the (default) that Robby useshtml
The rest of the themes, in alphabetical order:linux
Shown with Solarized Dark colorscheme and Powerline-patched Menlo 14pt in iTerm 2.github
Additional setup:shell
in ~/.zshrc
to your regular username to hide the 「user@hostname」 info when you’re logged in as yourself on your local machine.Shown in the screenshot with tmux and the powerline plugin (you might need to install one of the patched powerline fonts for it to look the same).ruby
Additional setup: Set up Solarized.less
To use: In the right prompt you see git status and (if you use nvm) the Node.js version. (I’m using the Solarized color scheme in this screenshot.)ssh
Additional setup: Get this small fix if you don’t have it yet. (Fix was pulled into robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh on 2011-01-08.)ide
a skinny, topless promptthis
The fish shell prompt with git support
Has git and vi-command mode support (when enabled)
Totally ripped off Dallas theme
(As the name states, this only works on linux.)
also tells you when logged in over ssh
(Shown with Solarized Dark colorscheme.)
exit status if nonzero, status & branch if git, pwd
Lightweight prompt with exit status and git status
consistent mode line
git status, git branch, and ruby, all in a no muss, no fuss prompt! Works with RVM, chruby, and rbenv (just activate the corresponding plugin).
username, host, directory, git branch and rvm gemset
There is a party every day.
Minimal, informative when it needs to be.
Based on dst, plus a lightning bolt and return codes.
Instructions to further customize the theme are available as comments in the theme file.
Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful.Tested on Linux, Unix and Windows under ANSI colors. It is recommended to use with a dark background.
You can find more themes here.