adb shell am start -n com.tencent.news/com.tencent.news.activity.SplashActivity ::在x向座標0000009五、y向座標00000007的位置點擊屏幕,並保持按下狀態 CHOICE /T 5 /C yc /D y /n adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0003 0000 00000095 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0003 0001 00000007 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0001 014a 00000001 ::保持y向座標不變,沿00000055到00000010的x向路徑橫向滑動 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0003 0000 00000055 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0000 0000 00000000 ::結束按下狀態 adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0001 014a 00000000 ::發送一個菜單鍵值,調起菜單 adb shell input keyevent 1 ::發送一個Back鍵值,收回菜單 adb shell input keyevent 4 ::再發送一個Back鍵值 adb shell input keyevent 4 pause
#在Galaxy Nexus手機上幫助文檔以下: C:\Users\beijing_zbs>adb shell shell@maguro:/ $ input input Usage: input [<source>] <command> [<arg>...] The sources are: trackball joystick touchnavigation mouse keyboard gamepad touchpad dpad gesture stylus touchscreen The commands and default sources are: text <string> (Default: touchscreen) keyevent [--longpress] <key code number or name> ... (Default: keyboard) tap <x> <y> (Default: touchscreen) swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [duration(ms)] (Default: touchscreen) press (Default: trackball) roll <dx> <dy> (Default: trackball) #在有些手機上幫助文檔只有以下這些: C:\Users\beijing_zbs>adb shell shell@android:/ $ input input usage: input ... input text <string> input keyevent <key code number or name> input [touchscreen|touchpad] tap <x> <y> input [touchscreen|touchpad] swipe <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> input trackball press input trackball roll <dx> <dy>
1. keyevent指的是android對應的keycode,好比home鍵的keycode=3,back鍵的keycode=4.事件
adb shell input keyevent 3文檔
2. 關於tap的話,他模擬的是touch屏幕的事件,只需給出x、y座標便可。string
此x、y座標對應的是真實的屏幕分辨率,因此要根據具體手機具體看,好比你想點擊屏幕(x, y) = (250, 250)位置:it
adb shell input tap 250 250io
3. 關於swipe同tap是同樣的,只是他是模擬滑動的事件,給出起點和終點的座標便可。例如從屏幕(250, 250), 到屏幕(300, 300)即
adb shell input swipe 250 250 300 300
1,模擬輸入文本信息:input text HelloWorld 2.模擬物理按鍵操做: input keyevent KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN 3.模擬點擊操做:input tap 500 500 4.模擬滑動操做:input swipe 200 500 400 500 5.模擬軌跡球操做
0 --> "KEYCODE_UNKNOWN" 1 --> "KEYCODE_MENU" 2 --> "KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT" 3 --> "KEYCODE_HOME" 4 --> "KEYCODE_BACK" 5 --> "KEYCODE_CALL" 6 --> "KEYCODE_ENDCALL" 7 --> "KEYCODE_0" 8 --> "KEYCODE_1" 9 --> "KEYCODE_2" 10 --> "KEYCODE_3" 11 --> "KEYCODE_4" 12 --> "KEYCODE_5" 13 --> "KEYCODE_6" 14 --> "KEYCODE_7" 15 --> "KEYCODE_8" 16 --> "KEYCODE_9" 17 --> "KEYCODE_STAR" 18 --> "KEYCODE_POUND" 19 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_UP" 20 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN" 21 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT" 22 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT" 23 --> "KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER" 24 --> "KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP" 25 --> "KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN" 26 --> "KEYCODE_POWER" 27 --> "KEYCODE_CAMERA" 28 --> "KEYCODE_CLEAR" 29 --> "KEYCODE_A" 30 --> "KEYCODE_B" 31 --> "KEYCODE_C" 32 --> "KEYCODE_D" 33 --> "KEYCODE_E" 34 --> "KEYCODE_F" 35 --> "KEYCODE_G" 36 --> "KEYCODE_H" 37 --> "KEYCODE_I" 38 --> "KEYCODE_J" 39 --> "KEYCODE_K" 40 --> "KEYCODE_L" 41 --> "KEYCODE_M" 42 --> "KEYCODE_N" 43 --> "KEYCODE_O" 44 --> "KEYCODE_P" 45 --> "KEYCODE_Q" 46 --> "KEYCODE_R" 47 --> "KEYCODE_S" 48 --> "KEYCODE_T" 49 --> "KEYCODE_U" 50 --> "KEYCODE_V" 51 --> "KEYCODE_W" 52 --> "KEYCODE_X" 53 --> "KEYCODE_Y" 54 --> "KEYCODE_Z" 55 --> "KEYCODE_COMMA" 56 --> "KEYCODE_PERIOD" 57 --> "KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT" 58 --> "KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT" 59 --> "KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT" 60 --> "KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT" 61 --> "KEYCODE_TAB" 62 --> "KEYCODE_SPACE" 63 --> "KEYCODE_SYM" 64 --> "KEYCODE_EXPLORER" 65 --> "KEYCODE_ENVELOPE" 66 --> "KEYCODE_ENTER" 67 --> "KEYCODE_DEL" 68 --> "KEYCODE_GRAVE" 69 --> "KEYCODE_MINUS" 70 --> "KEYCODE_EQUALS" 71 --> "KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET" 72 --> "KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET" 73 --> "KEYCODE_BACKSLASH" 74 --> "KEYCODE_SEMICOLON" 75 --> "KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE" 76 --> "KEYCODE_SLASH" 77 --> "KEYCODE_AT" 78 --> "KEYCODE_NUM" 79 --> "KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK" 80 --> "KEYCODE_FOCUS" 81 --> "KEYCODE_PLUS" 82 --> "KEYCODE_MENU" 83 --> "KEYCODE_NOTIFICATION" 84 --> "KEYCODE_SEARCH" 85 --> "TAG_LAST_KEYCODE"