不能從const char *轉換爲LPCWSTR問題,可使用TEXT函數解決,參考:html
#include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <float.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef void(*LPFNDLLFUNC1)(char *c, const int len); typedef int(*LPFNDLLFUNC2)(int input); typedef float(*LPFNDLLFUNC3)(float input); // 只要有一個定義成傳址,其它全部參數都得設定成傳址。可能跟DLL機制有關係? typedef float(*LPFNDLLFUNC4)(int* length, float* input); typedef float(*LPFNDLLFUNC5)(float* input, int* length, float* q); typedef int(*LPFNDLLFUNC6)(float* input, int* row, int* col); using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("double MAX=%le, MIN=%le\n", DBL_MAX, DBL_MIN); printf("float MAX=%le, MIN=%le\n", FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN); const int lenmax = 30, numstr = 3; // changed char length to 30 to fit in the terminal char a[numstr][lenmax]; string str[numstr]; str[0] = "moon"; str[1] = "mercury"; str[2] = "jupiter"; for (int k = 0; k < numstr; k++) { memset(a[k], ' ', lenmax); // fill space int i = 0; for (; i < str[k].length();i++) { a[k][i] = str[k][i]; } cout << a[k] << endl; } HINSTANCE hDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("fortranDLLExample.dll")); // 使用這種調入DLL的方法,在連接器上不須要特殊處理。 if (hDLL == NULL){ cout << "Failed to load library.\n"; }else{ LPFNDLLFUNC1 lpfnDllFunc1; // Function pointer lpfnDllFunc1 = (LPFNDLLFUNC1)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "func01"); lpfnDllFunc1(a[0], lenmax); LPFNDLLFUNC2 ABZERO; // Function pointer ABZERO = (LPFNDLLFUNC2)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "ABZERO"); int a=704; // fortran裏面的類型必定要搞對!!!是interger(type=4)或者默認type,對應cpp裏面的int cout<<"ABZERO(704)=="<<ABZERO(a)<<endl; LPFNDLLFUNC3 ABZERO_FLOAT; // Function pointer ABZERO_FLOAT = (LPFNDLLFUNC3)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "ABZERO_FLOAT"); float b=500.0; // fortran裏面的類型必定要搞對!!!是real,對應cpp裏面的float,而不是double cout<<"ABZERO_FLOAT(500.0)=="<<ABZERO_FLOAT(b)<<endl; LPFNDLLFUNC4 sum; // Function pointer sum = (LPFNDLLFUNC4) GetProcAddress(hDLL, "sum"); float c[]={11.0, 44.55, 66.44, 43.23, 6.32, 88.43}; int l = sizeof(c) / sizeof(c[0]); cout<<"length=="<<l<<"; sum(500.0)=="<<sum(&l, c)<<endl; LPFNDLLFUNC5 sum2; // Function pointer sum2 = (LPFNDLLFUNC5) GetProcAddress(hDLL, "SUMANDTIMES"); float cc[]={11.0, 44.55, 6.32, 88.43}; l = sizeof(cc) / sizeof(cc[0]); float q1 = 10.2; cout<<"length=="<<l<<"; SUMANDTIMES([11.0, 44.55, 6.32, 88.43])=="<<sum2(cc, &l, &q1)<<endl; LPFNDLLFUNC6 array2by2; // Function pointer array2by2 = (LPFNDLLFUNC6) GetProcAddress(hDLL, "array2by2"); float ccc[]={1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4}; int row, col; row = 4; col = 4; cout<<"length=="<<l<<"; array2by2([11.0, 44.55, 6.32, 88.43])=="<<array2by2(ccc, &row, &col)<<endl; } FreeLibrary(hDLL); return 0; }
! fortranDLLExample.f90 ! ! FUNCTIONS/SUBROUTINES exported from fortranDLLExample.dll: ! fortranDLLExample - subroutine FUNCTION ABZERO(P) bind(C,name="ABZERO") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: ABZERO !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES VALUE :: P integer, INTENT(IN) :: P integer :: ABZERO integer :: result1 ! Examle calculation result1 = P - 273 print *, "The p==", P, ";" print *, "The p-273 [", result1, "]" ABZERO = result1 RETURN END FUNCTION FUNCTION ABZERO_FLOAT(P) bind(C,name="ABZERO_FLOAT") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: ABZERO_FLOAT !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES VALUE :: P real, INTENT(IN) :: P real :: ABZERO_FLOAT real :: result1 ! Examle calculation result1 = P - 273.15 print *, "The p==", P, ";" print *, "The p-273 [", result1, "]" ABZERO_FLOAT = P - 273.15 RETURN END FUNCTION FUNCTION sum(length1, P) bind(C,name="sum") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: sum implicit none integer::length1 real, dimension(*):: P real :: sum integer::i print *, "The length1==", length1, ";" sum =0.0 do i = 1,length1 ! sum the array elements sum = sum + p(i) PRINT *,p(i) end do RETURN END FUNCTION subroutine func01( a ) bind(C,name="func01") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: func01 implicit none character(len=1), dimension(90) , intent(in) :: a character(len=30), dimension(3) :: b integer*4 :: count,i,j count=1 do j=1,3 b(J)='' do I=1,30 b(J)=trim(b(J))//a(count) count=count+1 enddo enddo print * print *, "char length = ", len(b(1)), len(b(2)), len(b(3)) print *, "raw a(1) : [", b(1), "]" print *, "raw a(2) : [", b(2), "]" print *, "raw a(3) : [", b(3), "]" print *, "trim : [", trim(b(1)), "] [", trim(b(2)), "] [", trim(b(3)), "]" end FUNCTION SUMANDTIMES(P, length1, Q) bind(C,name="SUMANDTIMES") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: SUMANDTIMES implicit none integer::length1 real, dimension(*):: P real :: SUMANDTIMES, Q integer::i print *, "The length1==", length1, ";" SUMANDTIMES =0.0 do i = 1,length1 ! sum the array elements SUMANDTIMES = SUMANDTIMES + p(i) * Q PRINT *,p(i) end do RETURN END FUNCTION FUNCTION array2by2(P, row, col) bind(C,name="array2by2") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: array2by2 USE ISO_C_BINDING implicit none integer::row, col, i, j, array2by2 !real,DIMENSION(row*col):: real P(*) real PP(row, col) print *, "---->row-----", row print *, "---->col-----", col do i=1,row do j=1,col PP(i,j) = P((i-1)*row+j) P((i-1)*row+j) = PP(i,j) * 100 print *, PP(i,j), i, j, (i-1)*row+j end do print *, "----row-----", i end do array2by2 = 0 RETURN END FUNCTION