note about set theory

set theory is a system of

what is important is not what a mathematical object is, but what its properties are.orm

(x,y)=(u,v) if only if x=u and y=vci

(x,y)≠(y,x) if x≠yrem

crystalline concept means that it has strong links that relate its properties in a coherent and inevitable

define the properties that a particular formal structure must have and deduce all its other properties by mathematical

Connective Quantifier
AND    all
OR some
XOR if only if



P C ¬P⇒C
t f t
f f f

Such a preliminary result,proved before using them in the proof of a theorem,is called a lemma.import

A corollary is a result that can be deduced very simply from a theorem.object

By self-explanation,you are much more likely to make firmer links in your brain than you would by passively reading one line after another.

The most important defining feature of natural numbers is the possibility of proving theorems using mathematical induction.

Peano Axioms:

  1. not surjective
  2. injective
  3. inductive