應用背景: 我如今有兩個七牛雲帳號 A,B,如今須要把A裏面的一個存儲A-1(公共存儲)遷移到B裏面的一個存儲B-1(私有存儲),已知A-1存儲量=19G .面對19G的數據選擇qshell 工具來把A-1數據轉化到B-1shell
{ "dest_dir" : "/Users/lph/qshell/backup", #指定下載到的文件位置 "bucket" : "XXX(查看七牛雲具體的存儲bucket)", "prefix" : "", "suffixes" : ".png,.jpg" }
$ vi ~/.bash_profile .... export PATH="/Users/lph/qshell" #載入qshell命令 ..... $ source ~/.bash_profile #重啓bash_profile $ qshell #配置成功 Qiniu commandline tool for managing your bucket and CDN Usage: qshell [command] Available Commands: account Get/Set AccessKey and SecretKey alilistbucket List all the file in the bucket of aliyun oss by prefix b64decode Base64 Decode, default nor url safe b64encode Base64 Encode, default not url safe batchchgm Batch change the mime type of files in bucket batchchtype Batch change the file type of files in bucket batchcopy Batch copy files from bucket to b .........
打開cmd 輸入命令:併發
$ qshell account 七牛雲的ACCESSKEY 七牛雲的SECRETKEY 你的帳號名稱 #帳號配置 $ qshell qdownload 15 qdownload #下載文件 最大併發爲15 下載內容根據qdownload 文件
$ qshell qupload2 --src-dir=/Users/lph/qshell/backup --bucket=bucket名稱