################################ SNAPSHOTTING ################################ # # Save the DB on disk: # # save <seconds> <changes> # # Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given # number of write operations against the DB occurred. # # In the example below the behaviour will be to save: # after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed # after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed # after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed # # Note: you can disable saving completely by commenting out all "save" lines. # # It is also possible to remove all the previously configured save # points by adding a save directive with a single empty string argument # like in the following example: # # save "" save 900 1 #900秒內至少有1個key被更改就執行快照 save 300 10 #300內描述至少有10個key被更改就執行快照 save 60 10000 #60秒內至少有10000個key被更改就執行快照 # By default Redis will stop accepting writes if RDB snapshots are enabled # (at least one save point) and the latest background save failed. # This will make the user aware (in a hard way) that data is not persisting # on disk properly, otherwise chances are that no one will notice and some # disaster will happen. # # If the background saving process will start working again Redis will # automatically allow writes again. # # However if you have setup your proper monitoring of the Redis server # and persistence, you may want to disable this feature so that Redis will # continue to work as usual even if there are problems with disk, # permissions, and so forth. stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes #拍攝快照失敗是否繼續執行寫命令 # Compress string objects using LZF when dump .rdb databases? # For default that's set to 'yes' as it's almost always a win. # If you want to save some CPU in the saving child set it to 'no' but # the dataset will likely be bigger if you have compressible values or keys. rdbcompression yes #是否對快照文件進行壓縮 # Since version 5 of RDB a CRC64 checksum is placed at the end of the file. # This makes the format more resistant to corruption but there is a performance # hit to pay (around 10%) when saving and loading RDB files, so you can disable it # for maximum performances. # # RDB files created with checksum disabled have a checksum of zero that will # tell the loading code to skip the check. rdbchecksum yes #是否進行數據校驗 # The filename where to dump the DB dbfilename dump.rdb #快照文件存儲的名稱 # The working directory. # # The DB will be written inside this directory, with the filename specified # above using the 'dbfilename' configuration directive. # # The Append Only File will also be created inside this directory. # # Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name. dir /opt/redis-5.0.3#快照文件存儲的位置
參數 | 默認值 | 說明 |
save | 900 1 | 900秒內至少有1個key被更改就執行快照 |
save | 300 10 | 300內描述至少有10個key被更改就執行快照 |
save | 60 10000 | 60秒內至少有10000個key被更改就執行快照 |
stop-writes-on-bgsave-error | yes | 拍攝快照失敗是否繼續執行寫命令 |
rdbcompression | yes | 是否對快照文件進行壓縮 |
rdbchecksum | yes | 是否數據校驗 |
dbfilename | dump.rdb | 快照文件存儲的名稱 |
dir | ./ | 快照文件存儲的位置 |
[root@root redis-5.0.3]# src/redis-cli> ping PONG> set name aaa OK> set age 18 OK> incr age (integer) 19> shutdown not connected> exit
[root@root redis-5.0.3]# src/redis-server redis.conf 1211:C 13 Feb 2019 01:27:22.668 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo 1211:C 13 Feb 2019 01:27:22.668 # Redis version=5.0.3, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1211, just started 1211:C 13 Feb 2019 01:27:22.668 # Configuration loaded [root@root redis-5.0.3]# src/redis-cli> ping PONG> get name "aaa"> get age "19"> keys * 1) "name" 2) "age"
[root@root redis-5.0.3]# src/redis-server redis.conf 1218:C 13 Feb 2019 01:29:01.336 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo 1218:C 13 Feb 2019 01:29:01.336 # Redis version=5.0.3, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1218, just started 1218:C 13 Feb 2019 01:29:01.336 # Configuration loaded [root@root redis-5.0.3]# src/redis-cli> ping PONG> keys * (empty list or set)
bgsave命令也是當即拍攝快照,有別於save命令,bgsave並非一條阻塞命令,而是fork一個子線程,而後這個子線程負責備份操做。而父進程繼續處理客戶端的請求,這樣就不會形成阻塞了。this> ping PONG> keys * (empty list or set)> set name zhangsan OK> set age 20 OK> bgsave Background saving started
RDB文件保存了某個時間點的redis數據,適合備份,你能夠設定一個時間點對RDB文件進行歸檔,這樣就能在須要的時候很輕易的把數據恢復到不一樣的版本。 RDB很適合用於災備。單文件很方便就能傳輸到遠程的服務器上。在數據量比較打的狀況下,RDB啓動速度快.code
1.在redis.conf配置文件中註釋掉全部的save配置 2.在最後一條save配置追加吃命令
save ""
與快照持久化經過直接保存 Redis 的鍵值對數據不一樣,AOF 持久化是經過保存 Redis 執行的寫命令來記錄 Redis 的內存數據。理論上說,只要咱們保存了全部可能修改 Redis 內存數據的命令(也就是寫命令),那麼根據這些保存的寫命令,咱們能夠從新恢復 Redis 的內存狀態。AOF 持久化正是利用這個原理來實現數據的持久化與數據的恢復的
appendonly yes appendfilename "appendonly.aof" # If unsure, use "everysec". # appendfsync always appendfsync everysec # appendfsync no no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100 auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
參數 | 值 | 說明 |
appendonly | yes | 是否開啓AOF持久化 |
appendfilename | 「appendonly.aof」 | 存儲的文件的名稱 |
appendfsync | everysec | 同步頻率everysec 每隔一秒鐘持久化一次always 每執行一條命令持久化一次 no 持久化的時機交給操做系統處理 |
no-appendfsync-on-rewrite | no | 執行壓縮時是否執行同步操做 |
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage | 100 | 當前AOF文件超過上次AOF文件的百分比後才進行持久化操做 |
auto-aof-rewrite-min-size | 64mb | 自定執行AOF操做文件最小的大小要達到的大小 |
save "" #save 900 1 #save 300 10 #save 60 10000
1.appendfsync的取值有三個,分別是everysec,always和no,在這裏咱們推薦使用everysec,不推薦使用always。由於always會嚴重影響服務器的性能 2.everysec最壞的狀況也就只會丟失1秒的數據,影響在可控範圍以內。
AOF 持久化的方法提供了多種的同步頻率,即便使用默認的同步頻率每秒同步一次,Redis 最多也就丟失 1 秒的數據而已。 AOF 文件的格式可讀性較強,這也爲使用者提供了更靈活的處理方式。例如,若是咱們不當心錯用了 FLUSHALL 命令,在重寫還沒進行時,咱們能夠手工將最後的 FLUSHALL 命令去掉,而後再使用 AOF 來恢復數據。
雖然 AOF 提供了多種同步的頻率,默認狀況下,每秒同步一次的頻率也具備較高的性能。但在 Redis 的負載較高時,RDB 比 AOF 具好更好的性能保證。 RDB 使用快照的形式來持久化整個 Redis 數據,而 AOF 只是將每次執行的命令追加到 AOF 文件中,所以從理論上說,RDB 比 AOF 方式更健壯
1.若是redis僅僅是用來作爲緩存服務器的話,咱們能夠不使用任何的持久化。 2.通常狀況下咱們會將兩種持久化的方式都開啓。redis優先加載AOF文件來回複數據。RDB的好處是快速。 3.在主從節點中,RDB做爲咱們的備份數據,只在salve(從節點)上啓動,同步時間能夠設置的長一點,只留(save 900 1)這條規則就能夠了。