vim ~/.bashrcvim
//add the below line to .bashrc file and then save it,bash
export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%y/%m/%d %T "app
//run the below command to source .bashrc file,ssh
source ~/.bashrctcp
若是兩臺機器 host_src and host_desc,用scp 傳輸文件的時候,會須要密碼spa
on host_src scp path/file name@host_desc:/pathorm
若是是crontab的話,須要 trust connection. crontab
on host_src ssh-keygen -t rsaip
· cd ~/.ssh ci
· ls
o id_rsa and
o id_rsa is private key
o is the public key
on host_desc
· edit .ssh/authorized_keys
o setup new one if not exists
append to the end.
1. ssh-keygen -t rsa 會覆蓋之前的private key
2. 注意 authorized_keys 的 file premission.
Diff fileA and fileB
iptables -A INPUT -s clientip -j REJECT //reject connect from client
iptables -A OUTPUT -d clientip -j DROP //accept connection
//let the tcp handshake happens, then kill the connection
iptables -A OUTPUT -d clientip -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN,ACK -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -d clientip -j DROP
//back to normail
iptables --flush INPUT
iptables --flush OUTPUT