Send to Repeater Ctrl+R Send to Intruder Ctrl+I Forward intercepted Proxy message Ctrl+F Toggle Proxy interception Ctrl+T Switch to Target Ctrl+Shift+T Switch to Proxy Ctrl+Shift+P Switch to Scanner Ctrl+Shift+S Switch to Intruder Ctrl+Shift+I Switch to Repeater Ctrl+Shift+R Switch to Suite options Ctrl+Shift+O Switch to Alerts tab Ctrl+Shift+A Go to previous tab Ctrl+Minus Go to next tab Ctrl+Equals ##Editor Cut Ctrl+X Copy Ctrl+C Paste Ctrl+V Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Y Select all Ctrl+A Search Ctrl+S Go to previous search match Ctrl+Comma Go to next search match Ctrl+Period URL-decode Ctrl+Shift+U URL-encode key characters Ctrl+U HTML-decode Ctrl+Shift+H HTML-encode key characters Ctrl+H Base64-decode Ctrl+Shift+B Base64-encode Ctrl+B Backspace word Ctrl+Backspace Delete word Ctrl+Delete Delete line Ctrl+D Go to previous word Ctrl+Left Go to previous word (extend selection) Ctrl+Shift+Left Go to next word Ctrl+Right Go to next word (extend selection) Ctrl+Shift+Right Go to previous paragraph Ctrl+Up Go to previous paragraph (extend selection) Ctrl+Shift+Up Go to next paragraph Ctrl+Down Go to next paragraph (extend selection) Ctrl+Shift+Down Go to start of document Ctrl+Home Go to start of document (extend selection) Ctrl+Shift+Home Go to end of document Ctrl+End Go to end of document (extend selection) Ctrl+Shift+End
Burpsuite Spider with intelligent form submission Manual crawl of website through Burpsuite proxy and submitting INJECTX payloads for tracking Burpsuite passive scan Burpsuite engagement tools > Search > <form|<input|url=|path=|load=|INJECTX|Found|<!--|Exception|Query|ORA|SQL|error|Location|crowdshield|xerosecurity|username|password|document\.|location\.|eval\(|exec\(|\?wsdl|\.wsdl Burpsuite engagement tools > Find comments Burpsuite engagement tools > Find scripts Burpsuite engagement tools > Find references Burpsuite engagement tools > Analyze target Burpsuite engagement tools > Discover content Burpsuite Intruder > file/directory brute force Burpsuite Intruder > HTTP methods, user agents, etc. Enumerate all software technologies, HTTP methods, and potential attack vectors Understand the function of the site, what types of data is stored or valuable and what sorts of functions to attack, etc. ENUMERATION: OPERATING SYSTEM WEB SERVER DATABASE SERVERS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES PLUGINS/VERSIONS OPEN PORTS USERNAMES SERVICES WEB SPIDERING GOOGLE HACKING VECTORS: INPUT FORMS GET/POST PARAMS URI/REST STRUCTURE COOKIES HEADERS SEARCH STRINGS: Just some helpful regex terms to search for passively using Burpsuite or any other web proxy... fname|phone|id|org_name|name|email QUICK ATTACK STRINGS: Not a complete list by any means, but when you're manually testing and walking through sites and need a quick copy/paste, this can come in handy... Company First Last username Password123$ +1416312384 //`whoami` 12188 01/01/1979 4242424242424242 INJECTX '>"></INJECTX>(1) javascript:alert(1)// "><img/onload=alert(1)>' -- "></textarea><img/onload=alert(1)>' -- INJECTX'>"><img/src=""></img> '>"><iframe/onload=alert(1)></iframe> INJECTX'>"><ScRiPt>confirm(1)<ScRiPt> "></textarea><img/onload=alert(1)>' -- // INJECTX <!-- "><img/onload=alert(1)>' -- // INJECTX <!-- INJECTX'"><h1>X<!-- INJECTX"><h1>X en%0AContent-Length%3A%200%0A%0AHTTP%2F1.1%20200%20OK%0AContent-Type%3A%20text%2Fhtml%0AContent-Length%3A%2020%0A%3Chtml%3EINJECTX%3C%2Fhtml%3E%0A%0A %0AContent-Length%3A%200%0A%0AHTTP%2F1.1%20200%20OK%0AContent-Type%3A%20text%2Fhtml%0AContent-Length%3A%2020%0A%3Chtml%3EINJECTX%3C%2Fhtml%3E%0A%0A ../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 {{4+4}} sleep 5; sleep 5 || sleep 5 | sleep 5 & sleep 5 && sleep 5 admin" or "1"="1"-- admin' or '1'='1'-- INJECTX%0a%0d%00 OWASP TESTING CHECKLIST: Spiders, Robots and Crawlers IG-001 Search Engine Discovery/Reconnaissance IG-002 Identify application entry points IG-003 Testing for Web Application Fingerprint IG-004 Application Discovery IG-005 Analysis of Error Codes IG-006 SSL/TLS Testing (SSL Version, Algorithms, Key length, Digital Cert. Validity) - SSL Weakness CM‐001 DB Listener Testing - DB Listener weak CM‐002 Infrastructure Configuration Management Testing - Infrastructure Configuration management weakness CM‐003 Application Configuration Management Testing - Application Configuration management weakness CM‐004 Testing for File Extensions Handling - File extensions handling CM‐005 Old, backup and unreferenced files - Old, backup and unreferenced files CM‐006 Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces - Access to Admin interfaces CM‐007 Testing for HTTP Methods and XST - HTTP Methods enabled, XST permitted, HTTP Verb CM‐008 Credentials transport over an encrypted channel - Credentials transport over an encrypted channel AT-001 Testing for user enumeration - User enumeration AT-002 Testing for Guessable (Dictionary) User Account - Guessable user account AT-003 Brute Force Testing - Credentials Brute forcing AT-004 Testing for bypassing authentication schema - Bypassing authentication schema AT-005 Testing for vulnerable remember password and pwd reset - Vulnerable remember password, weak pwd reset AT-006 Testing for Logout and Browser Cache Management - - Logout function not properly implemented, browser cache weakness AT-007 Testing for CAPTCHA - Weak Captcha implementation AT-008 Testing Multiple Factors Authentication - Weak Multiple Factors Authentication AT-009 Testing for Race Conditions - Race Conditions vulnerability AT-010 Testing for Session Management Schema - Bypassing Session Management Schema, Weak Session Token SM-001 Testing for Cookies attributes - Cookies are set not ‘HTTP Only’, ‘Secure’, and no time validity SM-002 Testing for Session Fixation - Session Fixation SM-003 Testing for Exposed Session Variables - Exposed sensitive session variables SM-004 Testing for CSRF - CSRF SM-005 Testing for Path Traversal - Path Traversal AZ-001 Testing for bypassing authorization schema - Bypassing authorization schema AZ-002 Testing for Privilege Escalation - Privilege Escalation AZ-003 Testing for Business Logic - Bypassable business logic BL-001 Testing for Reflected Cross Site Scripting - Reflected XSS DV-001 Testing for Stored Cross Site Scripting - Stored XSS DV-002 Testing for DOM based Cross Site Scripting - DOM XSS DV-003 Testing for Cross Site Flashing - Cross Site Flashing DV-004 SQL Injection - SQL Injection DV-005 LDAP Injection - LDAP Injection DV-006 ORM Injection - ORM Injection DV-007 XML Injection - XML Injection DV-008 SSI Injection - SSI Injection DV-009 XPath Injection - XPath Injection DV-010 IMAP/SMTP Injection - IMAP/SMTP Injection DV-011 Code Injection - Code Injection DV-012 OS Commanding - OS Commanding DV-013 Buffer overflow - Buffer overflow DV-014 Incubated vulnerability - Incubated vulnerability DV-015 Testing for HTTP Splitting/Smuggling - HTTP Splitting, Smuggling DV-016 Testing for SQL Wildcard Attacks - SQL Wildcard vulnerability DS-001 Locking Customer Accounts - Locking Customer Accounts DS-002 Testing for DoS Buffer Overflows - Buffer Overflows DS-003 User Specified Object Allocation - User Specified Object Allocation DS-004 User Input as a Loop Counter - User Input as a Loop Counter DS-005 Writing User Provided Data to Disk - Writing User Provided Data to Disk DS-006 Failure to Release Resources - Failure to Release Resources DS-007 Storing too Much Data in Session - Storing too Much Data in Session DS-008 WS Information Gathering - N.A. WS-001 Testing WSDL - WSDL Weakness WS-002 XML Structural Testing - Weak XML Structure WS-003 XML content-level Testing - XML content-level WS-004 HTTP GET parameters/REST Testing - WS HTTP GET parameters/REST WS-005 Naughty SOAP attachments - WS Naughty SOAP attachments WS-006 Replay Testing - WS Replay Testing WS-007 AJAX Vulnerabilities - N.A. AJ-001 AJAX Testing - AJAX weakness AJ-002 LOW SEVERITY: A list of low severity findings that are likely out of scope for most bug bounty programs but still helpful to reference for normal web penetration tests. Descriptive error messages (e.g. Stack Traces, application or server errors). HTTP 404 codes/pages or other HTTP non-200 codes/pages. Banner disclosure on common/public services. Disclosure of known public files or directories, (e.g. robots.txt). Click-Jacking and issues only exploitable through click-jacking. CSRF on forms which are available to anonymous users (e.g. the contact form). Logout Cross-Site Request Forgery (logout CSRF). Presence of application or web browser ‘autocomplete’ or ‘save password’ functionality. Lack of Secure and HTTPOnly cookie flags. Lack of Security Speedbump when leaving the site. Weak Captcha / Captcha Bypass Username enumeration via Login Page error message Username enumeration via Forgot Password error message Login or Forgot Password page brute force and account lockout not enforced. OPTIONS / TRACE HTTP method enabled SSL Attacks such as BEAST, BREACH, Renegotiation attack SSL Forward secrecy not enabled SSL Insecure cipher suites The Anti-MIME-Sniffing header X-Content-Type-Options Missing HTTP security headers Security best practices without accompanying Proof-of-Concept exploitation Descriptive error messages (e.g. Stack Traces, application or server errors). HTTP 404 codes/pages or other HTTP non-200 codes/pages. Denial of Service Attacks. Fingerprinting / banner disclosure on common/public services. Disclosure of known public files or directories, (e.g. robots.txt). Clickjacking and issues only exploitable through clickjacking. CSRF on non-sensitive forms. Logout Cross-Site Request Forgery (logout CSRF). Presence of application or web browser ‘autocomplete’ or ‘save password’ functionality. Lack of Secure/HTTPOnly flags on non-sensitive Cookies. Lack of Security Speedbump when leaving the site. Weak Captcha / Captcha Bypass Login or Forgot Password page brute force and account lockout not enforced. OPTIONS HTTP method enabled HTTPS Mixed Content Scripts Known vulnerable libraries Attacks on Third Party Ad Services Username / email enumeration via Forgot Password or Login page Missing HTTP security headers Strict-Transport-Security Not Enabled For HTTPS X-Frame-Options X-XSS-Protection X-Content-Type-Options Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-WebKit-CSP Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only SSL Issues, e.g. SSL Attacks such as BEAST, BREACH, Renegotiation attack SSL Forward secrecy not enabled SSL weak / insecure cipher suites Lack of SPF records (Email Spoofing) Auto-complete enabled on password fields HTTP enabled Session ID or Login Sent Over HTTP Insecure Cookies Cross-Domain.xml Allows All Domains HTML5 Allowed Domains Cross Origin Policy Content Sniffing Not Disabled Password Reset Account Enumeration HTML Form Abuse (Denial of Service) Weak HSTS Age (86,000 or less) Lack of Password Security Policy (Brute Forcable Passwords) Physical Testing Denial of service attacks Resource Exhaustion attacks Issues related to rate limiting Login or Forgot Password page brute force and account lockout not enforced api* listens on port 80 Cross-domain access policy scoped to * Username / Email Enumeration via Login Page error message via Forgot Password error message via Registration Weak password Weak Captcha / Captcha bypass Lack of Secure/HTTPOnly flags on cookies Cookie valid after logout Cookie valid after password reset Cookie expiration Forgot password autologin Autologin token reuse Same Site Scripting SSL Issues, e.g. SSL Attacks such as BEAST, BREACH, Renegotiation attack SSL Forward secrecy not enabled SSL weak / insecure cipher suites SSL vulnerabilities related to configuration or version Descriptive error messages (e.g. Stack Traces, application or server errors). HTTP 404 codes/pages or other HTTP non-200 codes/pages. Fingerprinting/banner disclosure on common/public services. Disclosure of known public files or directories, (e.g. robots.txt). Clickjacking and issues only exploitable through clickjacking. CSRF on forms that are available to anonymous users (e.g. the contact form). Logout Cross-Site Request Forgery (logout CSRF). Missing CSRF protection on non-sensitive functionality Presence of application or web browser ‘autocomplete’ or ‘save password’ functionality. Incorrect Charset HTML Autocomplete OPTIONS HTTP method enabled TRACE HTTP method enabled Missing HTTP security headers, specifically (, e.g. Strict-Transport-Security X-Frame-Options X-XSS-Protection X-Content-Type-Options Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-WebKit-CSP Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only Issues only present in old browsers/old plugins/end-of-life software browsers IE < 9 Chrome < 40 Firefox < 35 Safari < 7 Opera < 13 Vulnerability reports related to the reported version numbers of web servers, services, or frameworks
jsEncrypter.0.3 #對請求數據加密處理
LFI scanner checks.jar #LFI檢測
burp-vulners-scanner-1.2.jar #漏洞庫對比
burplogger++.jar #擴展日誌模塊
chunked-coding-converter.0.2.1.jar #waf bypass
domain_hunter-v1.4.jar #域名收集
knife-v1.4.jar #字符轉換
reCAPTCHA-v0.9.jar #爆破驗證碼
sqlmap.jar #sqlmap api
Assassin #子域名爆破 | 旁註查詢
AuthMatrix #越權漏洞檢測
Blazer #AMF Messages
BurpAuthzPlugin #可用AuthMatrix代替
Burp_saml #單點登陸
J2EEScan #可被LFI scanner checks取代
JavaScriptInjector #JS注入
MobileMiTM #中間人攻擊
W3af #防火牆類型檢測
WCF-Binary-SOAP-Plug-In #WCF相關
Yara-Scanner #惡意樣本識別
aesburp AES Tool
CSRFScanner #CSRF檢測
jsEncrypter add jsEncrypter.jar
BurpKit.jar add BurpKit.jar
bypasswaf.jar #waf bypass