[DPI][suricata] suricata 配置使用


前文: [DPI] suricata-4.0.3 安裝部署html


至此, 咱們已經擁有了suricata能夠運行的環境了.linux

接下來,咱們來研究一下它的功能, 首先,分析一下配置文件: bash


能夠結合着默認配置文件的內容,同時讀它的描述文檔: http://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration/suricata-yaml.htmltcp


快速瀏覽一遍配置以後, 基本上也就瞭解了suricata的主要功能. 配置項很豐富, 能力也很強大, 最簡單快速的能夠提供一個主管感覺的方法,就是先打開http記錄功能.測試


而後重啓,會發現, 多個一個日誌文件   /suricata/var/log/suricata/http.logui


[root@suricata ~]# wget -q www.baidu.com [root@suricata ~]#



[root@suricata suricata]# cat /suricata/var/log/suricata/http.log 02/08/2018-10:23:02.035401 www.baidu.com[**]/[**]Wget/1.14 (linux-gnu)[**] ->
02/08/2018-10:23:05.893547 www.baidu.com[**]/[**]Wget/1.14 (linux-gnu)[**] -> [root@suricata suricata]# 


其餘高級用法,能夠結合文檔, 嘗試着進行修改測試, 慢慢熟悉.


另外, suricata有很是多的運行模式, 詳見文檔, 不作贅述

[root@suricata ~]# /suricata/usr/bin/suricata --list-runmodes ------------------------------------- Runmodes ------------------------------------------                                                                                                    
| RunMode Type      | Custom Mode       | Description |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                    
| PCAP_DEV          | single            | Single threaded pcap live mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                    
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded pcap live mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "pcap_live_auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                    
|                   | workers           | Workers pcap live mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                    
| PCAP_FILE         | single            | Single threaded pcap file mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded pcap file mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "pcap-file-auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| PFRING(DISABLED)  | autofp            | Multi threaded pfring mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "pfring_auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | single            | Single threaded pfring mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers pfring mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| NFQ               | autofp            | Multi threaded NFQ IPS mode with respect to flow |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Multi queue NFQ IPS mode with one thread per queue |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| NFLOG             | autofp            | Multi threaded nflog mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | single            | Single threaded nflog mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers nflog mode |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| IPFW              | autofp            | Multi threaded IPFW IPS mode with respect to flow |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Multi queue IPFW IPS mode with one thread per queue |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| ERF_FILE          | single            | Single threaded ERF file mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded ERF file mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| ERF_DAG           | autofp            | Multi threaded DAG mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread, unlike "dag_auto" where packets from the same flow can be processed by any detect thread |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | single            | Singled threaded DAG mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers DAG mode, each thread does all  tasks from acquisition to logging |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| AF_PACKET_DEV     | single            | Single threaded af-packet mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers af-packet mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi socket AF_PACKET mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| NETMAP(DISABLED)  | single            | Single threaded netmap mode |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | workers           | Workers netmap mode, each thread does all tasks from acquisition to logging |                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|                   | autofp            | Multi threaded netmap mode.  Packets from each flow are assigned to a single detect thread. |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [root@suricata ~]#


Detection-engine部分對規則引擎相關部分的講解,值得詳細的讀一下, 能夠幫助理解規則組織結構的內部實現.




修改配置文件,增長一個規則文件 my.rules

[root@suricata suricata]# grep -A 1 rule-files suricata.yaml rule-files: - my.rules [root@suricata suricata]# cat rules/my.rules  
alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg: "http test";)
[root@suricata suricata]#


重啓suricata以後,作一條http訪問, 將能在fast.log中,看見這條規則被命中.

[root@suricata suricata]# tailf /suricata/var/log/suricata/fast.log 02/08/2018-15:48:48.265375  [**] [1:0:0] http test [**] [Classification: (null)] [Priority: 3] {TCP} ->


至此,基本前期準備已經完成, 接下來就是去讀源碼了.....


題外: 裝個splunk看一下, 結合suricata作分析,看一下.

安裝手冊: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SplunkLight/7.0.2/Installation/InstallonLinux


To follow these installation instructions, replace splunk_package_name.tgz with the name of the installer package you downloaded. 1. Move the .tgz file to the directory you want to install Splunk Light. For example, to install it into /opt/splunk, use: mv splunk_package_name.tgz /opt/splunk 2. In the installation directory, use the tar command to expand the file. tar xvzf splunk_package_name.tgz 3. Start Splunk Light. splunk start --accept-license


登陸: http://suricata:8000

配置也很簡單,都是圖像化操做, data input設置成 fast.log就行了.



我想說, 這不就是個日誌分析工具麼?

我更喜歡,grep+sed+bash+awk  --!!!! 
