AHB clock BASE_M4_CLK CLK_M4_ADCHS up to 204 MHz. For register interface. ide
ADCHS clock BASE_ADCHS_CLK CLK_ADCHS up to 80MHz For conversion rate.this
How do I set up the BASE_M4_CLK or the AHB clocks for high speed ADC?spa
How do I verify the BASE_ADCHS_CLK is running (204Mhz ) fast enough for 80Msample?code
But in reality, the HSADC clock structure is very simple and can be setup by directly setting the HSADC base clock with this one function:blog
Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_ADCHS, BaseClock_XXXX, true, false);
You can attach the HSADC base clock to any of the following clock inputs:ip
/** * @brief CGU clock input list * These are possible input clocks for the CGU and can come * from both external (crystal) and internal (PLL) sources. These * clock inputs can be routed to the base clocks (@ref CHIP_CGU_BASE_CLK_T). */ typedef enum CHIP_CGU_CLKIN { CLKIN_32K, /*!< External 32KHz input */ CLKIN_IRC, /*!< Internal IRC (12MHz) input */ CLKIN_ENET_RX, /*!< External ENET_RX pin input */ CLKIN_ENET_TX, /*!< External ENET_TX pin input */ CLKIN_CLKIN, /*!< External GPCLKIN pin input */ CLKIN_RESERVED1, CLKIN_CRYSTAL, /*!< External (main) crystal pin input */ CLKIN_USBPLL, /*!< Internal USB PLL input */ CLKIN_AUDIOPLL, /*!< Internal Audio PLL input */ CLKIN_MAINPLL, /*!< Internal Main PLL input */ CLKIN_RESERVED2, CLKIN_RESERVED3, CLKIN_IDIVA, /*!< Internal divider A input */ CLKIN_IDIVB, /*!< Internal divider B input */ CLKIN_IDIVC, /*!< Internal divider C input */ CLKIN_IDIVD, /*!< Internal divider D input */ CLKIN_IDIVE, /*!< Internal divider E input */ CLKINPUT_PD /*!< External 32KHz input */ } CHIP_CGU_CLKIN_T;
Connect the 204MHz main PLL to a divider input, set the divider to 3, and use the divider for the HSADC base clock.get
Gives 204 / 3 = 68Mhz. Just make sure you aren't using those dividers for anything else!input
Chip_Clock_SetDivider(CLK_IDIV_A, CLKIN_MAINPLL, 3); /* Setup divider A for main PLL rate divided by 3 */ Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_ADCHS, CLKIN_IDIVA, true, false); /* HSADC base clock = divider A input */
Use the USB PLL rate (typically 480MHz) with a divide by 6 to get 80MHz. (Note different dividers have different maximum divider values)it
Chip_USB0_Init(); /* Sets USB PLL to 480Mhz */ Chip_Clock_SetDivider(CLK_IDIV_D, CLKIN_USBPLL, 6); /* Setup divider D for USB PLL rate divided by 6 */ Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_ADCHS, CLKIN_IDIVD, true, false); /* HSADC base clock = divider D input */
I think you might not be getting 20 MHz you will be getting 2MHz, as the only divider that can be sourced from USB0PLL is Divider Aio
(Max divider value supported by DIV_A is 4), if you attempt to source others [DIV_B to DIV_D] from USB0PLL it will default to IRC (12MHz).
Hence you will get "IRC CLK"/6 as the output. To get 80 MHz you can try the following
Chip_USB0_Init(); /* Initialize the USB0 PLL to 480 MHz */ Chip_Clock_SetDivider(CLK_IDIV_A, CLKIN_USBPLL, 2); /* Source DIV_A from USB0PLL, and set divider to 2 (Max div value supported is 4) [IN 480 MHz; OUT 240 MHz */ Chip_Clock_SetDivider(CLK_IDIV_B, CLKIN_IDIVA, 3); /* Source DIV_B from DIV_A, [IN 240 MHz; OUT 80 MHz */ Chip_Clock_SetBaseClock(CLK_BASE_ADCHS, CLKIN_IDIVB, true, false); /* Source ADHCS base clock from DIV_B */ Chip_Clock_EnableOpts(CLK_ADCHS, true, true, 1); /* Enable the clock */
480MHZ / 2 / 3 = 80 MHZ
Finally I've got some adequate results. ADCHS clock is 80MHz, but sample rate is only 40Msps, not 80Msps as I expected.
Chip_Clock_EnableOpts(CLK_ADCHS, true, true, 1); /* Enable the clock */
Every time I've tried to set SAMPLERATE to values more than 4000000 - UART stopped working.
Is it real to get 80Msps?
The original hsadc.c file used TIMER1 to trigger a software event to trigger to start the ADC.
In my modification I tried to us the TIMMER1 to stop the ADC sampling but it did not work.
I found that there were too many IRQ events (with higher priority than the UART) causing the UART not to get service
and also the descriptor would not update.
I left the code in and set the SAMPLERATE to 100 which cause TIMER1 to file every 10ms.
I used this to toggle GPIO port 3 bit 7 for testing.