這篇文章是翻譯自 Autodesk Forge 博客的 Forge SVF Extractor in Node.js,做者是 Autodesk ADN Philippe 大神,更多細節請參考博客原文。node
爲了離線使用 Forge Viewer 自 Autodesk Forge 服務器提取 Forge SVF 文檔的議題最近在 Autodesk Forge 相關討論羣變的愈來愈火熱。Autodesk ADN Cyrille 大神的 https://extract.autodesk.io 也是近期內小友們討論最熱烈的提取方案,您能夠在這個地方看到這個工程的整個代碼 https://github.com/cyrillef/e...,整個提取 SVF 文檔工程的主要思路被實做於
然而當 Philippe 大神嘗試將提取 SVF 的思路整合至他本身的應用裏時,發現 bubble.js 與原工程的藕合度過高,很難直接拿來使用,因此在研究 bubble.js 幾天後,Philippe 大神將裏面整個思路提取出來,並使用 ES2015+ 的特性(如 Promise、async等)實做了自個的版本,他的代碼以下方所示,想要看更細節的小友們能夠參考 forge-rcdb.nodejs 工程:github
// // Copyright (c) Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in // object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, // provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and // restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting // documentation. // // AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF // MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. AUTODESK, INC. // DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE // UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. // // Forge Extractor // by Philippe Leefsma (original version by Cyrille Fauvel) // import BaseSvc from './BaseSvc' import archiver from 'archiver' import Forge from 'forge-apis' import request from 'request' import mkdirp from 'mkdirp' import Zip from 'node-zip' import Zlib from 'zlib' import path from 'path' import _ from 'lodash' import fs from 'fs' export default class ExtractorSvc extends BaseSvc { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor (config) { super (config) this.derivativesAPI = new Forge.DerivativesApi() } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// name () { return 'ExtractorSvc' } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create directory async // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mkdirpAsync (dir) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { mkdirp(dir, (error) => { return error ? reject (error) : resolve() }) }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // download all URN resources to target directory // (unzipped) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// download (getToken, urn, directory) { return new Promise (async (resolve, reject) => { // make sure target dir exists await this.mkdirpAsync (directory) // get token, can be object token or an async // function that returns the token const token = ((typeof getToken == 'function') ? await getToken() : getToken) // get URN top level manifest const manifest = await this.derivativesAPI.getManifest ( urn, {}, {autoRefresh:false}, token) // harvest derivatives const derivatives = await this.getDerivatives ( getToken, manifest.body) // format derivative resources const nestedDerivatives = derivatives.map((item) => { return item.files.map((file) => { const localPath = path.resolve( directory, item.localPath) return { basePath: item.basePath, guid: item.guid, mime: item.mime, fileName: file, urn: item.urn, localPath } }) }) // flatten resources const derivativesList = _.flattenDeep( nestedDerivatives) // creates async download tasks for each // derivative file const downloadTasks = derivativesList.map( (derivative) => { return new Promise(async(resolve) => { const urn = path.join( derivative.basePath, derivative.fileName) const data = await this.getDerivative( getToken, urn) const filename = path.resolve( derivative.localPath, derivative.fileName) await this.saveToDisk(data, filename) resolve(filename) }) }) // wait for all files to be downloaded const files = await Promise.all(downloadTasks) resolve(files) }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse top level manifest to collect derivatives // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// parseManifest (manifest) { const items = [] const parseNodeRec = (node) => { const roles = [ 'Autodesk.CloudPlatform.DesignDescription', 'Autodesk.CloudPlatform.PropertyDatabase', 'Autodesk.CloudPlatform.IndexableContent', 'leaflet-zip', 'thumbnail', 'graphics', 'preview', 'raas', 'pdf', 'lod', ] if (roles.includes(node.role)) { const item = { guid: node.guid, mime: node.mime } const pathInfo = this.getPathInfo(node.urn) items.push (Object.assign({}, item, pathInfo)) } if (node.children) { node.children.forEach ((child) => { parseNodeRec (child) }) } } parseNodeRec({ children: manifest.derivatives }) return items } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Collect derivatives for SVF // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getSVFDerivatives (getToken, item) { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { try { const svfPath = item.urn.slice ( item.basePath.length) const files = [svfPath] const data = await this.getDerivative ( getToken, item.urn) const pack = new Zip (data, { checkCRC32: true, base64: false }) const manifestData = pack.files['manifest.json'].asNodeBuffer() const manifest = JSON.parse ( manifestData.toString('utf8')) if (manifest.assets) { manifest.assets.forEach((asset) => { // Skip SVF embedded resources if (asset.URI.indexOf('embed:/') === 0) { return } files.push(asset.URI) }) } return resolve( Object.assign({}, item, { files })) } catch (ex) { reject (ex) } }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Collect derivatives for F2D // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getF2dDerivatives (getToken, item) { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { try { const files = ['manifest.json.gz'] const manifestPath = item.basePath + 'manifest.json.gz' const data = await this.getDerivative ( getToken, manifestPath) const manifestData = Zlib.gunzipSync(data) const manifest = JSON.parse ( manifestData.toString('utf8')) if (manifest.assets) { manifest.assets.forEach((asset) => { // Skip SVF embedded resources if (asset.URI.indexOf('embed:/') === 0) { return } files.push(asset.URI) }) } return resolve( Object.assign({}, item, { files })) } catch (ex) { reject (ex) } }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get all derivatives from top level manifest // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getDerivatives (getToken, manifest) { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { const items = this.parseManifest(manifest) const derivativeTasks = items.map((item) => { switch (item.mime) { case 'application/autodesk-svf': return this.getSVFDerivatives( getToken, item) case 'application/autodesk-f2d': return this.getF2dDerivatives( getToken, item) case 'application/autodesk-db': return Promise.resolve( Object.assign({}, item, { files: [ 'objects_attrs.json.gz', 'objects_vals.json.gz', 'objects_offs.json.gz', 'objects_ids.json.gz', 'objects_avs.json.gz', item.rootFileName ]})) default: return Promise.resolve( Object.assign({}, item, { files: [ item.rootFileName ]})) } }) const derivatives = await Promise.all( derivativeTasks) return resolve(derivatives) }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate path information from URN // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getPathInfo (encodedURN) { const urn = decodeURIComponent(encodedURN) const rootFileName = urn.slice ( urn.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1) const basePath = urn.slice ( 0, urn.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1) const localPathTmp = basePath.slice ( basePath.indexOf ('/') + 1) const localPath = localPathTmp.replace ( /^output\//, '') return { rootFileName, localPath, basePath, urn } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get derivative data for specific URN // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getDerivative (getToken, urn) { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { const baseUrl = 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/' const url = baseUrl + `derivativeservice/v2/derivatives/${urn}` const token = ((typeof getToken == 'function') ? await getToken() : getToken) request({ url, method: 'GET', headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token.access_token, 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate' }, encoding: null }, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { return reject(err) } if (body && body.errors) { return reject(body.errors) } if ([200, 201, 202].indexOf( response.statusCode) < 0) { return reject(response) } return resolve(body || {}) }) }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Save data to disk // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// saveToDisk (data, filename) { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { await this.mkdirpAsync(path.dirname(filename)) const wstream = fs.createWriteStream(filename) const ext = path.extname(filename) wstream.on('finish', () => { resolve() }) if (typeof data === 'object' && ext === '.json') { wstream.write(JSON.stringify(data)) } else { wstream.write(data) } wstream.end() }) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create a zip // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// createZip (rootDir, zipfile, zipRoot, files) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const output = fs.createWriteStream(zipfile) const archive = archiver('zip') output.on('close', () => { resolve() }) archive.on('error', (err) => { reject(err) }) archive.pipe(output) if (files) { files.forEach((file) => { try { const rs = fs.createReadStream(file) archive.append(rs, { name: `${zipRoot}/${file.replace(rootDir, '')}` }) } catch(ex){ console.log(ex) } }) } else { archive.bulk([ { expand: false, src: [rootDir + '/*'] }]) } archive.finalize() } catch (ex) { reject(ex) } }) } }
// name of model to download const name = 'MyForgeModel' // URN of model to download const urn = 'dXGhsujdj .... ' // Get Forge service const forgeSvc = ServiceManager.getService( 'ForgeSvc') // getToken async function const getToken = () => forgeSvc.get2LeggedToken() // Get Extractor service const extractorSvc = ServiceManager.getService( 'ExtractorSvc') // target path to download SVF const dir = path.resolve(__dirname, `${name}`) // perform download const files = await extractorSvc.download( getToken, urn, dir) // target zipfile const zipfile = dir + '.zip' // zip all files await extractorSvc.createZip( dir, zipfile, name, files) // remove downloaded resources directory rmdir(dir)
若是想體驗實際操做的小友們能夠透過這個位址 https://forge-rcdb.autodesk.i... 上傳自個的模型文檔,點擊Download SVF