_data_found then m_pda_id := null; end; if m_pda_id is not null then return m_pda_id; end if; --5新舊條碼對照 begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' select a.m_product_id from m_pdt_alias_con t, m_product_alias g,m_product_alias a where t.m_pda_old_id = g.id and t.m_pda_new_id=a.id and g.no = :1' into m_pda_id using p_no; exception when no_data_found then m_pda_id := null; end; if m_pda_id is not null then return m_pda_id; end if; return m_pda_id; end;
1 /*根據店倉性質更新相鄰店鋪*/ 2 --先刪除原明細 3 delete from C_STORENEB; 4 5 for v in (select a.id, a.c_storekind_id 6 from c_store a 7 where a.isactive='Y') loop 8 9 --插入新的明細 10 insert into C_STORENEB t 11 (id, 12 ad_client_id, 13 ad_org_id, 14 c_neb_store_id, 15 c_store_id, 16 ownerid, 17 modifierid, 18 creationdate, 19 modifieddate, 20 isactive) 21 select get_sequences('C_STORENEB'), 22 a.ad_client_id, 23 a.ad_org_id, 24 a.id, 25 v.id, 26 ownerid, 27 modifierid, 28 creationdate, 29 modifieddate, 30 isactive 31 from c_store a 32 where a.isactive='Y'; 33 end loop;