grep(global search regular expression(RE) and print out the line)全局搜索正則表達式並把行打印。它能使用正則表達式搜索文本,並把匹配的行打印出來。核心在於正則表達式。php
grep -E "" 或 egrep ""
perl正則表達式。Bugbountrytips:One line subdomain discover code。匹配<TD>
curl -fsSL -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:69.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/69.0" "" | sort -n | uniq -c | grep -o -P '(?<=<TD>).*(?=</TD>)' | sed -e '/white-space:normal/d'
mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep 'root' /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
:列出符合匹配內容的文件名稱mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep -l 'root' /etc/passwd /etc/passwd mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep -l 'root' ./1.txt mark@mark-Pc:~$
:只輸出文件中匹配到的部分mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep -o 'root' /etc/passwd root root root
:統計文件或者文本中包含匹配字符串的行數mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep -c 'root' /etc/passwd 1
:輸出包含匹配字符串的行數mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep -n 'root' /etc/passwd 1:root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
表示忽略大小寫mark@mark-Pc:~$ grep "root" ./shell -r -i -n ./shell/ echo 'root' ./shell/ echo 'not root'
指定文件# 在目錄中搜索全部的php和html文件中包含`target`字符串的 grep "target" . -r --include *.{php,html}
sed(stream editor),流編輯器,用程序的方式處理文本。node
:多點編輯,以指定的script來處理文本文件。sed -e "" -e ""
命令替換mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat 1.txt hello name mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "s/name/mark/g" 1.txt hello mark mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "s/l/L/" 1.txt heLlo name mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "s/l/L/g" 1.txt heLLo name
直接修改mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat 1.txt hello name mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed -i "s/name/mark/" 1.txt mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat 1.txt hello mark
mark@mark-Pc:~$ nl pets.txt 1 This is my cat 2 my cat's name is betty 3 This is my dog 4 my dog's name is frank 5 This is my fish 6 my fish's name is george 7 This is my goat 8 my goat's name is adam mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "1,3s/T/t/g" pets.txt this is my cat my cat's name is betty this is my dog my dog's name is frank This is my fish my fish's name is george This is my goat my goat's name is adam
mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat pets.txt This is my cat,my cat's name is betty This is my dog,my dog's name is frank This is my fish,my fish's name is george This is my goat,my goat's name is adam mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "s/m/M/3g" pets.txt This is my cat,my cat's naMe is betty This is my dog,my dog's naMe is frank This is my fish,my fish's naMe is george This is my goat,my goat's naMe is adaM
打印模版塊的行。mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat -n pets.txt 1 This is my cat,my cat's name is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's name is frank 3 This is my fish,my fish's name is george 4 This is my goat,my goat's name is adam mark@mark-Pc:~$ nl pets.txt | sed -n "1,2p" 1 This is my cat,my cat's name is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's name is frank mark@mark-Pc:~$ nl pets.txt | sed -n "s/cat/Cat/p" 1 This is my Cat,my cat's name is betty
在當前行上面插入文本。mark@mark-Pc:~$ nl pets.txt 1 This is my cat,my cat's name is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's name is frank 3 This is my fish,my fish's name is george 4 This is my goat,my goat's name is adam # insert mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "1 i insert test" pets.txt insert test This is my cat,my cat's name is betty This is my dog,my dog's name is frank This is my fish,my fish's name is george This is my goat,my goat's name is adam # append mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "1 a append test" pets.txt This is my cat,my cat's name is betty append test This is my dog,my dog's name is frank This is my fish,my fish's name is george This is my goat,my goat's name is adam # 匹配內容後追加 mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "/cat/a match append test" pets.txt This is my cat,my cat's name is betty match append test This is my dog,my dog's name is frank This is my fish,my fish's name is george This is my goat,my goat's name is adam
# 刪除空白行 sed '/^$/d' # 刪除第2行 sed '2d' # 刪除第2行到末尾 sed '2,$d' # 刪除最後一行 sed '$d'
替換匹配行mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "/cat/c change test" pets.txt change test This is my dog,my dog's name is frank This is my fish,my fish's name is george This is my goat,my goat's name is adam
mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat pets.txt This is my cat,my cat's name is betty This is my dog,my dog's name is frank This is my fish,my fish's name is george This is my goat,my goat's name is adam mark@mark-Pc:~$ sed "s/my/[&]/g" pets.txt This is [my] cat,[my] cat's name is betty This is [my] dog,[my] dog's name is frank This is [my] fish,[my] fish's name is george This is [my] goat,[my] goat's name is adam
awk 'BEGIN{ print "start" } pattern{ commands } END{ print "end" }' file
mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat 0.txt test mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk '{print}' 0.txt test mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk 'BEGIN{ print "Start" } { print } END{ print "End" }' 0.txt Start test End
/etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash account:password:UID:GID:GECOS:directory:shell 用戶名:密碼:用戶ID:組ID:用戶說明:家目錄:登錄以後shell 注意:無密碼只容許本機登錄,遠程不容許登錄
mark@mark-Pc:~$ cat 3.txt mark:x:1000:1000:mark,,,:/home/mark:/bin/bash mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} {print $1,$3,$6}' 3.txt mark 1000 /home/mark mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk -F':' '{print $1,$3,$6}' 3.txt mark 1000 /home/mark mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk -F: '{print $1,$3,$6}' 3.txt mark 1000 /home/mark mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk -F: '{print $1,$3,$6}' OFS="\t" 3.txt mark 1000 /home/mark mark@mark-Pc:~$
mark@mark-Pc:~$ echo 'this is a test' | awk '{print $NF}' test mark@mark-Pc:~$ awk -F ':' '{print NR,$1}' /etc/passwd 1 root 2 daemon 3 bin 4 sys 5 sync
$n 當前記錄的第n個字段,好比n爲1表示第一個字段,n爲2表示第二個字段。 $0 這個變量包含執行過程當中當前行的文本內容。 ARGC 命令行參數的數目。 ARGIND 命令行中當前文件的位置(從0開始算)。 ARGV 包含命令行參數的數組。 CONVFMT 數字轉換格式(默認值爲%.6g)。 ENVIRON 環境變量關聯數組。 ERRNO 最後一個系統錯誤的描述。 FIELDWIDTHS 字段寬度列表(用空格鍵分隔)。 FILENAME 當前輸入文件的名。 FNR 同NR,但相對於當前文件。 FS 字段分隔符(默認是任何空格)。 IGNORECASE 若是爲真,則進行忽略大小寫的匹配。 NF 表示字段數,在執行過程當中對應於當前的字段數。 NR 表示記錄數,在執行過程當中對應於當前的行號。 OFMT 數字的輸出格式(默認值是%.6g)。 OFS 輸出字段分隔符(默認值是一個空格)。 ORS 輸出記錄分隔符(默認值是一個換行符)。 RS 記錄分隔符(默認是一個換行符)。 RSTART 由match函數所匹配的字符串的第一個位置。 RLENGTH 由match函數所匹配的字符串的長度。 SUBSEP 數組下標分隔符(默認值是34)。
mark@mark-Pc:~$ echo 'this is a test' | awk -F ':' '{ print toupper($1) }' THIS IS A TEST
# 檢查uid爲0的用戶 awk -F: '{if ($3==0) print $1}' /etc/passwd
#!/usr/bin/awk #運行前 BEGIN { math = 0 english = 0 computer = 0 printf "NAME NO. MATH ENGLISH COMPUTER TOTAL\n" printf "---------------------------------------------\n" } #運行中 { math+=$3 english+=$4 computer+=$5 printf "%-6s %-6s %4d %8d %8d %8d\n", $1, $2, $3,$4,$5, $3+$4+$5 } #運行後 END { printf "---------------------------------------------\n" printf " TOTAL:%10d %8d %8d \n", math, english, computer printf "AVERAGE:%10.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n", math/NR, english/NR, computer/NR }