1. 編譯PHP源碼 2. 擴展結構、優缺點 3. 使用PHP原生擴展框架wizard ext_skel編寫擴展 4. 編譯安裝VLD 5. Debug調試VLD 6. VLD源碼分析 7. 嵌入式Embed SAPI編程
1. 編譯PHP源碼html
wget tar -zvzf php-5.5.31.tar.gz //爲了儘快獲得能夠測試的環境,咱們僅編譯一個最精簡的PHP。經過執行 ./configure –disable-all來進行配置。 之後若是須要其餘功能能夠從新編譯。若是configure命令出現錯誤,多是缺乏PHP所依賴的庫,各個系統的環境可能不同。 出現錯誤可根據出錯信息上網搜索。 直到完成configure。configure完成後咱們就能夠開始編譯 ./configure --enable-debug --enable-tokenizer /* apt-get install -y libxml2 */ make //運行編譯後PHP ./sapi/cli/php -v //install NetBeans chmod 777 ./* ./ ./configure CC=${IDE_CC} CXX=${IDE_CXX} CFLAGS="-g3 -gdwarf-2" CXXFLAGS="-g3 -gdwarf-2" --disable-all --enable-debug --enable-tokenizer
Relevant Link:node
2. 擴展結構、優缺點linux
0x1: C/C++擴展PHP的優勢web
1. 效率 減小PHP腳本的複雜度,極端狀況下,你只須要在PHP腳本中,簡單的調用一個擴展實現的函數,而後全部的功能都就被擴展實現 2. 與外部的庫作交互 好比你有一個C/C++的庫, 不妨假設,這個庫呢就是實現了一個字符串加密和解密,而你並無這個庫的源碼,也就是說,你沒法把這個庫在PHP中實現,那麼你只有編寫一個PHP擴展,來作爲一個橋樑,鏈接起你的PHP和這個庫 3. 複用Zend的詞法/語法處理邏輯 在特殊領域的應用,例如WEBSHELL檢測中,經過擴展Hook機制實現Token AST樹的獲取,而後在此基礎上進行語法還原、和語法層面模擬執行
0x2: 缺點shell
1. 開發複雜 2. 可維護性下降 開發週期變長, 最簡單的一個例子,當你用PHP腳本的時候, 若是你發現某個判斷條件出錯,你只要修改了這一行,保存,那麼就馬上能見效。而若是是在C/C++編寫的PHP擴展中, 那你可須要,修改源碼,從新編譯,而後從新load進PHP,而後重啓Apache,才能見效
0x3: 擴展框架的基礎結構編程
root@ubuntu1204-virtual-machine:/home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext# cd helloworld/ root@ubuntu1204-virtual-machine:/home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext/helloworld# ll total 44 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 27 16:10 ./ drwxr-xr-x 80 ubuntu1204 ubuntu1204 4096 Jan 27 16:10 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2178 Jan 27 16:10 config.m4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 324 Jan 27 16:10 config.w32 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 Jan 27 16:10 CREDITS -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 27 16:10 EXPERIMENTAL -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5296 Jan 27 16:10 helloworld.c -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 514 Jan 27 16:10 helloworld.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2962 Jan 27 16:10 php_helloworld.h -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16 Jan 27 16:10 .svnignore drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 27 16:10 tests/
1. helloworld.cubuntu
/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 5 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "php_helloworld.h" /* If you declare any globals in php_helloworld.h uncomment this: ZEND_DECLARE_MODULE_GLOBALS(helloworld) */ /* True global resources - no need for thread safety here */ static int le_helloworld; /* {{{ helloworld_functions[] * * Every user visible function must have an entry in helloworld_functions[]. */ const zend_function_entry helloworld_functions[] = { PHP_FE(confirm_helloworld_compiled, NULL) /* For testing, remove later. */ PHP_FE_END /* Must be the last line in helloworld_functions[] */ }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ helloworld_module_entry */ zend_module_entry helloworld_module_entry = { #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901 STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, #endif "helloworld", helloworld_functions, PHP_MINIT(helloworld), PHP_MSHUTDOWN(helloworld), PHP_RINIT(helloworld), /* Replace with NULL if there's nothing to do at request start */ PHP_RSHUTDOWN(helloworld), /* Replace with NULL if there's nothing to do at request end */ PHP_MINFO(helloworld), #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901 PHP_HELLOWORLD_VERSION, #endif STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; /* }}} */ #ifdef COMPILE_DL_HELLOWORLD ZEND_GET_MODULE(helloworld) #endif /* {{{ PHP_INI */ /* Remove comments and fill if you need to have entries in php.ini PHP_INI_BEGIN() STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("helloworld.global_value", "42", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateLong, global_value, zend_helloworld_globals, helloworld_globals) STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("helloworld.global_string", "foobar", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateString, global_string, zend_helloworld_globals, helloworld_globals) PHP_INI_END() */ /* }}} */ /* {{{ php_helloworld_init_globals */ /* Uncomment this function if you have INI entries static void php_helloworld_init_globals(zend_helloworld_globals *helloworld_globals) { helloworld_globals->global_value = 0; helloworld_globals->global_string = NULL; } */ /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(helloworld) { /* If you have INI entries, uncomment these lines REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); */ return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION */ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(helloworld) { /* uncomment this line if you have INI entries UNREGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); */ return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* Remove if there's nothing to do at request start */ /* {{{ PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION */ PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(helloworld) { return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* Remove if there's nothing to do at request end */ /* {{{ PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION */ PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(helloworld) { return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION */ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(helloworld) { php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_header(2, "helloworld support", "enabled"); php_info_print_table_end(); /* Remove comments if you have entries in php.ini DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES(); */ } /* }}} */ /* Remove the following function when you have successfully modified config.m4 so that your module can be compiled into PHP, it exists only for testing purposes. */ /* Every user-visible function in PHP should document itself in the source */ /* {{{ proto string confirm_helloworld_compiled(string arg) Return a string to confirm that the module is compiled in */ PHP_FUNCTION(confirm_helloworld_compiled) { char *arg = NULL; int arg_len, len; char *strg; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &arg, &arg_len) == FAILURE) { return; } len = spprintf(&strg, 0, "Congratulations! You have successfully modified ext/%.78s/config.m4. Module %.78s is now compiled into PHP.", "helloworld", arg); RETURN_STRINGL(strg, len, 0); } /* }}} */ /* The previous line is meant for vim and emacs, so it can correctly fold and unfold functions in source code. See the corresponding marks just before function definition, where the functions purpose is also documented. Please follow this convention for the convenience of others editing your code. */ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4 */
zend_parse_parameters(int num_args TSRMLS_DC, char *type_spec, ...); 1. num_args: 傳遞給函數的參數個數。一般的作法是傳給它ZEND_NUM_ARGS(),這是一個表示傳遞給函數參數總個數的宏。 2. TSRMLS_DC: 爲了線程安全,老是傳遞TSRMLS_CC宏 3. *type_spec: 是一個字符串,指定了函數指望的參數類型 4. ...: 須要隨參數值更新的變量列表,是一個變長數量參數傳遞
2. config.m4
dnl $Id$ dnl config.m4 for extension helloworld //在m4中,dnl表示註釋,若是須要啓用對應配置項,則刪除行首的dnl便可 dnl Comments in this file start with the string 'dnl'. dnl Remove where necessary. This file will not work dnl without editing. dnl If your extension references something external, use with: /* with說明了,要啓用這個模塊,必需要的先決條件,也就是說這個模塊依賴於某些其餘模塊 */ dnl PHP_ARG_WITH(helloworld, for helloworld support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --with-helloworld Include helloworld support]) dnl Otherwise use enable: /* 這段指令建立了一個configure時的參數「enable-example」, 第二個參數會顯示在當configure處理到這個模塊的configure文件的時候。第三個參數,會在用戶輸入./configurehelp的時候,做爲一個可選的選項被顯示 即至關於: ./configure --enable-helloworld */ dnl PHP_ARG_ENABLE(helloworld, whether to enable helloworld support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --enable-helloworld Enable helloworld support]) if test "$PHP_HELLOWORLD" != "no"; then dnl Write more examples of tests here... dnl # --with-helloworld -> check with-path dnl SEARCH_PATH="/usr/local /usr" # you might want to change this dnl SEARCH_FOR="/include/helloworld.h" # you most likely want to change this dnl if test -r $PHP_HELLOWORLD/$SEARCH_FOR; then # path given as parameter dnl HELLOWORLD_DIR=$PHP_HELLOWORLD dnl else # search default path list dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING([for helloworld files in default path]) dnl for i in $SEARCH_PATH ; do dnl if test -r $i/$SEARCH_FOR; then dnl HELLOWORLD_DIR=$i dnl AC_MSG_RESULT(found in $i) dnl fi dnl done dnl fi dnl dnl if test -z "$HELLOWORLD_DIR"; then dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([Please reinstall the helloworld distribution]) dnl fi dnl # --with-helloworld -> add include path dnl PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($HELLOWORLD_DIR/include) dnl # --with-helloworld -> check for lib and symbol presence dnl LIBNAME=helloworld # you may want to change this dnl LIBSYMBOL=helloworld # you most likely want to change this /* 在庫library中查找第二個參數是否存在(這裏是AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HELLOWORLDLIB,1,[ ])),若是存在則這個宏會被展開成found,不然not-found; */ dnl PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY($LIBNAME,$LIBSYMBOL, dnl [ dnl PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH($LIBNAME, $HELLOWORLD_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR, HELLOWORLD_SHARED_LIBADD) dnl AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HELLOWORLDLIB,1,[ ]) dnl ],[ dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([wrong helloworld lib version or lib not found]) dnl ],[ dnl -L$HELLOWORLD_DIR/$PHP_LIBDIR -lm dnl ]) dnl dnl PHP_SUBST(HELLOWORLD_SHARED_LIBADD) /* 這個就是對AC_DEFUN簡單包裝,最終會被展開成: #define what value */ dnl PHP_DEFINE(what, [value]) /* 若是你的擴展是使用C++編寫,那麼你就必須使用這個宏,來告訴編譯器使用C++編譯器。這個宏會被展開成 AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CXXCPP */ dnl PHP_REQURE_CXX PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(helloworld, helloworld.c, $ext_shared) fi
用來在發佈你的擴展的時候附加一些其餘信息 ,好比等等
4. helloworld.php
<?php $br = (php_sapi_name() == "cli")? "":"<br>"; if(!extension_loaded('helloworld')) { dl('helloworld.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX); } $module = 'helloworld'; $functions = get_extension_funcs($module); echo "Functions available in the test extension:$br\n"; foreach($functions as $func) { echo $func."$br\n"; } echo "$br\n"; $function = 'confirm_' . $module . '_compiled'; if (extension_loaded($module)) { $str = $function($module); } else { $str = "Module $module is not compiled into PHP"; } echo "$str\n"; ?>
5. php_helloworld.h
/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 5 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* $Id$ */ #ifndef PHP_HELLOWORLD_H #define PHP_HELLOWORLD_H extern zend_module_entry helloworld_module_entry; #define phpext_helloworld_ptr &helloworld_module_entry #define PHP_HELLOWORLD_VERSION "0.1.0" /* Replace with version number for your extension */ #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_HELLOWORLD_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_HELLOWORLD_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_HELLOWORLD_API #endif #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(helloworld); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(helloworld); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(helloworld); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(helloworld); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(helloworld); PHP_FUNCTION(confirm_helloworld_compiled); /* For testing, remove later. */ /* Declare any global variables you may need between the BEGIN and END macros here: ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(helloworld) long global_value; char *global_string; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(helloworld) */ /* In every utility function you add that needs to use variables in php_helloworld_globals, call TSRMLS_FETCH(); after declaring other variables used by that function, or better yet, pass in TSRMLS_CC after the last function argument and declare your utility function with TSRMLS_DC after the last declared argument. Always refer to the globals in your function as HELLOWORLD_G(variable). You are encouraged to rename these macros something shorter, see examples in any other php module directory. */ #ifdef ZTS #define HELLOWORLD_G(v) TSRMG(helloworld_globals_id, zend_helloworld_globals *, v) #else #define HELLOWORLD_G(v) (helloworld_globals.v) #endif #endif /* PHP_HELLOWORLD_H */ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4 */
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3. 使用PHP原生擴展框架wizard ext_skel編寫擴展
0x1: Hello world擴展框架代碼生成
root@ubuntu1204-virtual-machine:/home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31# cd ext/ root@ubuntu1204-virtual-machine:/home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext# pwd /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext root@ubuntu1204-virtual-machine:/home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext# ./ext_skel --extname=helloworld Creating directory helloworld Creating basic files: config.m4 config.w32 .svnignore helloworld.c php_helloworld.h CREDITS EXPERIMENTAL tests/001.phpt helloworld.php [done]. To use your new extension, you will have to execute the following steps: 1. $ cd .. 2. $ vi ext/helloworld/config.m4 3. $ ./buildconf 4. $ ./configure --[with|enable]-helloworld 5. $ make 6. $ ./sapi/cli/php -f ext/helloworld/helloworld.php 7. $ vi ext/helloworld/helloworld.c 8. $ make Repeat steps 3-6 until you are satisfied with ext/helloworld/config.m4 and step 6 confirms that your module is compiled into PHP. Then, start writing code and repeat the last two steps as often as necessary.
0x2: 修改config.m4
PHP_ARG_WITH(helloworld, for helloworld support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: [ --with-helloworld Include helloworld support])
0x3: 編譯
1. 可裝載模塊或者DSO(動態共享對象) 2. 靜態編譯到PHP
1. 可裝載模塊或者DSO(動態共享對象)
./buildconf --force root@ubuntu1204-virtual-machine:/home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31# ./configure --help | grep helloworld --with-helloworld Include helloworld support make /* 安裝PHP Installing shared extensions: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/debug-non-zts-20121212/ Installing PHP CLI binary: /usr/local/bin/ Installing PHP CLI man page: /usr/local/php/man/man1/ Installing PHP CGI binary: /usr/local/bin/ Installing PHP CGI man page: /usr/local/php/man/man1/ Installing build environment: /usr/local/lib/php/build/ Installing header files: /usr/local/include/php/ Installing helper programs: /usr/local/bin/ program: phpize program: php-config Installing man pages: /usr/local/php/man/man1/ page: phpize.1 page: php-config.1 Installing PEAR environment: /usr/local/lib/php/ [PEAR] Archive_Tar - installed: 1.4.0 [PEAR] Console_Getopt - installed: 1.4.1 [PEAR] Structures_Graph- installed: 1.1.1 [PEAR] XML_Util - installed: 1.3.0 [PEAR] PEAR - installed: 1.10.1 Wrote PEAR system config file at: /usr/local/etc/pear.conf You may want to add: /usr/local/lib/php to your php.ini include_path /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/build/shtool install -c ext/phar/phar.phar /usr/local/bin ln -s -f phar.phar /usr/local/bin/phar Installing PDO headers: /usr/local/include/php/ext/pdo/ */ make install //編譯擴展 cd ./ext/helloword phpize ./configure --with-helloworld make //複製擴展so庫到PHP目錄 make install
2. 靜態編譯到PHP
1. 用C/C++寫PHP擴展 2. 編譯靜態庫.a庫 3. 把靜態庫加入PHP: 假設靜態庫的文件名叫libnpc.a,放在/home目錄下。在PHP的安裝目錄下輸入以下命令: export LDFLAGS="–L/home –lnpc",這個環境變量的做用就是讓PHP在編譯時知道要把這個庫也一塊兒編譯進去 4. 編譯PHP
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4. 編譯安裝VLD
VLD(Vulcan Logic Dumper)是一個在Zend引擎中,以掛鉤的方式實現的用於輸出PHP腳本生成的中間代碼(執行單元)的擴展
0x1: 編譯安裝
cd /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext/vld 解壓VLD(Vulcan Logic Dumper) phpize ./configure --enable-vld make make install //須要注意的,在PHP CLI模式下,php.ini的配置會被覆蓋,咱們能夠本身顯式配置php.ini指令 ./sapi/cli/php -d /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/sample/shell.php
0x2: VLD擴展的參數列表
//./sapi/cli/php -d -dvld.verbosity=3 /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/sample/shell.php //./sapi/cli/php -d -dvld.execute=0 /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/sample/shell.php 1. 是否在執行PHP時激活VLD掛鉤 1) 默認爲0: 表示禁用 2) 使用啓用 2. -dvld.skip_prepend: 是否跳過php.ini配置文件中auto_prepend_file指定的文件 1) 默認爲0,即不跳過包含的文件,顯示這些包含的文件中的代碼所生成的中間代碼。此參數生效有一個前提條件:-dvld.execute=0 3. -dvld.execute: 是否執行這段PHP腳本 1) 默認值爲1,表示執行 2) 使用-dvld.execute=0,表示只顯示中間代碼,不執行生成的中間代碼 4. -dvld.format: 是否以自定義的格式顯示 1) 默認爲0,表示否 2) 使用-dvld.format=1,表示以本身定義的格式顯示。這裏自定義的格式輸出是以-dvld.col_sep指定的參數間隔 5. -dvld.col_sep: 在-dvld.format參數啓用時此函數纔會有效,默認爲 "t" 6. -dvld.verbosity: 是否顯示更詳細的信息 1) 默認爲1 2) 其值能夠爲0,1,2,3 其實比0小的也能夠,只是效果和0同樣,好比0.1之類,可是負數除外,負數和效果和3的效果同樣 比3大的值也是能夠的,只是效果和3同樣,3表明最詳細 7. -dvld.save_dir: 指定文件輸出的路徑,默認路徑爲/tmp 8. -dvld.save_paths: 控制是否輸出文件,默認爲0,表示不輸出文件 9. -dvld.dump_paths: 控制輸出的內容,如今只有0和1兩種狀況,默認爲1,輸出內容
Relevant Link:
5. Debug調試VLD
cd /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/php-5.5.31/ext/vld vim config.m4 /* 在最後一行添加 if test -z "$PHP_DEBUG"; then AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [--enable-debg compile with debugging system], [PHP_DEBUG=$enableval], [PHP_DEBUG=no] ) fi 這樣就表示該擴展可以進行調試了,而後編譯該擴展 */ phpize ./configure --enable-vld make make install //編輯netbeans Debug參數 "${OUTPUT_PATH}" -d /home/ubuntu1204/phpsourcecode/sample/shell.php
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6. VLD源碼分析
0x1: vld_compile_file
/* {{{ zend_op_array vld_compile_file (file_handle, type) * This function provides a hook for compilation */ static zend_op_array *vld_compile_file(zend_file_handle *file_handle, int type TSRMLS_DC) { zend_op_array *op_array; if (!VLD_G(execute) && ((VLD_G(skip_prepend) && PG(auto_prepend_file) && PG(auto_prepend_file)[0] && PG(auto_prepend_file) == file_handle->filename) || (VLD_G(skip_append) && PG(auto_append_file) && PG(auto_append_file)[0] && PG(auto_append_file) == file_handle->filename))) { zval nop; #if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 zend_op_array *ret; ZVAL_STRINGL(&nop, "RETURN ;", 8); ret = compile_string(&nop, "NOP" TSRMLS_CC); zval_dtor(&nop); return ret; #else ZVAL_STRINGL(&nop, "RETURN ;", 8, 0); return compile_string(&nop, "NOP" TSRMLS_CC); #endif } //調用Zend的編譯Lex函數,獲取待檢測樣本Opcode array op_array = old_compile_file (file_handle, type TSRMLS_CC); if (VLD_G(path_dump_file)) { fprintf(VLD_G(path_dump_file), "subgraph cluster_file_%08x { label=\"file %s\";\n", op_array, op_array->filename ? ZSTRING_VALUE(op_array->filename) : "__main"); } if (op_array) { //打印opcod數組 vld_dump_oparray (op_array TSRMLS_CC); } zend_hash_apply_with_arguments (CG(function_table) APPLY_TSRMLS_CC, (apply_func_args_t) vld_dump_fe, 0); zend_hash_apply (CG(class_table), (apply_func_t) vld_dump_cle TSRMLS_CC); if (VLD_G(path_dump_file)) { fprintf(VLD_G(path_dump_file), "}\n"); } return op_array; } /* }}} */
0x2: vld_dump_oparray
void vld_dump_oparray(zend_op_array *opa TSRMLS_DC) { unsigned int i; vld_set *set; vld_branch_info *branch_info; //獲取oparray中保存opcode數組的基地址 unsigned int base_address = (unsigned int)(zend_intptr_t)&(opa->opcodes[0]); //爲分析結果集申請空間,初始化 set = vld_set_create(opa->last); //爲分支邏輯塊申請空間,初始化 branch_info = vld_branch_info_create(opa->last); if (VLD_G(dump_paths)) { vld_analyse_oparray(opa, set, branch_info TSRMLS_CC); } if (VLD_G(format)) { vld_printf (stderr, "filename:%s%s\n", VLD_G(col_sep), ZSTRING_VALUE(opa->filename)); vld_printf (stderr, "function name:%s%s\n", VLD_G(col_sep), ZSTRING_VALUE(opa->function_name)); vld_printf (stderr, "number of ops:%s%d\n", VLD_G(col_sep), opa->last); } else { vld_printf (stderr, "filename: %s\n", ZSTRING_VALUE(opa->filename)); vld_printf (stderr, "function name: %s\n", ZSTRING_VALUE(opa->function_name)); vld_printf (stderr, "number of ops: %d\n", opa->last); } #ifdef IS_CV /* PHP >= 5.1 */ vld_printf (stderr, "compiled vars: "); for (i = 0; i < opa->last_var; i++) { vld_printf (stderr, "!%d = $%s%s", i, OPARRAY_VAR_NAME(opa->vars[i]), ((i + 1) == opa->last_var) ? "\n" : ", "); } if (!opa->last_var) { vld_printf(stderr, "none\n"); } #endif if (VLD_G(format)) { vld_printf(stderr, "line%s# *%s%s%sop%sfetch%sext%sreturn%soperands\n",VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep),VLD_G(col_sep)); } else { vld_printf(stderr, "line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands\n"); vld_printf(stderr, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } for (i = 0; i < opa->last; i++) { vld_dump_op(i, opa->opcodes, base_address, vld_set_in(set, i), vld_set_in(branch_info->entry_points, i), vld_set_in(branch_info->starts, i), vld_set_in(branch_info->ends, i), opa TSRMLS_CC); } vld_printf(stderr, "\n"); if (VLD_G(dump_paths)) { vld_branch_post_process(opa, branch_info); vld_branch_find_paths(branch_info); vld_branch_info_dump(opa, branch_info TSRMLS_CC); } vld_set_free(set); vld_branch_info_free(branch_info); }
0x3: vld_analyse_oparray
void vld_analyse_oparray(zend_op_array *opa, vld_set *set, vld_branch_info *branch_info TSRMLS_DC) { unsigned int position = 0; VLD_PRINT(1, "Finding entry points\n"); while (position < opa->last) { if (position == 0) { vld_analyse_branch(opa, position, set, branch_info TSRMLS_CC); vld_set_add(branch_info->entry_points, position); #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5 } else if (opa->opcodes[position].opcode == ZEND_CATCH) { if (VLD_G(format)) { VLD_PRINT2(1, "Found catch point at position:%s%d\n", VLD_G(col_sep),position); } else { VLD_PRINT1(1, "Found catch point at position: %d\n", position); } vld_analyse_branch(opa, position, set, branch_info TSRMLS_CC); vld_set_add(branch_info->entry_points, position); #endif } position++; } vld_set_add(branch_info->ends, opa->last-1); branch_info->branches[opa->last-1].start_lineno = opa->opcodes[opa->last-1].lineno; }
0x4: vld_analyse_branch
能夠看到,VLD是根據Branch進行"逐塊"翻譯的,從PHP Zend的角度來看,構成"分支結構語法"的用戶態代碼結構有
1. if 2. for 3. foreach 4. goto 5. exit ..
void vld_analyse_branch(zend_op_array *opa, unsigned int position, vld_set *set, vld_branch_info *branch_info TSRMLS_DC)
void vld_analyse_branch(zend_op_array *opa, unsigned int position, vld_set *set, vld_branch_info *branch_info TSRMLS_DC) { long jump_pos1 = VLD_JMP_NOT_SET; long jump_pos2 = VLD_JMP_NOT_SET; if (VLD_G(format)) { VLD_PRINT2(1, "Branch analysis from position:%s%d\n", VLD_G(col_sep),position); } else { VLD_PRINT1(1, "Branch analysis from position: %d\n", position); } vld_set_add(branch_info->starts, position); branch_info->branches[position].start_lineno = opa->opcodes[position].lineno; /* First we see if the branch has been visited, if so we bail out. */ if (vld_set_in(set, position)) { return; } /* Loop over the opcodes until the end of the array, or until a jump point has been found */ VLD_PRINT1(2, "Add %d\n", position); vld_set_add(set, position); while (position < opa->last) { jump_pos1 = VLD_JMP_NOT_SET; jump_pos2 = VLD_JMP_NOT_SET; /* See if we have a jump instruction */ //定位條件邏輯塊的起始、結束位置 if (vld_find_jump(opa, position, &jump_pos1, &jump_pos2)) { VLD_PRINT1(1, "Jump found. Position 1 = %d", jump_pos1); if (jump_pos2 != VLD_JMP_NOT_SET) { VLD_PRINT1(1, ", Position 2 = %d\n", jump_pos2); } else { VLD_PRINT(1, "\n"); } //從當前條件分支(Branch)開始,遞歸處理子語句塊 if (jump_pos1 == VLD_JMP_EXIT || jump_pos1 >= 0) { vld_branch_info_update(branch_info, position, opa->opcodes[position].lineno, 0, jump_pos1); if (jump_pos1 != VLD_JMP_EXIT) { vld_analyse_branch(opa, jump_pos1, set, branch_info TSRMLS_CC); } } if (jump_pos2 == VLD_JMP_EXIT || jump_pos2 >= 0) { vld_branch_info_update(branch_info, position, opa->opcodes[position].lineno, 1, jump_pos2); if (jump_pos2 != VLD_JMP_EXIT) { vld_analyse_branch(opa, jump_pos2, set, branch_info TSRMLS_CC); } } break; } #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2 /* See if we have a throw instruction */ if (opa->opcodes[position].opcode == ZEND_THROW) { VLD_PRINT1(1, "Throw found at %d\n", position); vld_set_add(branch_info->ends, position); branch_info->branches[position].start_lineno = opa->opcodes[position].lineno; break; } #endif /* See if we have an exit instruction */ if (opa->opcodes[position].opcode == ZEND_EXIT) { VLD_PRINT(1, "Exit found\n"); vld_set_add(branch_info->ends, position); branch_info->branches[position].start_lineno = opa->opcodes[position].lineno; break; } /* See if we have a return instruction */ if ( opa->opcodes[position].opcode == ZEND_RETURN #if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 || opa->opcodes[position].opcode == ZEND_RETURN_BY_REF #endif ) { VLD_PRINT(1, "Return found\n"); vld_set_add(branch_info->ends, position); branch_info->branches[position].start_lineno = opa->opcodes[position].lineno; break; } position++; VLD_PRINT1(2, "Add %d\n", position); vld_set_add(set, position); } }
0x5: vld_dump_op
void vld_dump_op(int nr, zend_op * op_ptr, unsigned int base_address, int notdead, int entry, int start, int end, zend_op_array *opa TSRMLS_DC) { static uint last_lineno = (uint) -1; int print_sep = 0, len; char *fetch_type = ""; unsigned int flags, op1_type, op2_type, res_type; const zend_op op = op_ptr[nr]; if (op.lineno == 0) { return; } if (op.opcode >= NUM_KNOWN_OPCODES) { flags = ALL_USED; } else { flags = opcodes[op.opcode].flags; } op1_type = op.VLD_TYPE(op1); op2_type = op.VLD_TYPE(op2); res_type = op.VLD_TYPE(result); if (flags == SPECIAL) { flags = vld_get_special_flags(&op, base_address); } if (flags & OP1_OPLINE) { op1_type = VLD_IS_OPLINE; } if (flags & OP2_OPLINE) { op2_type = VLD_IS_OPLINE; } if (flags & OP1_OPNUM) { op1_type = VLD_IS_OPNUM; } if (flags & OP2_OPNUM) { op2_type = VLD_IS_OPNUM; } if (flags & OP1_CLASS) { op1_type = VLD_IS_CLASS; } if (flags & RES_CLASS) { res_type = VLD_IS_CLASS; } if (flags & OP_FETCH) { #ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2 switch (op.VLD_EXTENDED_VALUE(op2)) { case ZEND_FETCH_GLOBAL: fetch_type = "global"; break; case ZEND_FETCH_LOCAL: fetch_type = "local"; break; case ZEND_FETCH_STATIC: fetch_type = "static"; break; case ZEND_FETCH_STATIC_MEMBER: fetch_type = "static member"; break; #ifdef ZEND_FETCH_GLOBAL_LOCK case ZEND_FETCH_GLOBAL_LOCK: fetch_type = "global lock"; break; #endif #ifdef ZEND_FETCH_AUTO_GLOBAL case ZEND_FETCH_AUTO_GLOBAL: fetch_type = "auto global"; break; #endif default: fetch_type = "unknown"; break; } #else if (op.op2.u.fetch_type == ZEND_FETCH_GLOBAL) { fetch_type = "global"; } else if (op.op2.u.fetch_type == ZEND_FETCH_STATIC) { fetch_type = "static"; } #endif } if (op.lineno == last_lineno) { vld_printf(stderr, " "); } else { vld_printf(stderr, "%4d ", op.lineno); last_lineno = op.lineno; } if (op.opcode >= NUM_KNOWN_OPCODES) { if (VLD_G(format)) { vld_printf(stderr, "%5d %s %c %c %c %c %s <%03d>%-23s %s %-14s ", nr, VLD_G(col_sep), notdead ? ' ' : '*', entry ? 'E' : ' ', start ? '>' : ' ', end ? '>' : ' ', VLD_G(col_sep), op.opcode, VLD_G(col_sep), fetch_type); } else { vld_printf(stderr, "%5d%c %c %c %c <%03d>%-23s %-14s ", nr, notdead ? ' ' : '*', entry ? 'E' : ' ', start ? '>' : ' ', end ? '>' : ' ', op.opcode, "", fetch_type); } } else { if (VLD_G(format)) { vld_printf(stderr, "%5d %s %c %c %c %c %s %-28s %s %-14s ", nr, VLD_G(col_sep), notdead ? ' ' : '*', entry ? 'E' : ' ', start ? '>' : ' ', end ? '>' : ' ', VLD_G(col_sep), opcodes[op.opcode].name, VLD_G(col_sep), fetch_type); } else { vld_printf(stderr, "%5d%c %c %c %c %-28s %-14s ", nr, notdead ? ' ' : '*', entry ? 'E' : ' ', start ? '>' : ' ', end ? '>' : ' ', opcodes[op.opcode].name, fetch_type); } } if (flags & EXT_VAL) { vld_printf(stderr, "%3d ", op.extended_value); } else { vld_printf(stderr, " "); } if ((flags & RES_USED) && !(op.VLD_EXTENDED_VALUE(result) & EXT_TYPE_UNUSED)) { VLD_PRINT(3, " RES[ "); len = vld_dump_znode (NULL, res_type, op.result, base_address TSRMLS_CC); VLD_PRINT(3, " ]"); if (VLD_G(format)) { if (len==0) { vld_printf(stderr, " "); } } else { vld_printf(stderr, "%*s", 8-len, " "); } } else { vld_printf(stderr, " "); } if (flags & OP1_USED) { VLD_PRINT(3, " OP1[ "); vld_dump_znode (&print_sep, op1_type, op.op1, base_address TSRMLS_CC); VLD_PRINT(3, " ]"); } if (flags & OP2_USED) { VLD_PRINT(3, " OP2[ "); if (flags & OP2_INCLUDE) { if (VLD_G(verbosity) < 3 && print_sep) { vld_printf(stderr, ", "); } #if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50399 switch (op.extended_value) { #else switch (Z_LVAL(op.op2.u.constant)) { #endif case ZEND_INCLUDE_ONCE: vld_printf(stderr, "INCLUDE_ONCE"); break; case ZEND_REQUIRE_ONCE: vld_printf(stderr, "REQUIRE_ONCE"); break; case ZEND_INCLUDE: vld_printf(stderr, "INCLUDE"); break; case ZEND_REQUIRE: vld_printf(stderr, "REQUIRE"); break; case ZEND_EVAL: vld_printf(stderr, "EVAL"); break; default: vld_printf(stderr, "!!ERROR!!"); break; } } else { vld_dump_znode (&print_sep, op2_type, op.op2, base_address TSRMLS_CC); } VLD_PRINT(3, " ]"); } if (flags & OP2_BRK_CONT) { long jmp; zend_brk_cont_element *el; VLD_PRINT(3, " BRK_CONT[ "); #if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50399 el = vld_find_brk_cont(Z_LVAL_P(op.op2.zv), VLD_ZNODE_ELEM(op.op1, opline_num), opa); #else el = vld_find_brk_cont(op.op2.u.constant.value.lval, VLD_ZNODE_ELEM(op.op1, opline_num), opa); #endif jmp = op.opcode == ZEND_BRK ? el->brk : el->cont; vld_printf (stderr, ", ->%d", jmp); VLD_PRINT(3, " ]"); } if (flags & NOP2_OPNUM) { zend_op next_op = op_ptr[nr+1]; vld_dump_znode (&print_sep, VLD_IS_OPNUM, next_op.op2, base_address TSRMLS_CC); } vld_printf (stderr, "\n"); }
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7. 嵌入式Embed SAPI編程
嵌入式PHP相似CLI,也是SAPI接口的另外一種實現。 通常狀況下,它的一個請求的生命週期也會和其它的SAPI同樣:模塊初始化=>請求初始化=>處理請求=>關閉請求=>關閉模塊
0x1: 編譯PHP Embed SPAI運行時so庫
./configure --enable-embed --enable-debug
make install
0x2: 宿主C程序
#include <sapi/embed/php_embed.h> #ifdef ZTS void ***tsrm_ls; #endif /* Extension bits */ zend_module_entry php_mymod_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, "mymod", /* extension name */ NULL, /* function entries */ NULL, /* MINIT */ NULL, /* MSHUTDOWN */ NULL, /* RINIT */ NULL, /* RSHUTDOWN */ NULL, /* MINFO */ "1.0", /* version */ STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; /* Embedded bits */ static void startup_php(void) { int argc = 1; char *argv[2] = { "embed5", NULL }; php_embed_init(argc, argv PTSRMLS_CC); zend_startup_module(&php_mymod_module_entry); } static void execute_php(char *filename) { zend_first_try { char *include_script; spprintf(&include_script, 0, "include '%s'", filename); zend_eval_string(include_script, NULL, filename TSRMLS_CC); efree(include_script); } zend_end_try(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc <= 1) { printf("Usage: embed4 scriptfile";); return -1; } startup_php(); execute_php(argv[1]); php_embed_shutdown(TSRMLS_CC); return 0; }
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