#include<netinet/in.h> struct in_addr { in_addr_t s_addr; //32-bit IPv4 address,BE }; struct sockaddr_in { uint8_t sin_len; //該結構長度 16-bit sa_family_t sin_family; //AF_INET in_port_t sin_port; //端口號 struct in_addr sin_addr; //32-bit IP地址 char sin_zero[8]; //保留 };
#include<netdb.h> #include<sys/socket.h> //經過域名獲取IP地址 struct hostent *gethostbyname(const char *name); /* name:域名,eg:"www.baidu.com" */ //經過二進制的IP地址找到對應的域名 struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(const void *addr, socklen_t len, int type); /* addr:二進制ip len:ip長度,對於IPv4是4 type:AF_INET */ struct hostent { char *h_name; /* official name of host */ char **h_aliases; /* alias list */ int h_addrtype; /* host address type */ int h_length; /* length of address */ char **h_addr_list; /* list of addresses */ } /* char* 字符串都是以 '\0' 結束的 char** 字符串指針都是以 NULL 結束的 */ //ip地址格式轉換 #include <arpa/inet.h> //點分十進制轉換爲數值形式 int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst); /* af: AF_INET/AF_INET6,對應IPv4/IPv6 src: 點分十進制字符串,eg: "" dst: 存放轉換結果的,對應解析爲 0x0000FFFF,大端 返回:成功,1;src無效,0;出錯,-1; */ //數值形式轉換爲點分十進制形式 const char *inet_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, socklen_t size); /* src:網絡字節序,二進制形式,eg: 0x0000ffff dst:存放轉換結果,點分十進制字符串 size:指定字符串長度 返回:成功,dst;出錯,NULL */ //主機字節序和網絡字節序轉換 #include <arpa/inet.h> uint32_t htonl(uint32_t hostlong); uint16_t htons(uint16_t hostshort); uint32_t ntohl(uint32_t netlong); uint16_t ntohs(uint16_t netshort);
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<netdb.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> void printHostent(struct hostent *p) { printf("%s\n",p->h_name); char **q=p->h_aliases; while(*q!=NULL){ printf("%s\n",*q); ++q; } printf("%d %d\n",p->h_addrtype,p->h_length); q=p->h_addr_list; char str[16]; while(*q!=NULL){ printf("%s\n",inet_ntop(AF_INET,*q,str,16)); //printf("%s\n",str); ++q; } } int main() { printf("struct hostent of www.baidu.com:\n"); char *host="www.baidu.com"; struct hostent *p=gethostbyname(host); if(p==NULL) printf("gethostbyname failed\n"); else printHostent(p); printf("\npresentation ip---numeric ip\n"); unsigned int a; inet_pton(AF_INET,"",&a); printf("numeric ip network byte order: %x\n",a); printf("host byte order: %x\n",ntohl(a)); char str[16]; inet_ntop(AF_INET,&a,str,16); printf("presentation ip: %s\n",str); }