實現Runnable接口的線程類與一個缺陷,就是在任務執行完以後沒法取得任務的返回值。 若是須要獲取執行結果,就必須經過共享變量或者使用線程通訊的方式來達到效果,這樣使用起來就比較麻煩 。因此,從JDK 1.5開始,java提供了Callable接口,該接口和Runnable接口相相似,提供了一個call()方法能夠做爲線程的執行體,可是call()方法要比run()方法更爲強大:# call()方法能夠有返回值;# call()方法能夠聲明拋出異常。那麼使用callable接口是如何獲取返回值的呢?html
public interface Runnable { public abstract void run(); }
Runnable接口中只包含一個抽象方法run()返回值爲void, 因此在執行完任務以後沒法返回任何結果。接下來咱們能夠看看Callable接口編程
public interface Callable<V> { /** * Computes a result, or throws an exception if unable to do so. * * @return computed result * @throws Exception if unable to compute a result */ V call() throws Exception; }
這是一個泛型接口,call()函數返回的類型就是傳遞進來的V類型。 那麼該如何使用Callable接口呢?Callable接口不是Runnable接口的子接口,因此Callable對象不能直接做爲Thread的target去運行;並且call方法還有返回值--call()方法並非直接調用。併發
/** * Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a * Future representing the pending results of the task. The * Future's <tt>get</tt> method will return the task's result upon * successful completion. */ <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task); /** * Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future * representing that task. The Future's <tt>get</tt> method will * return the given result upon successful completion. */ <T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T result); /** * Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future * representing that task. The Future's <tt>get</tt> method will * return <tt>null</tt> upon <em>successful</em> completion. */ Future<?> submit(Runnable task);
通常狀況下咱們使用第一個submit方法和第三個submit方法,第二個submit方法不多使用 。spa
這裏提一下ExecutorService的submit與execute方法的區別:ExecutorService的submit與execute方法都能執行任務,但在使用過程,發現其對待run方法拋出的異常處理方式不同。二者執行任務最後都會經過Executor的execute方法來執行,但對於submit,會將runnable物件包裝成FutureTask,其run方法會捕捉被包裝的Runnable Object的run方法拋出的Throwable異常,待submit方法所返回的的Future Object調用get方法時,將執行任務時捕獲的Throwable Object包裝成java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException來拋出。
Future類位於java.util.concurrent包下 :htm
public interface Future<V> { boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning); boolean isCancelled(); boolean isDone(); V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException; V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException; }
public class FutureTask<V> implements RunnableFuture<V>
public interface RunnableFuture<V> extends Runnable, Future<V> { void run(); }
public FutureTask(Callable<V> callable) { } public FutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) { }
1.使用Callable+Future獲取執行結果 :
public class CallableTest implements Callable<String>{ private int id; public CallableTest(int ThreadId){ id = ThreadId; } public String call(){ return "knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead " + id; } public static void main(String[] args) { ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); ArrayList<Future<String>> results = new ArrayList<Future<String>>(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ results.add(exec.submit(new CallableTest(i))); } for(Future<String> fs : results){ try { System.out.println(fs.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ exec.shutdown(); } } } }
knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 0 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 1 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 2 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 3 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 4 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 5 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 6 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 7 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 8 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 9
2.使用Callable+FutureTask獲取執行結果 :
public class CallableTest implements Callable<String>{ private int id; public CallableTest(int ThreadId){ id = ThreadId; } public String call(){ return "knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead " + id; } public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<FutureTask<String>> results = new ArrayList<FutureTask<String>>(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ FutureTask<String> ft = new FutureTask<>(new CallableTest(i)); new Thread(ft).start(); results.add(ft); } for(Future<String> fs : results){ try { System.out.println(fs.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 0 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 1 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 2 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 3 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 4 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 5 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 6 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 7 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 8 knock knock,who's there ? This is Thead 9
能夠看到,使用FutureTask對象來獲取返回結果的時候,該對象能夠做爲Thread中的target對象,因此能夠不使用 ExecutorService
來提交任務(實際上ExecutorService可能要比new Thread().start()方式要慢一點