第二篇:速賣通產品採集系列 之 產品採集實戰

    上一篇 第一篇:速賣通產品採集系列 之 產品採集分析,對速賣通產品採集作了分析,包含要採集產品信息,以及如何採集這些產品信息,這一篇接着來採集實戰,相關技術前篇也說過了,不廢話直接開項目作。javascript

一, 建立解決方案,編寫採集代碼css

1. 建立解決方案「CollectorSolution」,在其中新建「Collector」 空 ASP.NET MVC 項目,解決方案結構圖以下:

2.在「Collector」 項目中,分別新增「CollectingController」 控制器,以及和控制器相關的視圖,並將原來默認路由 Home -》 Index 改爲 Collecting -》 Index,截圖以下:前端

RouteConfig 修改爲以下:java

 1 using System.Web.Mvc;  2 using System.Web.Routing;  3 
 4 namespace Collector  5 {  6     public class RouteConfig  7  {  8         public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)  9  { 10             routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); 11 
12  routes.MapRoute( 13                 name: "Default", 14                 url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", 15                 defaults: new { controller = "Collecting", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } 16  ); 17  } 18  } 19 }

3. 分別新增「CollectionViewModel」 ,"CollectedProductViewModel","CollectedProductImageViewModel" 視圖模型,和一個存放正則表達式的結構體:「ParseProductPatterns」,代碼分別以下git

1.> CollectionViewModelgithub

 1 using System.Collections.Generic;  2 
 3 namespace Collector.Models  4 {  5     public class CollectionViewModel  6  {  7         public CollectionViewModel()  8  {  9             ProductViews = new List<CollectedProductViewModel>(); 10  } 11         public string CollectionUrl { get; set; } 12         public IEnumerable<CollectedProductViewModel> ProductViews { get; set; } 13  } 14 }

2.> CollectedProductViewModel正則表達式

 1 using System.Collections.Generic;  2 
 3 namespace Collector.Models  4 {  5     public class CollectedProductViewModel  6  {  7         public CollectedProductViewModel()  8  {  9             ProductImages = new List<CollectedProductImageViewModel>(); 10  } 11         public string ProductName { get; set; } 12         public decimal ProductPrice { get; set; } 13         public decimal ProductDiscountPrice { get; set; } 14         public string ProductCurrency { get; set; } 15         public string ProductColor { get; set; } 16         public string ProductSize { get; set; } 17         public IEnumerable<CollectedProductImageViewModel> ProductImages { get; set; } 18  } 19 }


1 namespace Collector.Models 2 { 3     public class CollectedProductImageViewModel 4  { 5         public string ImageUrl { get; set; } 6         public int Sort { get; set; } 7  } 8 }


namespace Collector.Models { public struct ParseProductPatterns { public static string ProductNamePattern = "(?<=<h1 class=\"product-name\" itemprop=\"name\">).*?(?=</h1>)"; public static string ProductJsnPattern = @"(?<=var skuProducts=).*?(?=;\s*var skuAttrIds=)"; public static string ProductImageJsonPattern = "(?<=window.runParams.imageBigViewURL=).*?(?=;)"; public static string ProductCurrencyPattern = "(?<=window.runParams.currencyCode=\").*?(?=\";)"; public static string ProductColorPattern =
            "(?<=<a data-role=\"sku\" data-sku-id=\"{0}\" id=\"sku-1-{0}\" title=\").*?(?=\")"; public static string ProductSizePattern =
            "(?<=<a data-role=\"sku\" data-sku-id=\"{0}\" id=\"sku-2-{0}\" href=\"javascript:void\\(0\\)\"\\s+><span>).*?(?=</)"; } }


4. 視圖佈局設計很簡單,以下圖 

採集地址 就是速賣通產品地址,這裏不支持店鋪和類型採集地址。表格就是採集產品信息展現。

5. 控制器和視圖代碼以下

1.> CollectingController

 1 using System;  2 using System.Collections.Generic;  3 using System.Linq;  4 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;  5 using System.Web.Mvc;  6 using Collector.Models;  7 using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;  8 using RestSharp;  9 
 10 namespace Collector.Controllers  11 {  12     public class CollectingController : Controller  13  {  14         // GET: Collecting
 15         public ActionResult Index()  16  {  17             return View();  18  }  19 
 20  [HttpPost]  21         public ActionResult Index(CollectionViewModel collectionView)  22  {  23             collectionView = ColllectWithParse(collectionView);  24             return View(collectionView);  25  }  26 
 27         public CollectionViewModel ColllectWithParse(CollectionViewModel collectionView)  28  {  29             if (collectionView == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionView.CollectionUrl))  30  {  31                 return collectionView;  32  }  33             var client = new RestClient(collectionView.CollectionUrl);  34             var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);  35             var response = client.Execute(request);  36             var htmlContent = response.Content;  37             collectionView.ProductViews = ParseProducts(htmlContent);  38             return collectionView;  39  }  40 
 41         public IEnumerable<CollectedProductViewModel> ParseProducts(string productHtmlContent)  42  {  43             var productName = RegexMatchValue(ParseProductPatterns.ProductNamePattern, productHtmlContent);  44             var productCuurency = RegexMatchValue(ParseProductPatterns.ProductCurrencyPattern, productHtmlContent);  45 
 46             var productJson = RegexMatchValue(ParseProductPatterns.ProductJsnPattern, productHtmlContent);  47 
 48             var prodctJsonArray = JArray.Parse(productJson);  49             var products =
 50                 prodctJsonArray.Select(pja =>
 51  {  52                     var colorWithSizeCode = pja["skuPropIds"].ToString().Split(',');  53                     var priceJson = pja["skuVal"];  54                     var skuPrice = priceJson["skuPrice"];  55                     var price = skuPrice == null ? "0" : skuPrice.ToString();  56                     var actSkuPrice = priceJson["actSkuPrice"];  57                     var discountPrice = actSkuPrice == null ? "0" : actSkuPrice.ToString();  58                     return new
 59  {  60                         ColorCode = colorWithSizeCode.First(),  61                         SizeCode = colorWithSizeCode.Last(),  62                         Price = Convert.ToDecimal(price),  63                         DiscountPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(discountPrice),  64  };  65  }).ToList();  66 
 67             var collectedImages = ParseProducImages(productHtmlContent);  68 
 69             var collectedProducts = products.Select(p => new CollectedProductViewModel  70  {  71                 ProductName = productName,  72                 ProductPrice = p.Price,  73                 ProductDiscountPrice = p.DiscountPrice,  74                 ProductCurrency = productCuurency,  75                 ProductColor = SetProductColorWithSize(ParseProductPatterns.ProductColorPattern,p.ColorCode,productHtmlContent),  76                 ProductSize = SetProductColorWithSize(ParseProductPatterns.ProductSizePattern, p.SizeCode, productHtmlContent),  77                 ProductImages = collectedImages  78  }).ToList();  79             return collectedProducts;  80  }  81 
 82         private IEnumerable<CollectedProductImageViewModel> ParseProducImages(string productHtmlContent)  83  {  84             var imagesJson = RegexMatchValue(ParseProductPatterns.ProductImageJsonPattern, productHtmlContent);  85             var imageJsonArray = JArray.Parse(imagesJson);  86 
 87             var images = imageJsonArray.ToObject<List<string>>();  88             return images.Select((t, i) => new CollectedProductImageViewModel  89  {  90                 ImageUrl = t,  91                 Sort = i  92  });  93  }  94 
 95         private string SetProductColorWithSize(string pattern, string colorWithSizeCode,string input)  96  {  97             var newPattern = string.Format(pattern, colorWithSizeCode);  98             return RegexMatchValue(newPattern, input);  99  } 100 
101         private string RegexMatchValue(string pattern, string input, RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline) 102  { 103             var regex = new Regex(pattern, regexOptions); 104             var match = regex.Match(input); 105             return match.Value; 106  } 107  } 108 }
View Code

2.> Collecting->Index 

 1 @model Collector.Models.CollectionViewModel  2 <!DOCTYPE html>
 4 <html>
 5 <head>
 6     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
 7     <title></title>
 8     <!-- CSS goes in the document HEAD or added to your external stylesheet -->
 9     <style type="text/css">
10  table.gridtable {
11  font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
12  font-size: 11px;
13  color: #333333;
14  border-width: 1px;
15  border-color: #666666;
16  border-collapse: collapse;
17         }
19  table.gridtable th {
20  border-width: 1px;
21  padding: 8px;
22  border-style: solid;
23  border-color: #666666;
24  background-color: #dedede;
25             }
27  table.gridtable td {
28  border-width: 1px;
29  padding: 8px;
30  border-style: solid;
31  border-color: #666666;
32  background-color: #ffffff;
33             }
34     </style>
35 </head>
36 <body>
37     <div>
38  @using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Collecting", FormMethod.Post)) 39  { 40             <table>
41                 <tr>
42                     <td>採集地址:</td>
43                     <td>
44  @Html.TextAreaFor(m => m.CollectionUrl, 4, 0, new { style = "width:1500px;" }) 45                     </td>
47                 </tr>
48                 <tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" value="開始採集" /></td></tr>
49             </table>
50  } 51     </div>
52     <div>
53         <table class="gridtable">
54             <thead>
55                 <tr>
56                     <th width="5%">編號</th>
57                     <th width="5%">圖片</th>
58                     <th width="30%">產品名稱</th>
60                     <th width="10%">產品單價</th>
61                     <th width="10%">產品參考單價</th>
62                     <th width="10%">產品幣別</th>
63                     <th width="10%">產品顏色</th>
64                     <th width="10%">產品大小</th>
65                 </tr>
66             </thead>
67             <tbody>
68  @{ 69  var i = 0; 70  if (Model == null || Model.ProductViews == null) 71  { 72  return; 73  } 74  } 75  @foreach (var collectedProduct in Model.ProductViews) 76  { 77                     <tr>
78                         <td align="center">@{i++;}@i</td>
79                         <td><img src="@collectedProduct.ProductImages.FirstOrDefault().ImageUrl" width="60" height="60" /></td>
80                         <td>@collectedProduct.ProductName</td>
81                         <td>@collectedProduct.ProductDiscountPrice</td>
82                         <td>@collectedProduct.ProductPrice</td>
83                         <td>@collectedProduct.ProductCurrency</td>
84                         <td>@collectedProduct.ProductColor</td>
85                         <td>@collectedProduct.ProductSize</td>
86                     </tr>
87  } 88 
89             </tbody>
91         </table>
92     </div>
93 </body>
94 </html>
View Code


二, 測試結果,將MVC項目,部署到IIS,端口號1005,走起看效果。

1. 測試上一篇速賣通產品地址:










