
第九步: 修改 kill service 的時間

按下 windows徽標鍵+R鍵,調出「運行」對話框,輸入「regedit"-----肯定,彈出「註冊表編輯器」,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control ,鼠標點擊Control ,右邊框中顯示Wait To Kill Service Time out ,右鍵將Wait To Kill Service Time out後面的數值改到很小就能夠了,通常默認值是12000(12秒)。改好後重啓。html

不加載DLL文件:在[開始]—》[運行]—》鍵入[Regedit]- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer ,創建一個AlwaysUnloadDLL,值爲1的雙字節值。若是想要去除這項優化,把該鍵值設爲0。web

第十步、Memory Management 

Hey Dchan35, I finally cured the problem with some tweaks to my registry. Microsoft support did not help at all. Go here for more info : 

 What you want to do is go to the registry and change a couple values.  Open the registry and locate the key{ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management}, then change the value of ClearPageFile at Shutdown to a 0 IF the value is 1. If the value is 1, it will take longer for your computer to shutdown..this fix cured it all for me. I also did this : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\
Highlight the value WaitToKillServiceTimeout
Change this value to 1000.

It seems like you are no newbie, so I would recommend doing this registry changes. Just go into the start menu and type regedit and the registry editor will pop up (you may know that already lol). Locate the above keys, change the values, save and restart, and this should work for you. I hope it does man...its really frustrating when it happens and you get no help from MS support.


Enable half of the Services items:優化


In this step, you are trying to isolate which background service is causing the interference with the program. Start by turning half of the services on and turning half off.this


  • Click Start Orb > type msconfig in the searchboxspa

  • Click msconfig in the search resultsrest

  • Click the Services tab, check the Hide all Microsoft Services box, and then click to select half of the check boxes in the Services list, leaving the other half unchecked.

  • Click OK, and when you are prompted, click Restart.
