默認狀況下禁用文件傳輸,但啓用文件傳輸後,RDP用戶能夠將文件傳輸到持久存在於Guacamole服務器上的虛擬驅動器。經過將此參數設置爲「true」來啓用文件傳輸支持。文件將存儲在由「 drive-path」參數指定的目錄中,若是啓用了文件傳輸,則該參數是必需的。github
若是設置爲「true」,而且啓用了文件傳輸,drive-path指定的目錄將自動建立。將只建立路徑中的最終目錄 - 若是路徑以前的其餘目錄不存在,則自動建立將失敗,並會記錄錯誤。默認狀況下,該drive-path參數指定的目錄 將不會自動建立,而且嘗試將文件傳輸到不存在的目錄將被記錄爲錯誤。
enable-drive = true drive-path = '/yourpath' create-drive-path = true
在瀏覽器登陸到堡壘機,能夠看到設備和驅動裏面多了一個guacamole RDP驅動源碼分析
咱們看到的guacamole RDP,指向的是guacamole服務器的 /yourpath文件夾,你把文件拖動到這個驅動下,就把文件上傳到guacamole服務器的 /yourpath目錄下了,接下來咱們能夠經過瀏覽器下載guacamole服務器的文件,這個須要本身去實現。特別注意,發現有個download文件夾,默認存在而且不能刪除掉,做用就是你在堡壘機上操做把文件拖進去,會向瀏覽器發送file命令(以下圖所示),而後咱們能夠在cilent端進行監聽,而後實現拖動自動下載。
/** * Handlers for all instruction opcodes receivable by a Guacamole protocol * client. * @private */ var instructionHandlers = { ...其它指令 "file": function(parameters) { //處理參數 var stream_index = parseInt(parameters[0]); var mimetype = parameters[1]; var filename = parameters[2]; // Create stream if (guac_client.onfile) { //這裏根據index獲得了輸入流的抽象,注意下InputStream方法 var stream = streams[stream_index] = new Guacamole.InputStream(guac_client, stream_index); //建立完流以後,調用了client的onfile方法,而且把參數傳遞過去,咱們須要在client的onfile方法裏面處理輸入的流。 guac_client.onfile(stream, mimetype, filename); } // Otherwise, unsupported else guac_client.sendAck(stream_index, "File transfer unsupported", 0x0100); }, ...其它指令 }
/** * An input stream abstraction used by the Guacamole client to facilitate * transfer of files or other binary data. * * @constructor * @param {Guacamole.Client} client The client owning this stream. * @param {Number} index The index of this stream. */ Guacamole.InputStream = function(client, index) { /** * Reference to this stream. * @private */ var guac_stream = this; /** * The index of this stream. * @type {Number} */ this.index = index; /** * Called when a blob of data is received. * * @event * @param {String} data The received base64 data. */ this.onblob = null; /** * Called when this stream is closed. * * @event */ this.onend = null; /** * Acknowledges the receipt of a blob. * * @param {String} message A human-readable message describing the error * or status. * @param {Number} code The error code, if any, or 0 for success. */ this.sendAck = function(message, code) { client.sendAck(guac_stream.index, message, code); }; };
client.onfile = function(stream, mimetype, filename){ //通知服務端,已經收到了stream stream.sendAck('OK', Guacamole.Status.Code.SUCCESS); //開始處理輸入流,這裏封裝了一個downloadFile方法 downloadFile(stream, mimetype, filename); }
downloadFile = (stream, mimetype, filename) => { //拿到的流不能直接使用,先實例化一個處理器,使用blob reader處理數據 var blob_builder; if (window.BlobBuilder) blob_builder = new BlobBuilder(); else if (window.WebKitBlobBuilder) blob_builder = new WebKitBlobBuilder(); else if (window.MozBlobBuilder) blob_builder = new MozBlobBuilder(); else blob_builder = new (function() { var blobs = []; /** @ignore */ this.append = function(data) { blobs.push(new Blob([data], {"type": mimetype})); }; /** @ignore */ this.getBlob = function() { return new Blob(blobs, {"type": mimetype}); }; })(); // Append received blobs stream.onblob = function(data) { // Convert to ArrayBuffer var binary = window.atob(data); var arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(binary.length); var bufferView = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); for (var i=0; i<binary.length; i++) bufferView[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i); //收到後就交給blob_builder blob_builder.append(arrayBuffer); length += arrayBuffer.byteLength; // Send success response stream.sendAck("OK", 0x0000); }; stream.onend = function(){ //結束的時候,獲取blob_builder裏面的可用數據 var blob_data = blob_builder.getBlob(); //數據傳輸完成後進行下載等處理 if(mimetype.indexOf('stream-index+json') != -1){ //若是是文件夾,使用filereader讀取blob數據,能夠得到該文件夾下的文件和目錄的名稱和類型,是一個json形式 var blob_reader = new FileReader(); blob_reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() { let folder_content = JSON.parse(blob_reader.result) //從新組織當前文件目錄,appendFileItem是本身封裝的文件系統動態展現 appendFileItem(folder_content) $("#header_title").text(filename); }); blob_reader.readAsBinaryString(blob_data); } else { //若是是文件,直接下載,可是須要解決個問題,就是如何下載blob數據 //借鑑了https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js這個庫 var file_arr = filename.split("/"); var download_file_name = file_arr[file_arr.length - 1]; saveAs(blob_data, download_file_name); } } }