from collections import defaultdictpython
import mathapp
class MaxEnt(object):spa
def __init__(self):ip
self.feats = defaultdict(int)get
self.trainset = []input
self.labels = set() it
def load_data(self,file):io
for line in open(file):ast
fields = line.strip().split()function
# at least two columns
if len(fields) < 2: continue
# the first column is label
label = fields[0]
for f in set(fields[1:]):
# (label,f) tuple is feature
self.feats[(label,f)] += 1
def _initparams(self):
self.size = len(self.trainset)
# M param for GIS training algorithm
self.M = max([len(record)-1 for record in self.trainset])
self.ep_ = [0.0]*len(self.feats)
for i,f in enumerate(self.feats):
# calculate feature expectation on empirical distribution
self.ep_[i] = float(self.feats[f])/float(self.size)
# each feature function correspond to id
self.feats[f] = i
# init weight for each feature
self.w = [0.0]*len(self.feats)
self.lastw = self.w
def probwgt(self,features,label):
wgt = 0.0
for f in features:
if (label,f) in self.feats:
wgt += self.w[self.feats[(label,f)]]
return math.exp(wgt)
calculate feature expectation on model distribution
def Ep(self):
ep = [0.0]*len(self.feats)
for record in self.trainset:
features = record[1:]
# calculate p(y|x)
prob = self.calprob(features)
for f in features:
for w,l in prob:
# only focus on features from training data.
if (l,f) in self.feats:
# get feature id
idx = self.feats[(l,f)]
# sum(1/N * f(y,x)*p(y|x)), p(x) = 1/N
ep[idx] += w * (1.0/self.size)
return ep
def _convergence(self,lastw,w):
for w1,w2 in zip(lastw,w):
if abs(w1-w2) >= 0.01:
return False
return True
def train(self, max_iter =1000):
for i in range(max_iter):
print 'iter %d ...'%(i+1)
# calculate feature expectation on model distribution
self.ep = self.Ep()
self.lastw = self.w[:]
for i,win enumerate(self.w):
delta = 1.0/self.M * math.log(self.ep_[i]/self.ep[i])
# update w
self.w[i] += delta
print self.w
# test if the algorithm is convergence
if self._convergence(self.lastw,self.w):
def calprob(self,features):
wgts = [(self.probwgt(features, l),l) for l in self.labels]
Z = sum([ w for w,l in wgts])
prob = [ (w/Z,l) for w,l in wgts]
return prob
def predict(self,input):
features = input.strip().split()
prob = self.calprob(features)
return prob
Outdoor Sunny Happy Dry
Outdoor Sunny Sad Dry
Outdoor Cloudy Happy Humid
Outdoor Cloudy Sad Humid
Indoor Rainy Happy Humid
Indoor Rainy Sad Dry
Indoor Cloudy Sad Humid
Indoor Cloudy Sad Humid
en ipython to run the following commands:
In [11]: import maxent
In [12]: model = maxent.MaxEnt()
In [13]: model.load_data('data/gameLocation.dat')
In [14]: model.train()
In [11]: import maxent
In [12]: model = maxent.MaxEnt()
In [13]: model.load_data('data/gameLocation.dat')
In [14]: model.train()