本篇是對我的PHP, Laravel系列博文的總結與思考。php
"需求 --> Usercase --> UI --> 框架 --> 開發"html
Ref: [Laravel] 06 - Project: from Usercase to Viewmysql
1. Pure html 寫法jquery
2. 找到其中的公共部分 --> blade模板laravel
3. 佈局設計css,bootstrap and jqueryweb
重難點也就是blade,以及bootstra p& jquery。sql
views -- common -- layouts.blade.php
-- message.blade.php -- validator.blade.php
<title>輕鬆學會Laravel - @yield('title')</title>
Ref: laravel 基礎教程 —— Blade 模板引擎【寫的不錯】
Ref: [Laravel] 04 - Blade templates【關鍵字的理解】
這部份內容請見:[Full-stack] 網頁佈局藝術 - Less
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () { Route::get('student/index', ['uses' => 'StudentController@index' ]); Route::any('student/create', ['uses' => 'StudentController@create']); Route::any('student/save', ['uses' => 'StudentController@save' ]); Route::any('student/update/{id}', ['uses' => 'StudentController@update']); Route::any('student/detail/{id}', ['uses' => 'StudentController@detail']); Route::any('student/delete/{id}', ['uses' => 'StudentController@delete']); });
Ref: 路由相關概念:[Laravel] 02 - Route and MVC
[1] 首先,pure php 是如何連接數據庫的呢?
Goto: [PHP] 07 - Json, XML and MySQL
<?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "username"; $password = "password"; $dbname = "myDB"; // 1.建立鏈接 $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // 2.檢測鏈接 if ($conn->connect_error) { die("鏈接失敗: " . $conn->connect_error); }
// 3.SQL操做 $sql = "INSERT INTO MyGuests (firstname, lastname, email) VALUES ('John', 'Doe', 'john@example.com')"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "新記錄插入成功"; } else { echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error; }
// 4.關閉鏈接 $conn->close(); ?>
[2] Laravel 又是如何經過框架實現的呢?
Goto: [Laravel] 03 - DB facade, Query builder & Eloquent ORM
1. 原始方式
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB $students = DB::select('select * from student');
2. 查詢構造器
3. Eloquent ORM - 對象關係映射(Object Relational Mapping,簡稱ORM)
[1] 路由 到 控制器
Route::any('student/create', ['uses' => 'StudentController@create']);
(1) router 中得到已定義好的參數。[Laravel] 02 - Route and MVC
(2) controller 中經過request函數得到URL中key對應的value。[Laravel] 05 - Controller
[2] 控制器 with 模型 到 視圖
// 添加頁面 public function create(Request $request) {
# 得到模型載體 $student = new Student(); if ($request->isMethod('POST')) { // 控制器驗證 or Validator類驗證
# 獲取數據 $data = $request->input('Student');
# 載體加載了數據,數據庫與載體數據同步 if (Student::create($data) ) { return redirect('student/index')->with('success', '添加成功!'); } else { return redirect()->back(); } }
# 視圖展現載體 return view('student.create', [ 'student' => $student ]); }
封裝一個類,服務器端採用 response 處理如下內容。
code | 返回的id,統一編號 |
message | 具體解釋,detail |
data | 具體內容,參數 |
參數要數組化,構成 $result。
$result --> XML or JSON 格式
public static function xmlToEncode($data) { $xml = $attr = ""; foreach( $data as $key => $value) { if (is_numberic($key)) { $attr = "id='{$key}'"; $key = "item"; # <item id=[key]> } $xml .= "<{$key}><{$attr}>"; $xml .= is_array($value) ? self::xmlToEncode($value) : $value; $xml .= "</{$key}>"; } return $xml; }
public static function show($code, $message='', $data=array(), $type=self::JSON) { if(!is_numeric($code)) { return ''; } $type = isset($_GET['format']) ? $_GET['format'] : self::JSON; $result = array( 'code' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data, );
* 如下switch的寫法,也能夠寫成工廠方法的形式,
*/ if($type == 'json') { self::json($code, $message, $data); exit; } elseif($type == 'array') { var_dump($result); } elseif($type == 'xml') { self::xmlEncode($code, $message, $data); exit; } else { // TODO } }
靜態緩存 與 mem緩存
Ref: [Laravel] 11 - WEB API : cache & timer
Goto: [Laravel] 12 - WEB API : cache implement
須要複習一遍sql語句:[Laravel] 16 - DB: Eloquent
# step 1, 語句編寫
$sql = "select * from `version_upgrade` where app_id = " . $appId ." and status = 1 limit 1";
# step 2,鏈接
$connect = Db::getInstance()->connect();
#step 3,執行語句
$result = mysql_query($sql, $connect);
#step 4,轉化結果格式
Ref: [Laravel] 13 - WEB API : update & error tracking
<?php require_once('./common.php'); class Init extends Common { public function index() { $this->check(); # check的實現,判斷app的版本是否有問題
* 1.得到手機信息,確認沒有問題
* 2.該手機是否須要升級
* implement here.
Response::show(number, '返回給app的一些信息');
} } ------------------------------------------- $init = new Init(); $init->index();
攜帶設備信息 device id 的 request 發送到服務器端,
而後,服務器當作 error log 保存起來。
Goto: [Node.js] 08 - Web Server and REST API
Ref: https://laravel.com/docs/5.6
Goto: [Laravel] 14 - REST API: Laravel from scratch
Goto: [Laravel] 15 - REST API: sidebar with unit test
$resultClass = ucwords($type);
假設__FILE__爲 /home/web/config/config.php 上面的方法輸出爲 /home/web
<?php echo file_put_contents("test.txt","Hello World. Testing!"); ?>
if(is_null($value)) { return @unlink($filename); }
if(!is_numeric($appId) || !is_numeric($versionId)) { return Response::show(401, '參數不合法'); }
Ref: PHP static關鍵字的用法及注意點