// class ReactComponent extends React.Component { // render() { // return <p className="class">Hello React</p>; // } // } // 以上代碼會編譯爲: class ReactComponent extends React.Component { render() { React.createElement( 'p', { className: 'class'}, 'Hello React' ) } } // <ReactComponent someProp="prop" /> React.createElement(ReactComponent, { someProp: 'prop' }, null);
function createElement(type, config, children) { let propName; const props = {}; let key = null; let ref = null; let self = null; let source = null; if (config != null) { if (hasValidRef(config)) { // 若是有ref,將他取出來 ref = config.ref; } if (hasValidKey(config)) { // 若是有key,將他取出來 key = '' + config.key; } self = config.__self === undefined ? null : config.__self; source = config.__source === undefined ? null : config.__source; for (propName in config) { if ( hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName) ) { // 將除ref,key等這些特殊的屬性放到新的props對象裏 props[propName] = config[propName]; } } } // 獲取子元素 const childrenLength = arguments.length - 2; if (childrenLength === 1) { props.children = children; } else if (childrenLength > 1) { const childArray = Array(childrenLength); for (let i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) { childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2]; } props.children = childArray; } // 添加默認props if (type && type.defaultProps) { const defaultProps = type.defaultProps; for (propName in defaultProps) { if (props[propName] === undefined) { props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]; } } } return ReactElement( type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props, ); }
const ReactElement = function(type, key, ref, self, source, owner, props) { // 最終獲得的React元素 const element = { // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE, // Built-in properties that belong on the element type: type, key: key, ref: ref, props: props, // Record the component responsible for creating this element. _owner: owner, }; return element; };
ReactDom.render( React.createElement(App), document.getElementById('root') );
render( element: React$Element<any>, container: DOMContainer, callback: ?Function, ) { return legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer( null, /* 父組件 */ element, /* React元素 */ container, /* DOM容器 */ false, callback, ); }
... root = container._reactRootContainer = legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer( container, forceHydrate, ); ...
const NoWork = 0; { _internalRoot: { current: uninitializedFiber, // null containerInfo: containerInfo, // DOM容器 pendingChildren: null, earliestPendingTime: NoWork, latestPendingTime: NoWork, earliestSuspendedTime: NoWork, latestSuspendedTime: NoWork, latestPingedTime: NoWork, didError: false, pendingCommitExpirationTime: NoWork, finishedWork: null, context: null, pendingContext: null, hydrate, nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn: NoWork, expirationTime: NoWork, firstBatch: null, nextScheduledRoot: null, }, render: (children: ReactNodeList, callback: ?() => mixed) => Work, legacy_renderSubtreeIntoContainer: ( parentComponent: ?React$Component<any, any>, children: ReactNodeList, callback: ?() => mixed ) => Work, createBatch: () => Batch }
DOMRenderer.unbatchedUpdates(() => { if (parentComponent != null) { root.legacy_renderSubtreeIntoContainer( parentComponent, children, callback, ); } else { root.render(children, callback); } });
root.render(children, callback) -> DOMRenderer.updateContainer(children, root, null, work._onCommit) -> updateContainerAtExpirationTime( element, container, parentComponent, expirationTime, callback, ) -> scheduleRootUpdate(current, element, expirationTime, callback) -> scheduleWork(current, expirationTime) -> requestWork(root, rootExpirationTime) -> performWorkOnRoot(root, Sync, false) -> renderRoot(root, false) -> workLoop(isYieldy) -> performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork: Fiber) => Fiber | null -> beginWork(current, workInProgress, nextRenderExpirationTime)
type Fiber = {| tag: TypeOfWork, key: null | string, // The function/class/module associated with this fiber. type: any, return: Fiber | null, // Singly Linked List Tree Structure. child: Fiber | null, sibling: Fiber | null, index: number, ref: null | (((handle: mixed) => void) & {_stringRef: ?string}) | RefObject, memoizedProps: any, // The props used to create the output. updateQueue: UpdateQueue<any> | null, memoizedState: any, mode: TypeOfMode, effectTag: TypeOfSideEffect, nextEffect: Fiber | null, firstEffect: Fiber | null, lastEffect: Fiber | null, expirationTime: ExpirationTime, alternate: Fiber | null, actualDuration?: number, actualStartTime?: number, selfBaseTime?: number, treeBaseTime?: number, _debugID?: number, _debugSource?: Source | null, _debugOwner?: Fiber | null, _debugIsCurrentlyTiming?: boolean, |};
function beginWork( current: Fiber | null, workInProgress: Fiber, renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, ): Fiber | null { if (enableProfilerTimer) { if (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) { markActualRenderTimeStarted(workInProgress); } } if ( workInProgress.expirationTime === NoWork || workInProgress.expirationTime > renderExpirationTime ) { return bailoutOnLowPriority(current, workInProgress); } // 根據組件類型來進行不一樣處理 switch (workInProgress.tag) { case IndeterminateComponent: // 不肯定的組件類型 return mountIndeterminateComponent( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); case FunctionalComponent: // 函數類型的組件 return updateFunctionalComponent(current, workInProgress); case ClassComponent: // 類類型的組件,咱們此次主要看這個 return updateClassComponent( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); case HostRoot: return updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime); case HostComponent: return updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime); case HostText: return updateHostText(current, workInProgress); case TimeoutComponent: return updateTimeoutComponent( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); case HostPortal: return updatePortalComponent( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); case ForwardRef: return updateForwardRef(current, workInProgress); case Fragment: return updateFragment(current, workInProgress); case Mode: return updateMode(current, workInProgress); case Profiler: return updateProfiler(current, workInProgress); case ContextProvider: return updateContextProvider( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); case ContextConsumer: return updateContextConsumer( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); default: invariant( false, 'Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in ' + 'React. Please file an issue.', ); } }
function updateClassComponent( current: Fiber | null, workInProgress: Fiber, renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, ) { const hasContext = pushLegacyContextProvider(workInProgress); let shouldUpdate; if (current === null) { if (workInProgress.stateNode === null) { // 若是還沒建立實例,初始化 constructClassInstance( workInProgress, workInProgress.pendingProps, renderExpirationTime, ); mountClassInstance(workInProgress, renderExpirationTime); shouldUpdate = true; } else { // 若是已經建立實例,則重用實例 shouldUpdate = resumeMountClassInstance( workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); } } else { shouldUpdate = updateClassInstance( current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime, ); } return finishClassComponent( current, workInProgress, shouldUpdate, hasContext, renderExpirationTime, ); }
function constructClassInstance( workInProgress: Fiber, props: any, renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, ): any { const ctor = workInProgress.type; // 咱們傳進去的那個類 const unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress); const needsContext = isContextConsumer(workInProgress); const context = needsContext ? getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext) : emptyContextObject; const instance = new ctor(props, context); // 建立實例 const state = (workInProgress.memoizedState = instance.state !== null && instance.state !== undefined ? instance.state : null); adoptClassInstance(workInProgress, instance); if (needsContext) { cacheContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext, context); } return instance; }
function adoptClassInstance(workInProgress: Fiber, instance: any): void { instance.updater = classComponentUpdater; workInProgress.stateNode = instance; // 將實例賦值給stateNode屬性 }
function mountClassInstance( workInProgress: Fiber, renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, ): void { const ctor = workInProgress.type; const instance = workInProgress.stateNode; const props = workInProgress.pendingProps; const unmaskedContext = getUnmaskedContext(workInProgress); instance.props = props; instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState; instance.refs = emptyRefsObject; instance.context = getMaskedContext(workInProgress, unmaskedContext); let updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue; if (updateQueue !== null) { processUpdateQueue( workInProgress, updateQueue, props, instance, renderExpirationTime, ); instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState; } const getDerivedStateFromProps = workInProgress.type.getDerivedStateFromProps; if (typeof getDerivedStateFromProps === 'function') { // React新的生命週期函數 applyDerivedStateFromProps(workInProgress, getDerivedStateFromProps, props); instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState; } if ( typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromProps !== 'function' && typeof instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate !== 'function' && (typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillMount === 'function' || typeof instance.componentWillMount === 'function') ) { // 若是沒有使用getDerivedStateFromProps而使用componentWillMount,兼容舊版 callComponentWillMount(workInProgress, instance); updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue; if (updateQueue !== null) { processUpdateQueue( workInProgress, updateQueue, props, instance, renderExpirationTime, ); instance.state = workInProgress.memoizedState; } } if (typeof instance.componentDidMount === 'function') { workInProgress.effectTag |= Update; } }
function finishClassComponent( current: Fiber | null, workInProgress: Fiber, shouldUpdate: boolean, hasContext: boolean, renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, ) { markRef(current, workInProgress); const didCaptureError = (workInProgress.effectTag & DidCapture) !== NoEffect; if (!shouldUpdate && !didCaptureError) { if (hasContext) { invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, false); } return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress); } const ctor = workInProgress.type; const instance = workInProgress.stateNode; ReactCurrentOwner.current = workInProgress; let nextChildren; if ( didCaptureError && (!enableGetDerivedStateFromCatch || typeof ctor.getDerivedStateFromCatch !== 'function') ) { nextChildren = null; if (enableProfilerTimer) { stopBaseRenderTimerIfRunning(); } } else { if (__DEV__) { ... } else { // 調用render函數獲取子元素 nextChildren = instance.render(); } } workInProgress.effectTag |= PerformedWork; if (didCaptureError) { reconcileChildrenAtExpirationTime( current, workInProgress, null, renderExpirationTime, ); workInProgress.child = null; } // 把子元素轉換爲Fiber類型 // 若是子元素數量大於一(即爲數組)的時候, // 返回第一個Fiber類型子元素 reconcileChildrenAtExpirationTime( current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderExpirationTime, ); // 處理state memoizeState(workInProgress, instance.state); // 處理props memoizeProps(workInProgress, instance.props); if (hasContext) { invalidateContextProvider(workInProgress, true); } // 返回Fiber類型的子元素給beginWork函數, // 一直返回到workLoop函數(看上面的調用過程) return workInProgress.child; }
function workLoop(isYieldy) { if (!isYieldy) { while (nextUnitOfWork !== null) { // 遍歷整棵虛擬DOM樹 nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork); } } else { while (nextUnitOfWork !== null && !shouldYield()) { // 遍歷整棵虛擬DOM樹 nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork); } if (enableProfilerTimer) { pauseActualRenderTimerIfRunning(); } } }
function performUnitOfWork(workInProgress: Fiber): Fiber | null { const current = workInProgress.alternate; startWorkTimer(workInProgress); let next; if (enableProfilerTimer) { if (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) { startBaseRenderTimer(); } next = beginWork(current, workInProgress, nextRenderExpirationTime); if (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) { recordElapsedBaseRenderTimeIfRunning(workInProgress); stopBaseRenderTimerIfRunning(); } } else { next = beginWork(current, workInProgress, nextRenderExpirationTime); } if (next === null) { next = completeUnitOfWork(workInProgress); } ReactCurrentOwner.current = null; return next; }
function completeUnitOfWork(workInProgress: Fiber): Fiber | null { while (true) { const current = workInProgress.alternate; const returnFiber = workInProgress.return; const siblingFiber = workInProgress.sibling; if ((workInProgress.effectTag & Incomplete) === NoEffect) { // 調用completeWork轉換虛擬DOM let next = completeWork( current, workInProgress, nextRenderExpirationTime, ); stopWorkTimer(workInProgress); resetExpirationTime(workInProgress, nextRenderExpirationTime); if (next !== null) { stopWorkTimer(workInProgress); return next; } // 處理完當前節點後 if (siblingFiber !== null) { // 若是有兄弟節點,則將其返回 return siblingFiber; } else if (returnFiber !== null) { // 沒有兄弟節點而有父節點,則處理父節點 workInProgress = returnFiber; continue; } else { return null; } } else { ... } return null; }
function completeWork( current: Fiber | null, workInProgress: Fiber, renderExpirationTime: ExpirationTime, ): Fiber | null { const newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps; if (enableProfilerTimer) { if (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) { recordElapsedActualRenderTime(workInProgress); } } switch (workInProgress.tag) { ... case HostComponent: { popHostContext(workInProgress); const rootContainerInstance = getRootHostContainer(); const type = workInProgress.type; if (current !== null && workInProgress.stateNode != null) { // 更新屬性 const oldProps = current.memoizedProps; const instance: Instance = workInProgress.stateNode; const currentHostContext = getHostContext(); const updatePayload = prepareUpdate( instance, type, oldProps, newProps, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext, ); updateHostComponent( current, workInProgress, updatePayload, type, oldProps, newProps, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext, ); if (current.ref !== workInProgress.ref) { markRef(workInProgress); } } else { if (!newProps) { ... return null; } const currentHostContext = getHostContext(); let wasHydrated = popHydrationState(workInProgress); if (wasHydrated) { if ( prepareToHydrateHostInstance( workInProgress, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext, ) ) { markUpdate(workInProgress); } } else { // 建立並返回DOM元素 let instance = createInstance( type, newProps, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext, workInProgress, ); // 將此DOM節點添加進父節點 appendAllChildren(instance, workInProgress); if ( finalizeInitialChildren( instance, type, newProps, rootContainerInstance, currentHostContext, ) ) { markUpdate(workInProgress); } workInProgress.stateNode = instance; } if (workInProgress.ref !== null) { // If there is a ref on a host node we need to schedule a callback markRef(workInProgress); } } return null; } ... } }
function createInstance( type: string, props: Props, rootContainerInstance: Container, hostContext: HostContext, internalInstanceHandle: Object, ): Instance { let parentNamespace: string; if (__DEV__) { ... } else { parentNamespace = ((hostContext: any): HostContextProd); } const domElement: Instance = createElement( type, props, rootContainerInstance, parentNamespace, ); precacheFiberNode(internalInstanceHandle, domElement); updateFiberProps(domElement, props); return domElement; }
function createElement( type: string, props: Object, rootContainerElement: Element | Document, parentNamespace: string, ): Element { let isCustomComponentTag; const ownerDocument: Document = getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer( rootContainerElement, ); let domElement: Element; let namespaceURI = parentNamespace; if (namespaceURI === HTML_NAMESPACE) { namespaceURI = getIntrinsicNamespace(type); } if (namespaceURI === HTML_NAMESPACE) { if (type === 'script') { const div = ownerDocument.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '<script><' + '/script>'; // eslint-disable-line const firstChild = ((div.firstChild: any): HTMLScriptElement); domElement = div.removeChild(firstChild); } else if (typeof props.is === 'string') { domElement = ownerDocument.createElement(type, {is: props.is}); } else { domElement = ownerDocument.createElement(type); } } else { domElement = ownerDocument.createElementNS(namespaceURI, type); } return domElement; }