Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.python
Given "abcabcbb"
, the answer is "abc"
, which the length is 3.code
Given "bbbbb"
, the answer is "b"
, with the length of 1.string
Given "pwwkew"
, the answer is "wke"
, with the length of 3. Note that the answer must be a substring, "pwke"
is a subsequence and not a
class Solution(object): def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s): l = list(s) if len(s)==0: return 0 elif len(s)==1: return 1 tmp = [] result = [] for i in l: if i not in tmp: tmp.append(i) result.append(len(tmp)) else: result.append(len(tmp)) index = tmp.index(i) while index>=0: tmp.pop(index) index = index -1 tmp.append(i) if len(result)<=0: result.append(len(l)) return max(result)