As you know, I've been playing with Solr lately, trying to see how feasible it would be to customize it for our needs. We have been a Lucene shop for a while, and we've built our own search framework around it, which has served us well so far. The rationale for moving to Solr is driven primarily by the need to expose our search tier as a service for our internal applications. While it would have been relatively simple (probably simpler) to slap on an HTTP interface over our current search tier, we also want to use the other Solr features such as incremental indexing and replication.html
One of our challenges to using Solr is that the way we do search is quite different from the way Solr does search. A query string passed to the default Solr search handler is parsed into a Lucene query and a single search call is made on the underlying index. In our case, the query string is passed to our taxonomy, and depending on the type of query (as identified by the taxonomy), it is sent through one or more sub-handlers. Each sub-handler converts the query into a (different) Lucene query and executes the search against the underlying index. The results from each sub-handler are then layered together to present the final search
Conceptually, the customization is quite simple - simply create a custom subclass of RequestHandlerBase (as advised on this wiki page) and override the handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest, SolrQueryResponse) method. In reality, I had quite a tough time doing this, admittedly caused (at least partly) by my ignorance of Solr internals. However, I did succeed, so, in this post, I outline my solution, along with some advice I feel would be useful to others embarking on a similar route.apache
The handler is configured to trigger in response to a /solr/mysearch request. Here is the (rewritten for readability) XML snippet from my solrconfig.xml file. I used the "invariants" block to pass in configuration parameters for the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
<requestHandler name="/mysearch"
<lst name="defaults">
<str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
<str name="fl">*,score</str>
<str name="wt">xml</str>
<lst name="invariants">
<str name="prop1">value1</str>
<int name="prop2">value2</int>
<!-- ... more config items here ... -->
And here is the (also rewritten for readability) code for the custom handler. I used the SearchHandler and MoreLikeThisHandler as my templates, but diverged from it in several ways in order to accomodate my requirements. I will describe them below.eclipse
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package org.apache.solr.handler.ext;
// imports omitted
public class MyRequestHandler extends RequestHandlerBase {
private String prop1;
private String prop2;
private TaxoService taxoService;
public void init(NamedList args) {
this.prop1 = invariants.get("prop1");
this.prop2 = Integer.valueOf(invariants.get("prop2"));
this.taxoService = new TaxoService(prop1);
public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp)
throws Exception {
// extract params from request
SolrParams params = req.getParams();
String q = params.get(CommonParams.Q);
String[] fqs = params.getParams(CommonParams.FQ);
int start = 0;
try { start = Integer.parseInt(params.get(CommonParams.START)); }
catch (Exception e) { /* default */ }
int rows = 0;
try { rows = Integer.parseInt(params.get(CommonParams.ROWS)); }
catch (Exception e) { /* default */ }
SolrPluginUtils.setReturnFields(req, rsp);
// build initial data structures
TaxoResult taxoResult = taxoService.getResult(q);
SolrDocumentList results = new SolrDocumentList();
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = req.getSearcher();
Map<String,SchemaField> fields = req.getSchema().getFields();
int ndocs = start + rows;
Filter filter = buildFilter(fqs, req);
Set<Integer> alreadyFound = new HashSet<Integer>();
// invoke the various sub-handlers in turn and return results
doSearch1(results, searcher, q, filter, taxoResult, ndocs, req,
fields, alreadyFound);
doSearch2(results, searcher, q, filter, taxoResult, ndocs, req,
fields, alreadyFound);
// ... more sub-handler calls here ...
// build and write response
float maxScore = 0.0F;
int numFound = 0;
List<SolrDocument> slice = new ArrayList<SolrDocument>();
for (Iterator<SolrDocument> it = results.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
SolrDocument sdoc =;
Float score = (Float) sdoc.getFieldValue("score");
if (maxScore < score) {
maxScore = score;
if (numFound >= start && numFound < start + rows) {
rsp.add("response", results);
private Filter buildFilter(String[] fqs, SolrQueryRequest req)
throws IOException, ParseException {
if (fqs != null && fqs.length > 0) {
BooleanQuery fquery = new BooleanQuery();
for (int i = 0; i < fqs.length; i++) {
QParser parser = QParser.getParser(fqs[i], null, req);
fquery.add(parser.getQuery(), Occur.MUST);
return new CachingWrapperFilter(new QueryWrapperFilter(fquery));
return null;
private void doSearch1(SolrDocumentList results,
SolrIndexSearcher searcher, String q, Filter filter,
TaxoResult taxoResult, int ndocs, SolrQueryRequest req,
Map<String,SchemaField> fields, Set<Integer> alreadyFound)
throws IOException {
// check entry condition
if (! canEnterSearch1(q, filter, taxoResult)) {
// build custom query and extra fields
Query query = buildCustomQuery1(q, taxoResult);
Map<String,Object> extraFields = new HashMap<String,Object>();
extraFields.put("search_type", "search1");
boolean includeScore =
query, filter, maxDocsPerSearcherType).scoreDocs,
alreadyFound, fields, extraFields, maprelScoreCutoff,
searcher.getReader(), includeScore);
// ... more doSearchXXX() calls here ...
private void append(SolrDocumentList results, ScoreDoc[] more,
Set<Integer> alreadyFound, Map<String,SchemaField> fields,
Map<String,Object> extraFields, float scoreCutoff,
SolrIndexReader reader, boolean includeScore) throws IOException {
for (ScoreDoc hit : more) {
if (alreadyFound.contains(hit.doc)) {
Document doc = reader.document(hit.doc);
SolrDocument sdoc = new SolrDocument();
for (String fieldname : fields.keySet()) {
SchemaField sf = fields.get(fieldname);
if (sf.stored()) {
sdoc.addField(fieldname, doc.get(fieldname));
for (String extraField : extraFields.keySet()) {
sdoc.addField(extraField, extraFields.get(extraField));
if (includeScore) {
sdoc.addField("score", hit.score);
//////////////////////// SolrInfoMBeans methods //////////////////////
public String getDescription() {
return "My Search Handler";
public String getSource() {
return "$Source$";
public String getSourceId() {
return "$Id$";
public String getVersion() {
return "$Revision$";
Configuration Parameters - I started out baking most of my "configuration" parameters as constants within the handler code, but later moved them into the invariants block in the XML declaration. Not ideal, since we still need to touch the solrconfig.xml file (which is regarded as application code in our environment) to change behavior. The ideal solution, given the circumstances, would probably be to use JNDI to hold the configuration parameters and have the handler connect to the JNDI to pull the properties it needs.socket
Using Filter - The MoreLikeThis handler converts the fq (filter query) parameter into a List of Query objects, because this is what is needed to pass into a searcher.getDocList(). In my case, I couldn't use DocListAndSet because DocList is unmodifiable (ie, DocList.add() throws an UnsupportedOperationException). So I fell back to the pattern I am used to, which is getting the ScoreDoc[] array from a standard,Filter,numDocs) call. That is why the buildFilter() above returns a Filter and not a List<Query>.ide
Connect to external services - My handler needs to connect to the taxonomy service. Our taxonomy exposes an RMI service with a very rich and fine-grained API. I tried to use this at first, but ran into problems because it needs access to configuration files on the local system, and Jetty couldn't see these files because it was not within its context. I ended up solving for this by exposing a coarse grained JSON service over HTTP on the taxonomy service. The handler calls it once per query and gets back all the information that it needs in a single call. Probably not ideal, since now the logic is spread out in two places - I will probably revisit the RMI client integration again in the future.svn
Layer multiple resultsets - This is the main reason for writing the custom handler. Most of the work happens in the append() method above. Each sub-handler calls, Filter, numDocs) and populates its resulting ScoreDocs array into a List<SolrDocument>. Since previous sub-handlers may have already returned a result, subsequent sub-handlers check against a Set of
Add a pseudo-field to the Document - There are currently two competing initiatives in Solr (SOLR-1566 and SOLR-1298) on how to handle this situation. Since I was populating SolrDocument objects (this was one of the reasons I started using SolrDocumentList), it was relatively simple for me to pass in a Map of extra fields which are just tacked on to the end of the SolrDocument.ui
Here is some advice and tips which I wish someone had told me before I started out on this.
For your own sanity, standardize on a Solr release. I chose 1.4.1 which is the latest at the time of writing this. Prior to that, I was developing within the Solr trunk. One day (after about 60-70% of my code was working), I decided to do an svn update, and all of a sudden there was a huge bunch of compile failures (in my code as well as the Solr code). Some of them were probably caused by missing/out-of-date JARs in my .classpath. But the point is that Solr code is being actively developed, and there is quite a bit of code churn, and if you really want to work on the trunk (or a pre-release branch), you should be ready to deal with these situtations.
Solr is well designed (so the flow is kind of intuitive) and reasonably well documented, but there are some places where you will probably need to step through the code in a debugger to figure out what's going on. I am still using the Jetty container in the examples subdirectory. This page on Lucid Imagination outlines the steps you need to run Solr within Eclipse using the Jetty plugin, but thanks to the information on this StackOverlow page, all I did was add some command-line parameters to the java call, like so:
1 2 3 |
sujit@cyclone:example$ java -Dsolr.solr.home=my_schema \
-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8883,suspend=n \
-jar start.jar
and then set up an external debug configuration for localhost:8883 in Eclipse, and I could step through the code just fine.
Solr has very aggressive caching (which is great for a production environment), but for development, you need to disable it. I did this by commenting out all the cache references for filterCache, queryResultCache and documentCache in solrconfig.xml, and changed the httpCaching to use never304="true". All these are in the solrconfig.xml file.
The approach I described here is not as performant as the "standard" flow. Because I have to do multiple searches in a single request, I am doing more I/O. I am also consuming more CPU cycles since I have to dedup documents across each layer. I am also consuming more memory per request because I populate the SolrDocument inline rather than just pass the DocListAndSet to the ResponseBuilder. I don't see a way around it, though, given the nature of my requirements.
If you are a Solr expert, or someone who is familiar with the internals, I would appreciate hearing your thoughts about this approach - criticisms and suggestions are welcome.