Google Summer of Code(GSoC)是面向開源開發領域新貢獻者的最知名和最受歡迎的計劃之一,咱們很高興地宣佈CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation,雲原生計算基金會)參與GSoC 2019!linux
若是你是學生,計劃參加GSoC 2019,如今是審查項目構想,並與導師開始討論的最佳時機。這裏分享一篇去年浙江大學研究生,在諧雲實習的Jian Liu,有關「GSoC 18:Kata Containers對containerd的支持」的經驗。github
- Integrate kube-batch with pytorch-operator/mxnet-operator
- Implement volume snapshotting support into the external Manila provisioner
- Enable full e2e tests for external Azure cloud provider
- CSI driver for AzureDisk
- CSI driver for AzureFile
- CSI driver for Blobfuse
- Streamline and simplify SASS for the Kubernetes website
- Fully automate API and reference doc generation
- Add support for Custom Resource Definitions to the Dashboard
- Add plugin mechanism to the Dashboard
- Benchmarks for TSDB
- Continue the work on Prombench
- Persist Retroactive Rule Reevaluations
- Optimize queries using regex matchers for set lookups
- Package for bulk imports
Open Policy Agent (OPA)項目構想
- IntelliJ plugin to experiment with and visualize policy evaluation
- Interactive website detailing OPA integrations
- Integration with IPTables
- Support source-IP based query block/allow
- Support Google Cloud DNS backend
- Support Azure DNS backend
- Migrate to tower-grpc
- Introduce other storage engines
- Build TiKV clients in different languages
- Auto-tune RocksDB
- Upgrade Rook to a more advanced operator/controller framework
- Storage provider features and enhancements
- Enable multiple network interfaces for Rook storage providers
- Enhance and extend the Rook framework for storage solutions
- Expand coverage and scope of Rook's continuous integration (CI) system
- Dynamic provisioning for portable workloads
Linkerd and Envoy項目構想
- Benchmarks for Linkerd and Envoy
Virtual Kubelet項目構想
- Conformance testing for Virtual Kubelet
- Cross-cloud integration testing
- Auto-Update
- Conformance Validation
- Alertmanager Integration
- Kafka Introspection
- Add support for the OCI runtime spec by implementing a runc stage2
- Add native OCI image support
- Snapshotter implementation for block devices
- p2p or remote blob store implementation
- Improved Falco Outputs
- Additional Event Sources
- Layer 7 Inspection and Detection
- Falco integration with AI/ML platforms
- Prometheus Metrics Exporter
- Performance Analysis and Optimization
- Falco rules profiles for applications and security benchmarks
- Improve Ingester Handover
- Centralized Rate Limiting
- Use etcd in Cortex
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit大會日期:c#
- 會議日程通告日期:2019 年 4 月 10 日
- 會議活動舉辦日期:2019 年 6 月 24 至 26 日
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit贊助方案
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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit即將首次合體落地中國
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