事情是這樣的,我寫了一個基於jQuery的插件,在傳統的開發模式中,咱們須要如今頁面引入jQuery.js,而後在引入咱們的插件,咱們的插件才能使用。可是隨着webpack的興起,我不在想一步步的寫入script標籤,寫着一堆的script標籤。可是咱們知道這些都有着模塊規範。好比在node環境中咱們常常這樣寫:var example = require('./example.js');那麼就讓咱們的插件也支持這樣的寫法吧。css
;(function($,window){ var plugin=function(){ } plugin.prototype={ a:function(){ }, b:function(){ } } window.plugin=plugin; })($,window)
var p = new plugin()
(function(window,$){ var mtable = function (opt, data) { this.tableId = opt.tableid; this.tableClass = opt.tableclass; this.tableParent = opt.tableparent; ...... this.mergeCells = opt.mergeCells || false; if (this instanceof mtable) { this.init(); return this; } else { return new mtable(opt, data).init() } } mtable.prototype = { constructor: mtable, init: function () { var that = this; that.createTable(); //合併單元格 if (this.mergeCells == true) { mtable.MergeCell(that.tableId) } this.addEventDom(); this.removeEventDom(); }, addEventDom: function () { var that = this; //在這裏咱們使用了jquery $(this.addDom).on('click', function () { console.log("開始生產表格...") that.createTable(); }) } } })(window,$)
//兼容模塊 if(typeof module !=='undefined' && typeof exports ==='object'){ module.exports=mtable; }else if(typeof define ==='function' && (define.amd || define.cmd)){ define(function(){ return mtable; }) }else{ window.mtable=mtable; }
可是咱們經過 var mtable = require('mtable')
時,通過webpack打包,會發現覽器錯誤提示$ is not defined
既然$ is not defined 說明咱們並沒把jQuery這個參數傳進去。node
//若是是在node環境中,經過require引入jQuery中,若是是在瀏覽器中,就經過window方式傳遞jQuery if(typeof module !=='undefined' && typeof exports ==='object'){ var $=require('jquery'); }else{ var $=window.$ } (function(){ var mtable = function (opt, data) { this.tableId = opt.tableid; this.tableClass = opt.tableclass; this.tableParent = opt.tableparent; this.table; this.theade = opt.theade; this.addDom = opt.adddom; this.removeDom = opt.removedom; this.data = data; this.mergeCells = opt.mergeCells || false; if (this instanceof mtable) { this.init(); return this; } else { return new mtable(opt, data).init() } } mtable.prototype = { constructor: mtable, init: function () { var that = this; that.createTable(); //合併單元格 if (this.mergeCells == true) { mtable.MergeCell(that.tableId) } this.addEventDom(); this.removeEventDom(); return this; }, createTable: function () { var that = this; var t = createTable({ id: that.tableId, class: that.tableClass }, that.data, that.theade); if (this.tableParent != null && this.tableParent != '') { $(this.tableParent).append(t) } else { document.body.appendChild(t); } }, addEventDom: function () { var that = this; //var tableObj=document.getElementById('m'); $(this.addDom).on('click', function () { console.log("開始生產表格...") that.createTable(); }) }, removeEventDom: function () { $(this.removeDom).on('click', function () { }) } } $.each(data, function (index, item) { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (var i in item) { console.log(item) var td = document.createElement("td"); td.innerHTML = item[i]; tr.appendChild(td); } tbody.appendChild(tr); }); vtable.appendChild(tbody); return vtable; } } //兼容模塊 if(typeof module !=='undefined' && typeof exports ==='object'){ module.exports=mtable; }else if(typeof define ==='function' && (define.amd || define.cmd)){ define(function(){ return mtable; }) }else{ window.mtable=mtable; } }).call(function(){ return (typeof window !=='undefined' ? window : global ) },$)//傳入$
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.js"></script> <script src="easyTable.js"></script>
var mtable=require("../lib/easyTable"); var data = [ { 'a': '小明', 'b': '100' }, { 'a': '小明', 'b': '250' }, { 'a': '小明', 'b': '260' }, { 'a': '小明', 'b': '270' }, { 'a': '小花', 'b': '90' }, { 'a': '小花', 'b': '190' } ] var c = new mtable({ tableid: 'm', adddom: ".add", tableclass: 'table table-bordered', tableparent: '.tcon', theade: '<td>姓名</td><td>價格</td>', mergeCells: true }, data)