隨着時間流逝,系統會按恆定1/QPS時間間隔(若是QPS=100,則間隔是10ms) 往桶裏加入Token(想象和漏洞漏水相反,有個水龍頭在不斷的加水),併發
若是桶已經滿了就再也不加了. 新請求來臨時, 會各自拿走一個Token,若是沒有Token可拿了就阻塞或者拒絕服務.ide
using System; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { using CZ.FlowControl.Spi; /// <summary> /// 令牌桶 /// </summary> public abstract class TokenBucket : IThrottleStrategy { protected long bucketTokenCapacity; private static readonly object syncRoot = new object(); protected readonly long ticksRefillInterval; protected long nextRefillTime; //number of tokens in the bucket protected long tokens; protected TokenBucket(long bucketTokenCapacity, long refillInterval, long refillIntervalInMilliSeconds) { if (bucketTokenCapacity <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bucketTokenCapacity", "bucket token capacity can not be negative"); if (refillInterval < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("refillInterval", "Refill interval cannot be negative"); if (refillIntervalInMilliSeconds <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("refillIntervalInMilliSeconds", "Refill interval in milliseconds cannot be negative"); this.bucketTokenCapacity = bucketTokenCapacity; ticksRefillInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(refillInterval * refillIntervalInMilliSeconds).Ticks; } /// <summary> /// 是否流控 /// </summary> /// <param name="n"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ShouldThrottle(long n = 1) { TimeSpan waitTime; return ShouldThrottle(n, out waitTime); } public bool ShouldThrottle(long n, out TimeSpan waitTime) { if (n <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n", "Should be positive integer"); lock (syncRoot) { UpdateTokens(); if (tokens < n) { var timeToIntervalEnd = nextRefillTime - SystemTime.UtcNow.Ticks; if (timeToIntervalEnd < 0) return ShouldThrottle(n, out waitTime); waitTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(timeToIntervalEnd); return true; } tokens -= n; waitTime = TimeSpan.Zero; return false; } } /// <summary> /// 更新令牌 /// </summary> protected abstract void UpdateTokens(); public bool ShouldThrottle(out TimeSpan waitTime) { return ShouldThrottle(1, out waitTime); } public long CurrentTokenCount { get { lock (syncRoot) { UpdateTokens(); return tokens; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// 固定令牌桶 /// </summary> class FixedTokenBucket : TokenBucket { public FixedTokenBucket(long maxTokens, long refillInterval, long refillIntervalInMilliSeconds) : base(maxTokens, refillInterval, refillIntervalInMilliSeconds) { } protected override void UpdateTokens() { var currentTime = SystemTime.UtcNow.Ticks; if (currentTime < nextRefillTime) return; tokens = bucketTokenCapacity; nextRefillTime = currentTime + ticksRefillInterval; } }
public bool ShouldThrottle(long n, out TimeSpan waitTime) { if (n <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("n", "Should be positive integer"); lock (syncRoot) { UpdateTokens(); if (tokens < n) { var timeToIntervalEnd = nextRefillTime - SystemTime.UtcNow.Ticks; if (timeToIntervalEnd < 0) return ShouldThrottle(n, out waitTime); waitTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(timeToIntervalEnd); return true; } tokens -= n; waitTime = TimeSpan.Zero; return false; } }
當水流入速度過大會直接溢出(訪問頻率超過接口響應速率), 而後就拒絕請求,
漏桶抽象類:LeakTokenBucket,繼承與令牌桶抽象父類 TokenBucket,說明了獲取令牌(漏出令牌)在底層的方式是一致的,不同的是重置令牌的方式(務必理解這一點)
using System; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { /// <summary> /// 漏桶 /// </summary> abstract class LeakyTokenBucket : TokenBucket { protected readonly long stepTokens; protected long ticksStepInterval; protected LeakyTokenBucket(long maxTokens, long refillInterval, int refillIntervalInMilliSeconds, long stepTokens, long stepInterval, int stepIntervalInMilliseconds) : base(maxTokens, refillInterval, refillIntervalInMilliSeconds) { this.stepTokens = stepTokens; if (stepInterval < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stepInterval", "Step interval cannot be negative"); if (stepTokens < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stepTokens", "Step tokens cannot be negative"); if (stepIntervalInMilliseconds <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stepIntervalInMilliseconds", "Step interval in milliseconds cannot be negative"); ticksStepInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(stepInterval * stepIntervalInMilliseconds).Ticks; } } }
舉個例子:TPS 100,即每秒漏出100個Token,stepTokens =100, ticksStepInterval=1000ms
StepDownTokenBucket 滿桶:即一把將令牌桶填充滿
using System; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { /// <summary> /// 漏桶(滿桶) /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// StepDownLeakyTokenBucketStrategy resembles a bucket which has been filled with tokens at the beginning but subsequently leaks tokens at a fixed interval /// </remarks> class StepDownTokenBucket : LeakyTokenBucket { public StepDownTokenBucket(long maxTokens, long refillInterval, int refillIntervalInMilliSeconds, long stepTokens, long stepInterval, int stepIntervalInMilliseconds) : base(maxTokens, refillInterval, refillIntervalInMilliSeconds, stepTokens, stepInterval, stepIntervalInMilliseconds) { } protected override void UpdateTokens() { var currentTime = SystemTime.UtcNow.Ticks; if (currentTime >= nextRefillTime) { //set tokens to max tokens = bucketTokenCapacity; //compute next refill time nextRefillTime = currentTime + ticksRefillInterval; return; } //calculate max tokens possible till the end var timeToNextRefill = nextRefillTime - currentTime; var stepsToNextRefill = timeToNextRefill/ticksStepInterval; var maxPossibleTokens = stepsToNextRefill*stepTokens; if ((timeToNextRefill%ticksStepInterval) > 0) maxPossibleTokens += stepTokens; if (maxPossibleTokens < tokens) tokens = maxPossibleTokens; } } }
StepUpLeakyTokenBucket 空桶:即每次只將stepTokens個數的令牌放到桶中
1 using System; 2 3 namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service 4 { 5 /// <summary> 6 /// 漏桶(空桶) 7 /// </summary> 8 /// <remarks> 9 /// StepUpLeakyTokenBucketStrategy resemembles an empty bucket at the beginning but get filled will tokens over a fixed interval. 10 /// </remarks> 11 class StepUpLeakyTokenBucket : LeakyTokenBucket 12 { 13 private long lastActivityTime; 14 15 public StepUpLeakyTokenBucket(long maxTokens, long refillInterval, int refillIntervalInMilliSeconds, long stepTokens, long stepInterval, int stepIntervalInMilliseconds) 16 : base(maxTokens, refillInterval, refillIntervalInMilliSeconds, stepTokens, stepInterval, stepIntervalInMilliseconds) 17 { 18 } 19 20 protected override void UpdateTokens() 21 { 22 var currentTime = SystemTime.UtcNow.Ticks; 23 24 if (currentTime >= nextRefillTime) 25 { 26 tokens = stepTokens; 27 28 lastActivityTime = currentTime; 29 nextRefillTime = currentTime + ticksRefillInterval; 30 31 return; 32 } 33 34 //calculate tokens at current step 35 36 long elapsedTimeSinceLastActivity = currentTime - lastActivityTime; 37 long elapsedStepsSinceLastActivity = elapsedTimeSinceLastActivity / ticksStepInterval; 38 39 tokens += (elapsedStepsSinceLastActivity*stepTokens); 40 41 if (tokens > bucketTokenCapacity) tokens = bucketTokenCapacity; 42 lastActivityTime = currentTime; 43 } 44 } 45 }
using System; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Spi { /// <summary> /// 流量控制算法策略 /// </summary> public interface IThrottleStrategy { /// <summary> /// 是否流控 /// </summary> /// <param name="n"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool ShouldThrottle(long n = 1); /// <summary> /// 是否流控 /// </summary> /// <param name="n"></param> /// <param name="waitTime"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool ShouldThrottle(long n, out TimeSpan waitTime); /// <summary> /// 是否流控 /// </summary> /// <param name="waitTime"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool ShouldThrottle(out TimeSpan waitTime); /// <summary> /// 當前令牌個數 /// </summary> long CurrentTokenCount { get; } } }
即定義具體的流控策略:如下是這個類的詳細屬性和成員: 不只定義了流控策略類型,還定義了流控的維度信息和流控閾值,這樣流控就作成依賴注入的方式了!
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Spi { /// <summary> /// 流控策略 /// </summary> public class FlowControlStrategy { /// <summary> /// 標識 /// </summary> public string ID { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 名稱 /// </summary> public string Name { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 流控策略類型 /// </summary> public FlowControlStrategyType StrategyType { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 流控閾值-Int /// </summary> public long IntThreshold { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 流控閾值-Double /// </summary> public decimal DoubleThreshold { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 時間區間跨度 /// </summary> public FlowControlTimespan TimeSpan { get; set; } private Dictionary<string, string> flowControlConfigs; /// <summary> /// 流控維度信息 /// </summary> public Dictionary<string, string> FlowControlConfigs { get { if (flowControlConfigs == null) flowControlConfigs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); return flowControlConfigs; } set { flowControlConfigs = value; } } /// <summary> /// 描述 /// </summary> public string Descriptions { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 觸發流控後是否直接拒絕請求 /// </summary> public bool IsRefusedRequest { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 建立時間 /// </summary> public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 建立人 /// </summary> public string Creator { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 最後修改時間 /// </summary> public DateTime LastModifyTime { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 最後修改人 /// </summary> public string LastModifier { get; set; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Spi { /// <summary> /// 流控策略類型枚舉 /// </summary> public enum FlowControlStrategyType { /// <summary> /// TPS控制策略 /// </summary> TPS, /// <summary> /// 總數控制策略 /// </summary> Sum, /// <summary> /// 延遲控制策略 /// </summary> Delay } }
using System; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { using CZ.FlowControl.Spi; /// <summary> /// TPS流量控制器 /// </summary> class TPSFlowController : IFlowController { public IThrottleStrategy InnerThrottleStrategy { get; private set; } public FlowControlStrategy FlowControlStrategy { get; private set; } public bool ShouldThrottle(long n, out TimeSpan waitTime) { return InnerThrottleStrategy.ShouldThrottle(n, out waitTime); } public TPSFlowController(FlowControlStrategy strategy) { FlowControlStrategy = strategy; InnerThrottleStrategy = new FixedTokenBucket(strategy.IntThreshold, 1, 1000); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { using CZ.FlowControl.Spi; /// <summary> /// 一段時間內合計值流量控制器 /// </summary> class SumFlowController : IFlowController { public IThrottleStrategy InnerThrottleStrategy { get; private set; } public FlowControlStrategy FlowControlStrategy { get; private set; } public bool ShouldThrottle(long n, out TimeSpan waitTime) { return InnerThrottleStrategy.ShouldThrottle(n, out waitTime); } public SumFlowController(FlowControlStrategy strategy) { FlowControlStrategy = strategy; var refillInterval = GetTokenBucketRefillInterval(strategy); InnerThrottleStrategy = new FixedTokenBucket(strategy.IntThreshold, refillInterval, 1000); } private long GetTokenBucketRefillInterval(FlowControlStrategy strategy) { long refillInterval = 0; switch (strategy.TimeSpan) { case FlowControlTimespan.Second: refillInterval = 1; break; case FlowControlTimespan.Minute: refillInterval = 60; break; case FlowControlTimespan.Hour: refillInterval = 60 * 60; break; case FlowControlTimespan.Day: refillInterval = 24 * 60 * 60; break; } return refillInterval; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { using CZ.FlowControl.Spi; /// <summary> /// 流控策略工廠 /// </summary> class FlowControllerFactory { private static Dictionary<string, IFlowController> fcControllers; private static object syncObj = new object(); private static FlowControllerFactory instance; private FlowControllerFactory() { fcControllers = new Dictionary<string, IFlowController>(); } public static FlowControllerFactory GetInstance() { if (instance == null) { lock (syncObj) { if (instance == null) { instance = new FlowControllerFactory(); } } } return instance; } public IFlowController GetOrCreateFlowController(FlowControlStrategy strategy) { if (strategy == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("FlowControllerFactory.GetOrCreateFlowController.strategy"); if (!fcControllers.ContainsKey(strategy.ID)) { lock (syncObj) { if (!fcControllers.ContainsKey(strategy.ID)) { var fcController = CreateFlowController(strategy); if (fcController != null) fcControllers.Add(strategy.ID, fcController); } } } if (fcControllers.ContainsKey(strategy.ID)) { var controller = fcControllers[strategy.ID]; return controller; } return null; } private IFlowController CreateFlowController(FlowControlStrategy strategy) { if (strategy == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("FlowControllerFactory.CreateFlowController.strategy"); IFlowController controller = null; switch (strategy.StrategyType) { case FlowControlStrategyType.TPS: controller = new TPSFlowController(strategy); break; case FlowControlStrategyType.Delay: controller = new DelayFlowController(strategy); break; case FlowControlStrategyType.Sum: controller = new SumFlowController(strategy); break; default: break; } return controller; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace CZ.FlowControl.Service { using CZ.FlowControl.Spi; using System.Threading; /// <summary> /// 統一流控服務 /// </summary> public class FlowControlService { /// <summary> /// 流控 /// </summary> /// <param name="strategy">流控策略</param> /// <param name="count">請求次數</param> public static void FlowControl(FlowControlStrategy strategy, int count = 1) { var controller = FlowControllerFactory.GetInstance().GetOrCreateFlowController(strategy); TimeSpan waitTimespan = TimeSpan.Zero; var result = controller.ShouldThrottle(count, out waitTimespan); if (result) { if (strategy.IsRefusedRequest == false && waitTimespan != TimeSpan.Zero) { WaitForAvailable(strategy, controller, waitTimespan, count); } else if (strategy.IsRefusedRequest) { throw new Exception("觸發流控!"); } } } /// <summary> /// 等待可用 /// </summary> /// <param name="strategy">流控策略</param> /// <param name="controller">流控器</param> /// <param name="waitTimespan">等待時間</param> /// <param name="count">請求次數</param> private static void WaitForAvailable(FlowControlStrategy strategy, IFlowController controller, TimeSpan waitTimespan, int count) { var timespan = waitTimespan; if (strategy.StrategyType == FlowControlStrategyType.Delay) { Thread.Sleep(timespan); return; } while (controller.ShouldThrottle(count, out timespan)) { Thread.Sleep(timespan); } } } }
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