


  1. 中文的簡單句能夠靈活組合句子成分(主語、謂語、賓語、定語、狀語、補語),而英文的句子必需要有謂語,而且主語應該是謂語動做的發出者,賓語應該是謂語動做的承受者(牢記)
    1. J001:個人英語說得很好:I speak English well.
    2. J002:北京西站,到了:We are arriving Beijing West Railway Station.
    3. J003:狗沒有找到:I did not find the dog.
  2. 練習:
    1. J004:我和你度過了一個美好的日子:I spent a good day with you.

注:I spent with you. 中並無賓語,由於不可能度過和你,而應該是度過一個美好的日子,即這句話省略了賓語,原句應該是:I spent a good day with you.ide


2.1 主謂

  1. J005:他死後,咱們笑了:He died, then we laugh.


2.2 主謂賓


2.3 主 謂/系 表


  1. be:am,is,are;
  2. 感官動詞:look,smell,taste,sound,feel;
  3. 變化:become,get;
  4. 保持:keep,stay,remain。

2.4 主謂雙賓(瞭解)


2.5 主謂賓補(瞭解)

  1. J006:我給Nick買了一條狗:I bought Nick a dog.
  2. J007:他給了我五個糖果:He gave me five sugars.
  3. J008:狗讓他開心:The dog makes him delight.



3.1 謂語

  1. 謂語的成分: 有時態的(暫時排除情態動詞)實義動詞(詞組)或系動詞
    1. J009:你的母親必定像你同樣高雅:Your mother must be very elegant like you.
    2. J010:個人舊情人很是喜歡我:My old flame loves me so much.
  2. 練習:
    1. J011:在美國經濟中,私有財產的概念不只包含對生產資源的全部權,也指其餘一些特定的權利,如肯定一個產品價格和與另外一個私人個體(經濟單位)自由簽訂合同的權利:In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract whit another private individual.
  3. 一句話中的動詞(詞組)能不能多:謂語只能是動詞(詞組),動詞(詞組)只能充當謂語,所以一個句子中有多個動詞(詞組)時,咱們須要把動詞(詞組)變成非謂語動詞,有如下3種變法:
    1. V-ing:表示主動或進行(主動居多);
      1. J012:嘲笑其餘人的夢想是不對的:Laughing at other's dreams is not right.
      2. J013:我喜歡嘲笑其餘人:I enjoy laughing at others.
    2. V-ed:表示被動或完成(被動居多);
    3. to do:表示目的或未來(目的居多)。
      1. J014:個人計劃是去嘲笑愚蠢的人:My plan is to laugh at those stupid ones.
  4. 一句話中能不能沒有動詞(詞組):沒有動詞(詞組)就表示一句話中沒有謂語。
    1. J015:我反對你:I against be you.
  5. 練習:
    1. J016:他哭着離開了:He left crying.
    2. J017:愛我就是抱抱我:Loving me is hugging me.
    3. J018:愛你是我最大的錯誤:Loving you is my biggest fault. 或 It is my biggest fault to love you.



3.2 主語

  1. 主語的成分:代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞和從句。
    1. J019:我是一個老師:I am a teacher.
    2. J020:個人工做是教Python的:My job is to teach Python.
    3. J021:幫助你學好Python是個人工做:Helping you to learn Python well is my task.
  2. 主語可否缺失:一個句子中若是沒有主語,可使用如下4種方式代替:
    1. it:句子缺乏主語,而且和天氣、溫度相關
      1. J022:外面很熱(主語不是外面,外面不能很熱,而是溫度):It is hot outside.
      2. J023:重慶如今很冷(主語不是重慶,重慶不能冷,主語應該是溫度):It is cold in Jiangxi now.
      3. J024:外面在下雨(主語不是外面,外面不能下雨,主語應該是天氣):It is raining.
    2. there be:一個句子中沒有主語,而且有「有」字
      1. J025:二師兄的頭上有朵花:There exists a flower on the head of the second brother.
      2. J026:有不少人喜歡我:There seem immense amounts of individuals having affection for me.
      3. J027:有不少緣由能解釋個人觀點:There remain numerous factors accounting for my perspective.
    3. 被動:一個句子沒有主語或人稱代詞做爲主語,能夠變主動爲被動。可是如下幾種狀況沒有被動:
      1. 不及物動詞沒有被動
      2. 系動詞沒有被動
      3. Have表示「有」的時候沒有被動
      4. J028:必須指出語法在考研中仍是至關重要的:Grammar must be pointed out to be quite crucial in the examination of postgraduates.
      5. J029:愈來愈多的人意識到污染很嚴重:Pollution is realized exceedingly severe by an increasing number of people.
      6. J030:咱們不該該盲目追星:Superstars should never be pursued blindly.
      7. J031:孝敬父母很重要:Respecting parents is argued to be of great importance by a sea of private individuals.
    4. 人稱代詞:以上三種無能爲力的時候才容許破例使用,不然儘可能不要使用
      1. J032:我去上學:I go to school.

3.3 賓語

  1. 賓語的成分:代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞和從句。
    1. J033:我喜歡Nick:I love Nick.

3.4 表語

  1. 表語的成分:代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞、形容詞、介詞短語和從句。
    1. J034:個人夢想是成爲一名科學家:My dream is becoming a scientist.


主語 謂語 賓語 表語
成分 代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞和從句 代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞和從句 代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞和從句 代詞、名詞(短語)、非謂語動詞、形容詞、介詞短語和從句


4.1 通常過去時

  1. 定義:過去某個時間點發生了某個動做
  2. 構成:通常在動詞後加ed,不規則的除外
  3. 寫做中的應用:舉例或描述圖表
    1. J035:2010年,使用手機的用戶增加到了1500萬:The number of subscribers using mobile phones increased to 15 million in 2010.
    2. J036:有一次,我生病了,但沒有人照顧我:Once, I got sick but nobody took care of me.

4.2 通常未來時

  1. 定義:表示動做還沒有發生
  2. 構成:will + be
  3. 寫做中的應用:狀語從句中常常用到
    1. J037:當愛來臨的時候,我要牽住他的手(主將從現):When love comes, I will hold his hands.
    2. J038:由於他很正直,因此註定了在這場鬥爭中他會是一個犧牲品:Because he is pretty honest, he will be doomed to be the sacrifice in the fight.

4.3 如今完成時

  1. 定義:
    1. 表示動做發生在過去,可是對如今形成了影響
    2. 表示動做從過去開始發生,持續到如今,而且還可能持續
      1. J039:我在江西居住不少年了:I have been in Jiangxi for many years.
  2. 構成:have + done
  3. 寫做中的應用:只要中文句子中出現「已經」或「曾經」,通常均可以用該時態
    1. J040:環境污染這個話題已經成爲公衆關注的焦點了:The subject as to environmental pollution has become the public concern.
    2. J041:父母曾經花費那麼多時間和精力把咱們撫養長大:Parents have spent a lot of time and energy bringing us up.

4.4 如今進行時

  1. 定義:表示一個動做正在發生
  2. 構成:be + V-ing
  3. 寫做中的應用:描述圖畫的時候,讓語言更生動
    1. J042:守門員正在把本身想象得像螞蟻同樣眇小:The goalkeeper is imaging himself as small as an ant.
    2. J043:圖片中一盞小油燈正在微笑:An oil lamp is smiling in the cartoon.

4.5 通常如今時

  1. 定義:表示動做常常發生或客觀真理
  2. 構成:動詞原來的形式,若是主語爲第三人稱單數,則動詞後加-s或-es
  3. 寫做中的應用:寫做絕對以通常如今時爲主,做文中基本是該時態的天下
    1. J044:合做能使咱們更快地完成工做:Cooperation enables us to finish our jobs as quickly as possible.
    2. J045:孝敬父母是中國民族的傳統美德:Respecting parents is a Chinese traditional virtue.
    3. J046:Nick老師很帥:Teacher Nick keeps handsome.
    4. J047:環境污染愈來愈嚴重:Environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious.


5.1 系動詞

  1. 系統詞分爲如下四類:
    1. be:am,is,are;
    2. 感官動詞:look,smell,taste,sound,feel;
    3. 變化:become,get;
    4. 保持:keep,stay,remain。

5.2 助動詞

  1. 定義:幫助謂語構成時態、否認、疑問或被動的單詞,有時還用於增強語氣。
    1. J048:我教Python已經不少年了:I have taught English for years.
    2. J049:他知道那個:He did know that.

5.3 情態動詞

  1. 定義:代表說話人主觀態度的詞彙,不能單獨使用,必須得加動詞原形共同做謂語
    1. J050:我天天都煮飯:I cook every day.
    2. J051:我天天不得不煮飯:I have to cook every day.
    3. J052:我必須得出去:I must be go out.

5.4 實義動詞

  1. 及物動詞:後面不加介詞而是直接加賓語,而且後面必須加賓語的動詞
    1. J053:看電視:Watch television.
  2. 不及物動詞:後面加介詞才能加賓語的動詞
    1. J054:看着我:Look at me.


  1. 把本身不會寫的單詞都換成本身會寫的
  2. 寫不來的長難句暫時寫成簡單句
    1. J055:溫室裏的花朵不能經受風雨,這個事實證實孩子不該該被過度溺愛:The evidence that the flower in the green house fails to endure any storms indicates that kids should never be spoiled too much.
    2. J056:溫室裏的花朵不能經受風雨,這個事實證實孩子不該該被過度溺愛(簡單句):We should not protect our children too much. The flower in the house cannot suffer the rain.
  3. 只要做文中有邏輯關係,就必定要用邏輯關係詞


  1. J057:這兩天心理很不爽:I feel rather upset recently.
  2. J058:全球在變暖:It is becoming warm throughout the world.
  3. J059:重慶有不少人口:There exist a sea of citizens in Chongqing.
  4. J060:若是有毅力,早晚都會成功:If there appears persistence in your mind, success will be achieved sooner or later.
  5. J061:有意義就是好好活,好好活就是作有意義的事情:Being meaningful is to live happily and living happily is to do meaningful things.
  6. J062:笑並不意味着快樂:Smile hardly means happiness.
  7. J063:妒忌自己就是一種仰望:Jealousy itself is a kind of worship.
  8. J064:建議政府採起措施來緩解這個問題:Authorities should be suggested to take measures so as to relieve the problem.
  9. J065:毫無疑問,溺愛孩子的問題愈來愈嚴重了:There is little doubt that the issue of spoiling children is becoming growingly serve.
  10. J066:保護運動員是應該的:Athletes ought to be protected.
  11. J067:我弟弟天天上網,花大量的時間瀏覽不一樣的網頁:My brother surfs the Internet every day, spending a lot of time looking on many different web sites.
  12. J068:恨一我的其實就是拿別人的錯誤來懲罰本身:Hating a person is penalizing yourself because of the fault of others.
  13. J069:他外表看起來很邋遢,心裏卻很高貴:He looks indecent in appearance but he is noble in his mind.
  14. J070:生氣令人變得愚蠢,這個道理是顯而易見的:Outrage will make people foolish. This is quite obvious.
  15. J071:最吸引人的問題是很多顧客只對買不起的商品感興趣:The most attractive is this--many consumers are only interested in those products. But the cannot afford them.


elegant a.高雅的

old flame n.舊情人

doom n.厄運;判決;vt.註定

goalkeeper n.守門員

worship n.崇拜


  1. 個人英語說得很好:I speak English well.
  2. 北京西站,到了:We are arriving Beijing West Railway Station.
  3. 狗沒有找到:I did not find the dog.
  4. 我和你度過了一個美好的日子:I spent a good day with you.
  5. 他死後,咱們笑了:He died, then we laugh.
  6. 我給Nick買了一條狗:I bought Nick a dog.
  7. 他給了我五個糖果:He gave me five sugars.
  8. 狗讓他開心:The dog makes him delight.
  9. 你的母親必定像你同樣高雅:Your mother must be very elegant like you.
  10. 個人舊情人很是喜歡我:My old flame loves me so much.
  11. 在美國經濟中,私有財產的概念不只包含對生產資源的全部權,也指其餘一些特定的權利,如肯定一個產品價格和與另外一個私人個體(經濟單位)自由簽訂合同的權利:In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract whit another private individual.
  12. 嘲笑其餘人的夢想是不對的:Laughing at other's dreams is not right.
  13. 我喜歡嘲笑其餘人:I enjoy laughing at others.
  14. 個人計劃是去嘲笑愚蠢的人:My plan is to laugh at those stupid ones.
  15. 我反對你:I against be you.
  16. 他哭着離開了:He left crying.
  17. 愛我就是抱抱我:Loving me is hugging me.
  18. 愛你是我最大的錯誤:Loving you is my biggest fault. 或 It is my biggest fault to love you.
  19. 我是一個老師:I am a teacher.
  20. 個人工做是教Python的:My job is to teach Python.
  21. 幫助你學好Python是個人工做:Helping you to learn Python well is my task.
  22. 外面很熱(主語不是外面,外面不能很熱,而是溫度):It is hot outside.
  23. 重慶如今很冷(主語不是重慶,重慶不能冷,主語應該是溫度):It is cold in Jiangxi now.
  24. 外面在下雨(主語不是外面,外面不能下雨,主語應該是天氣):It is raining.
  25. 二師兄的頭上有朵花:There exists a flower on the head of the second brother.
  26. 有不少人喜歡我:There seem immense amounts of individuals having affection for me.
  27. 有不少緣由能解釋個人觀點:There remain numerous factors accounting for my perspective.
  28. 必須指出語法在考研中仍是至關重要的:Grammar must be pointed out to be quite crucial in the examination of postgraduates.
  29. 愈來愈多的人意識到污染很嚴重:Pollution is realized exceedingly severe by an increasing number of people.
  30. 咱們不該該盲目追星:Superstars should never be pursued blindly.
  31. 孝敬父母很重要:Respecting parents is argued to be of great importance by a sea of private individuals.
  32. 我去上學:I go to school.
  33. 我喜歡Nick:I love Nick.
  34. 個人夢想是成爲一名科學家:My dream is becoming a scientist.
  35. 2010年,使用手機的用戶增加到了1500萬:The number of subscribers using mobile phones increased to 15 million in 2010.
  36. 有一次,我生病了,但沒有人照顧我:Once, I got sick but nobody took care of me.
  37. 當愛來臨的時候,我要牽住他的手(主將從現):When love comes, I will hold his hands.
  38. 由於他很正直,因此註定了在這場鬥爭中他會是一個犧牲品:Because he is pretty honest, he will be doomed to be the sacrifice in the fight.
  39. 我在江西居住不少年了:I have been in Jiangxi for many years.
  40. 環境污染這個話題已經成爲公衆關注的焦點了:The subject as to environmental pollution has become the public concern.
  41. 父母曾經花費那麼多時間和精力把咱們撫養長大:Parents have spent a lot of time and energy bringing us up.
  42. 守門員正在把本身想象得像螞蟻同樣眇小:The goalkeeper is imaging himself as small as an ant.
  43. 圖片中一盞小油燈正在微笑:An oil lamp is smiling in the cartoon.
  44. 合做能使咱們更快地完成工做:Cooperation enables us to finish our jobs as quickly as possible.
  45. 孝敬父母是中國民族的傳統美德:Respecting parents is a Chinese traditional virtue.
  46. Nick老師很帥:Teacher Nick keeps handsome.
  47. 環境污染愈來愈嚴重:Environmental pollution becomes increasingly serious.
  48. 我教Python已經不少年了:I have taught English for years.
  49. 他知道那個:He did know that.
  50. 我天天都煮飯:I cook every day.
  51. 我天天不得不煮飯:I have to cook every day.
  52. 我必須得出去:I must be go out.
  53. 看電視:Watch television.
  54. 看着我:Look at me.
  55. 溫室裏的花朵不能經受風雨,這個事實證實孩子不該該被過度溺愛:The evidence that the flower in the green house fails to endure any storms indicates that kids should never be spoiled too much.
  56. 溫室裏的花朵不能經受風雨,這個事實證實孩子不該該被過度溺愛(簡單句):We should not protect our children too much. The flower in the house cannot suffer the rain.
  57. 這兩天心理很不爽:I feel rather upset recently.
  58. 全球在變暖:It is becoming warm throughout the world.
  59. 重慶有不少人口:There exist a sea of citizens in Chongqing.
  60. 若是有毅力,早晚都會成功:If there appears persistence in your mind, success will be achieved sooner or later.
  61. 有意義就是好好活,好好活就是作有意義的事情:Being meaningful is to live happily and living happily is to do meaningful things.
  62. 笑並不意味着快樂:Smile hardly means happiness.
  63. 妒忌自己就是一種仰望:Jealousy itself is a kind of worship.
  64. 建議政府採起措施來緩解這個問題:Authorities should be suggested to take measures so as to relieve the problem.
  65. 毫無疑問,溺愛孩子的問題愈來愈嚴重了:There is little doubt that the issue of spoiling children is becoming growingly serve.
  66. 保護運動員是應該的:Athletes ought to be protected.
  67. 我弟弟天天上網,花大量的時間瀏覽不一樣的網頁:My brother surfs the Internet every day, spending a lot of time looking on many different web sites.
  68. 恨一我的其實就是拿別人的錯誤來懲罰本身:Hating a person is penalizing yourself because of the fault of others.
  69. 他外表看起來很邋遢,心裏卻很高貴:He looks indecent in appearance but he is noble in his mind.
  70. 生氣令人變得愚蠢,這個道理是顯而易見的:Outrage will make people foolish. This is quite obvious.
  71. 最吸引人的問題是很多顧客只對買不起的商品感興趣:The most attractive is this--many consumers are only interested in those products. But the cannot afford them.