sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev imagemagick
Building native extensions. This could take a while...linux
ERROR: Error installing rmagick:ubuntu
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.ruby
/home/ubuntu/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.1/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20151106-26672-3q6a8w.rb extconf.rbide
checking for gcc... yesui
checking for Magick-config... nospa
checking for pkg-config... yescode
Package MagickCore was not found in the pkg-config search path.rem
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `MagickCore.pc'get
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variableit
No package 'MagickCore' found
checking for outdated ImageMagick version (<= 6.4.9)... *** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may
need configuration options.
Provided configuration options:
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in /home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/gems/rmagick-2.15.4 for inspection.
Results logged to /home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.2.0/rmagick-2.15.4/gem_make.out