java.lang.Object | ||
? | android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams | |
? | android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams |
int | FLAGS_CHANGED | 用於表示flags發生了變化,關於此的詳細內容請看後文。 |
int | FLAG_ALLOW_LOCK_WHILE_SCREEN_ON | Window flag: as long as this window is visible to the user, allow the lock screen to activate while the screen is on. 當該window對用戶可見的時候,容許鎖屏。 |
int | FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM | Window flag: invert the state of FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE with respect to how this window interacts with the current method. |
int | FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND | Window flag: blur everything behind this window. 讓該window後全部東西都模糊(blur) |
int | FLAG_DIM_BEHIND | Window flag: everything behind this window will be dimmed. 讓該window後全部的東西都成暗淡(dim) |
int | FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD | Window flag: when set the window will cause the keyguard to be dismissed, only if it is not a secure lock keyguard. |
int | FLAG_DITHER | Window flag: turn on dithering when compositing this window to the screen. 開啓抖動(dithering) |
int | FLAG_FORCE_NOT_FULLSCREEN | Window flag: Override {@link #FLAG_FULLSCREEN and force the screen decorations (such as status bar) to be shown. 恢復window非全屏顯示 |
int | FLAG_FULLSCREEN | Window flag: Hide all screen decorations (e.g. 讓window進行全屏顯示 |
int | FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED | Indicates whether this window should be hardware accelerated. html 對該window進行硬件加速. java 該flag必須在設置你的Activity或Dialog的Content View以前進行設置, android 並且若是你在mainfest文件中用android:hardwareAccelerated開啓了該屬性的話,那麼你在程序中就不能再改變它。mainfest文件中android:hardwareAccelerated屬性默認是開啓的("true")。 windows |
int | FLAG_IGNORE_CHEEK_PRESSES | Window flag: intended for windows that will often be used when the user is holding the screen against their face, it will aggressively filter the event stream to prevent unintended presses in this situation that may not be desired for a particular window, when such an event stream is detected, the application will receive a CANCEL motion event to indicate this so applications can handle this accordingly by taking no action on the event until the finger is released. |
int | FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON | Window flag: as long as this window is visible to the user, keep the device's screen turned on and bright. 當該window對用戶可見時,讓設備屏幕處於高亮(bright)狀態。 |
int | FLAG_LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR | Window flag: a special option only for use in combination with FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN. |
int | FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN | Window flag: place the window within the entire screen, ignoring decorations around the border (a.k.a. 讓window佔滿整個手機屏幕,不留任何邊界(border) |
int | FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS | Window flag: allow window to extend outside of the screen. window大小再也不不受手機屏幕大小限制,即window可能超出屏幕以外,這時部份內容在屏幕以外。 |
int | FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | Window flag: this window won't ever get key input focus, so the user can not send key or other button events to it. 讓window不能得到焦點,這樣用戶快就不能向該window發送按鍵事件及按鈕事件 |
int | FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE | Window flag: this window can never receive touch events. 讓該window不接受觸摸屏事件 |
int | FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL | Window flag: Even when this window is focusable (its {@link #FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE is not set), allow any pointer events outside of the window to be sent to the windows behind it. 即便在該window在可得到焦點狀況下,仍然把該window以外的任何event發送到該window以後的其餘window. |
int | FLAG_SCALED | Window flag: a special mode where the layout parameters are used to perform scaling of the surface when it is composited to the screen. |
int | FLAG_SECURE | Window flag: don't allow screen shots while this window is displayed. 當該window在進行顯示的時候,不容許截屏。 |
int | FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER | Window flag: ask that the system wallpaper be shown behind your window. 在該window後顯示系統的牆紙(wallpaper) |
int | FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED | Window flag: special flag to let windows be shown when the screen is locked. 當鎖屏的時候,顯示該window. |
int | FLAG_SPLIT_TOUCH | Window flag: when set the window will accept for touch events outside of its bounds to be sent to other windows that also support split touch. When this flag is not set, the first pointer that goes down determines the window to which all subsequent touches go until all pointers go up. When this flag is set, each pointer (not necessarily the first) that goes down determines the window to which all subsequent touches of that pointer will go until that pointer goes up thereby enabling touches with multiple pointers to be split across multiple windows 當該window在能夠接受觸摸屏狀況下,讓因在該window以外,而發送到後面的window的觸摸屏能夠支持split touch. |
int | FLAG_TOUCHABLE_WHEN_WAKING | Window flag: When set, if the device is asleep when the touch screen is pressed, you will receive this first touch event. 當手機處於睡眠狀態時,若是屏幕被按下,那麼該window將第一個收到到事件 |
int | FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON | Window flag: when set as a window is being added or made visible, once the window has been shown then the system will poke the power manager's user activity (as if the user had woken up the device) to turn the screen on. 固然window被顯示的時候,系統將把它當作一個用戶活動事件,以點亮手機屏幕。 |
int | FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH | Window flag: if you have set FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL, you can set this flag to receive a single special MotionEvent with the action MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE for touches that occur outside of your window. 若是你設置了該flag,那麼在你FLAG_NOT_TOUNCH_MODAL的狀況下,即便觸摸屏事件發送在該window以外,其事件被髮送到了後面的window,那麼該window仍然將以MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE形式收到該觸摸屏事件 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING | Adjustment option for softInputMode: set to have a window not adjust for a shown input method. 當顯示軟鍵盤時,不調整window的佈局 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN | Adjustment option for softInputMode: set to have a window pan when an input method is shown, so it doesn't need to deal with resizing but just panned by the framework to ensure the current input focus is visible. 當顯示軟鍵盤時,調整window的空白區域來顯示軟鍵盤。即便調整空白區域,軟鍵盤仍是有可能遮擋一些有內容區域,這時用戶就只有退出軟鍵盤才能看到這些被遮擋區域並進行交互。 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE | Adjustment option for softInputMode: set to allow the window to be resized when an input method is shown, so that its contents are not covered by the input method. 當顯示軟鍵盤時,調整window內的控件大小以便顯示軟鍵盤。這樣的話控件可能會變形。 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_UNSPECIFIED | Adjustment option for softInputMode: nothing specified. 不指定顯示軟件盤時,window的調整方式。 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION | Bit for softInputMode: set when the user has navigated forward to the window. 表示用戶導航(navigate)到了你的window |
int | SOFT_INPUT_MASK_ADJUST | Mask for softInputMode of the bits that determine the way that the window should be adjusted to accommodate the soft input window. 顯示軟鍵盤時,用於表示window調整方式的bite的mask。 顯示軟鍵盤時的window調整方式能夠是SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING,SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN,SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE,SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_UNSPECIFIED。 用於描述軟鍵盤顯示的規則能夠是SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN,SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE, SOFT_INPUT_STATE_HIDDEN,SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE,SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED之一 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_MASK_STATE | Mask for softInputMode of the bits that determine the desired visibility state of the soft input area for this window. 用於描述軟鍵盤顯示規則的bite的mask. |
int | SOFT_INPUT_MODE_CHANGED | 用於表示softInputMode發生了變化。關於此的詳細內容請看後文。 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN | Visibility state for softInputMode: please always hide any soft input area when this window receives focus. 老是隱藏軟鍵盤。 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE | Visibility state for softInputMode: please always make the soft input area visible when this window receives input focus. 老是顯示軟鍵盤 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_STATE_HIDDEN | Visibility state for softInputMode: please hide any soft input area when normally appropriate (when the user is navigating forward to your window). 用戶導航(navigate)到你的窗口的時候,隱藏軟鍵盤 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNCHANGED | Visibility state for softInputMode: please don't change the state of the soft input area. |
int | SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED | Visibility state for softInputMode: no state has been specified. 沒有軟鍵盤顯示的約定規則 |
int | SOFT_INPUT_STATE_VISIBLE | Visibility state for softInputMode: please show the soft input area when normally appropriate (when the user is navigating forward to your window). 用戶導航(navigate)到你的窗口的時候,顯示軟鍵盤 |
int | TYPE_APPLICATION | Window type: a normal application window. 普通的應用程序window,token必須設置爲Activity的token,以指出該窗口屬誰 |
int | TYPE_APPLICATION_ATTACHED_DIALOG | Window type: like TYPE_APPLICATION_PANEL, but layout of the window happens as that of a top-level window, not as a child of its container. 對話框。相似於面板窗口,繪製相似於頂層窗口,而不是宿主的子窗口。 |
int | TYPE_APPLICATION_MEDIA | Window type: window for showing media (e.g. 媒體窗口,例如視頻。顯示於宿主窗口下層。 |
int | TYPE_APPLICATION_PANEL | Window type: a panel on top of an application window. 面板窗口,顯示於宿主窗口上層 |
int | TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING | Window type: special application window that is displayed while the application is starting. 用於應用程序啓動時所顯示的窗口。應用自己不要使用這種類型。它用於讓系統顯示些信息,直到應用程序能夠開啓本身的窗口 |
int | TYPE_APPLICATION_SUB_PANEL | Window type: a sub-panel on top of an application window. 應用程序窗口的子面板。顯示於全部面板窗口的上層。(GUI的通常規律,越「子」越靠上) |
int | TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION | Window type: an application window that serves as the "base" window of the overall application; all other application windows will appear on top of it. 全部程序窗口的「基地」窗口,其餘應用程序窗口都顯示在它上面。 |
int | TYPE_CHANGED | 表示window的類型發生了變化,關於此的詳細內容請看後文。 |
int | TYPE_INPUT_METHOD | Window type: internal input methods windows, which appear above the normal UI. 內部輸入法窗口,顯示於普通UI之上。應用程序可從新佈局以避免被此窗口覆蓋 |
int | TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG | Window type: internal input methods dialog windows, which appear above the current input method window. 內部輸入法對話框,顯示於當前輸入法窗口之上 |
int | TYPE_KEYGUARD | Window type: keyguard window. 鎖屏窗口 |
int | TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG | Window type: dialogs that the keyguard shows 鎖屏時顯示的對話框 |
int | TYPE_PHONE | Window type: phone. 電話窗口。它用於電話交互(特別是呼入)。它置於全部應用程序之上,狀態欄之下。 |
int | TYPE_PRIORITY_PHONE | Window type: priority phone UI, which needs to be displayed even if the keyguard is active. 電話優先,當鎖屏時顯示。此窗口不能得到輸入焦點,不然影響鎖屏。 |
int | TYPE_SEARCH_BAR | Window type: the search bar. 搜索欄。只能有一個搜索欄;它位於屏幕上方。 |
int | TYPE_STATUS_BAR | Window type: the status bar. 狀態欄類型的window。只能有一個狀態欄window;它位於屏幕頂端,其餘窗口都位於它下方。 |
int | TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL | Window type: panel that slides out from over the status bar 狀態欄的滑動面板 |
int | TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT | Window type: system window, such as low power alert. 系統提示window,好比電池低的警告。它老是出如今應用程序窗口之上。 |
int | TYPE_SYSTEM_DIALOG | Window type: panel that slides out from the status bar 系統對話框。(例如音量調節框) |
int | TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR | Window type: internal system error windows, appear on top of everything they can. 系統內部錯誤提示,顯示於全部內容之上 |
int | TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY | Window type: system overlay windows, which need to be displayed on top of everything else. 系統頂層窗口。顯示在其餘一切內容之上。此窗口不能得到輸入焦點,不然影響鎖屏。 |
int | TYPE_TOAST | Window type: transient notifications. toast類型的window |
int | TYPE_WALLPAPER | Window type: wallpaper window, placed behind any window that wants to sit on top of the wallpaper. 用於牆紙的window |
int | FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW | Start of window types that represent normal application windows. Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001) |
int | FIRST_SUB_WINDOW | Start of types of sub-windows. Constant Value: 1000 (0x000003e8) |
int | FIRST_SYSTEM_WINDOW | Start of system-specific window types. Constant Value: 2000 (0x000007d0) |
int | LAST_APPLICATION_WINDOW | End of types of application windows. Constant Value: 99 (0x00000063) |
int | LAST_SUB_WINDOW | End of types of sub-windows. Constant Value: 1999 (0x000007cf) |
int | LAST_SYSTEM_WINDOW | End of types of system windows. Constant Value: 2999 (0x00000bb7) |