Chapter 2 JavaScript Basic

Has 5 primitive types: Undefined, Null, Boolean, String,


typeof  operatoride

Undefined return undefinedui

Null return objectthis

Boolean return booleanprototype

String return stringorm

Number return numberip


Null returns object, this is an error in the original JS. Today, null is considered a placeholder for an object,  even though, it is a primitive


The Undefined Typestring

Use typeof with Object undefined, it also give "undefined", like the variables defined but not


The Null Type

alert(null == undefined);  //outputs "true"

Even though this is equal, they have different meanings.


The Boolean Type

true false


The Number Type

Number can present 32-bit integer and 64-bit floating point value.

Define floating-point value, you should use like: var fNum = 5.0; This will stored as string, and converted to number until calculation.

e-notion:  var fNum = 3.125e7, fNum2=3.125e-7;




Function isFinite(value) returns Boolean


NaN: When convert from other type and failed, the number value is NaN, can't calculate.

alert(NaN == NaN);  //outputs "false"

Function isNaN(value) returns Boolean


The String Type






Converting to a string

Booleans, numbers, strings are pseudo-objects.

All objects, include   pseudo-objects, all have toString().

Boolean:   true  false


var num = 10;

alert(num.toString());   //10

alert(num.toString(2)); // 1010

alert(num.toString(16)); // A


Converting to a number

parseInt():  validate the character in position 0 and determines if this is a valid number, if it isn't , return NaN, else continue untile a character isn't a valid number, and parse the part of valid.

var iNum1 = parseInt("123blue"); //returns 123

var iNum1 = parseInt("22.5"); //returns 22, decimal point is not valid

var iNum2 = parseInt("10", 2) ;//returns 2

var iNum3 = parseInt("0XA");//returns 10

var iNum4 = parseInt("010");//returns 8

var iNum5 = parseInt("010", 10);//returns 10


parseFloat(): if have more than one decimal point, all are invalid except the first one. No radix mode.

var iNum1 = parseFloat("12.34.56"); //returns 12.34

var iNum2 = parseInt("123blue"); //returns 123.0

var iNum3 = parseInt("010");//returns 10

var iNum4 = parseInt("0XA");//returns NaN


Type Casting


String with at least one character, a number other than 0, or an object: return true;

Empty string, the number 0, undefined or null, return false.



Works similar to parseInt() & parseFloat(), except that it converts the entire value.



Like toString(), but can produce a string for a null or undefined value without error.

var s1 = String(null);   //"null"

var oNull = null;

var s2 = oNull.toString();  //won't work



Reference Types

ECMAScript doesn't have classes in the traditional sense. ECMAScript defines "object definitions" that are logically equivalent to classes in other programming languages.


The Object class

Like the java.lang.Object in java.













The Boolean Class

var oFalseObject = new Boolean(false);

Var bResult = oFalseObject  && true;    //outputs true


Because all objects converted to true.



The Number class

toFixed(), toFixed(n): returns a string representation of a number with a specified number of decimal points.      0 <= n <= 20

toExponential(n): returns a string with the number formatted in e-notation.


var oNumberObject = new Number(99);

alert(oNumberObject .toPrecision(1));  //outputs "1e+2"

alert(oNumberObject .toPrecision(2));  //outputs "99"

alert(oNumberObject .toPrecision(3));  //outputs "99.0"



The String class

The String class has length property.

charAt(): returns a string containing the character in that position.

