

寧靜以至遠,淡薄以明志. css

對於我的來講,須要超越的永遠是本身。要認可別人的長處,作最好的本身。 html

They should be more than one solution to resolve the problem, if we only see one single solution, it may be because we are not really understand the problem. And we should respect each solution to avoid unneccessary argument. For example, there are so many IDE available for the Android development, (Eclipse, and Android Studio), and we should choose the most suitable one to use based on our situation, undstanding of the IDE. ide

We should try to keep the class as simple as possible, as clean as possible. When do the design/implementation, we should identify the responsibility, and try to ensure each class have only one responsibility. ui

Post by: Jalen Wang (תÔØÇë×¢Ã÷³ö´¦)spa
