自: http://www.nowamagic.net/php/php_StaticMethods.php 靜態方法的規則和靜態變量是相同的。使用ststic關鍵字能夠將方法標識爲靜態方法,經過類的名稱和做用域限定操做符::能夠訪問靜態方法。php
Program List:用類名做爲參數ui
<?php class Fruit { public static $category = "I'm fruit"; static function find($class) { $vars = get_class_vars($class) ; echo $vars['category'] ; } } class Apple extends Fruit { public static $category = "I'm Apple"; } Apple::find("Apple"); ?>.net
程序運行結果: I'm Applecode
Program List:重寫基類方法繼承
class Fruit { static function Foo ( $class = CLASS ) { call_user_func(array($class, 'Color')); } }get
class Apple extends Fruit { static function Foo ( $class = CLASS ) { parent::Foo($class); }string
static function Color() { echo "Apple's color is red"; }
Apple::Foo(); // This time it works. ?>
程序運行結果: Apple's color is red
Program List:靜態數組的使用
<?php class Fruit { static $color = array('color1' => 'red', 'color2' => 'yellow'); } class Apple { public function __construct() { var_dump(Fruit::$color); } } class Banana { public function __construct() { Fruit::$color = FALSE; } } new Apple(); // prints array(2) { ["color1"]=> string(3) "red" ["color2"]=> string(6) "yellow" } echo '<br />'; new Banana(); new Apple(); // prints bool(false) ?>
程序運行結果: array(2) { ["color1"]=> string(3) "red" ["color2"]=> string(6) "yellow" } bool(false)
Program List:再來一個單例模式
<?php class Singleton { private static $instance=null; private $value=null; private function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } public static function getInstance() { if ( self::$instance == null ) { echo "<br>new<br>"; self::$instance = new Singleton("values"); } else { echo "<br>old<br>"; } return self::$instance; } } $x = Singleton::getInstance(); var_dump($x); // returns the new object $y = Singleton::getInstance(); var_dump($y); // returns the existing object ?>
程序運行結果: new object(Singleton)#1 (1) { ["value:private"]=> string(6) "values" } old object(Singleton)#1 (1) { ["value:private"]=> string(6) "values" }