Pelias is a modular, open-source geocoder built on top of ElasticSearch for fast geocoding.html
Pelias is the project used to power Mapzen Searchnode
Geocoding is the process of transforming input text, such as an address, or a name of a place—to a location on the earth's surface.git
Reverse geocoding is the opposite, it transforms your current geographic location in to a list of places nearby.github
It's completely open-source and MIT licensedjson
It's based on open-data, so you can run it yourselfapi
You can install it locally and modify to suit your needsapp
It has an impressive list of features, such as fast autocompletecurl
It's modular, so you don't need to be an expert to make changeside
It's easy to install and requires no external dependenciespost
We run a continuous deployment cycle with a new version shipping weekly
Provide accurate search results
Give users query suggestions (typeahead in the search box)
Account for location bias (places nearer to you appear higher in the results)
Support multiple data sources (Defaults include OpenStreetMap, OpenAddresses, geonames, quattroshapes etc)
Flexible software architecture
Easy to contribute software patches and features to
Easy to set-up and configure your own instance
No external dependencies (such as postgres)
Reliable, configurable & fast import process
Work equally well for a small city and the entire planet
Sure! Our API lives at, and is usable with a free API key (register here) and generous rate-limits. The endpoints are documented here; happy geocoding!
This documentation also applies to standalone versions of Pelias, leaving aside API keys, privacy flags, and data sources which may be configured differently for other installations.
$ curl -s "{YOUR_API_KEY}" | json { "geocoding": { "version": "0.1", "attribution": "", "query": { "size": 1, "private": false, "": 40.74358294846026, "point.lon": -73.99047374725342, "": 40.74358294846026, "": -73.99047374725342, "": 50 }, "engine": { "name": "Pelias", "author": "Mapzen", "version": "1.0" }, "timestamp": 1443189055394 }, "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "9851011", "gid": "gn:venue:9851011", "layer": "venue", "source": "gn", "name": "Arlington", "country_a": "USA", "country": "United States", "region": "New York", "region_a": "NY", "county": "New York County", "localadmin": "Manhattan", "locality": "New York", "neighbourhood": "Flatiron District", "confidence": 0.9, "distance": 0.004, "label": "Arlington, Manhattan, NY" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -73.99051, 40.74361 ] } } ], "bbox": [ -73.99051, 40.74361, -73.99051, 40.74361 ] }
Check out our vagrant development environment.
Magic! Well, like any geocoder, Pelias essentially just executes search queries against an enormous amount of geographic data that maps longitude/latitude coordinates on the Earth to searchable names (eg Empire State Building
or 28 Elm Street
). We run entirely on open datasets, like OpenStreetMap,GeoNames, and OpenAddresses.
The underlying architecture has three components:
import pipelines: the pipelines used to filter, normalize, and ingest geographic datasets into the Pelias database.
database: the underlying datastore that does all of the query heavy-lifting and powers our search results. We useElasticSearch.
API: the thing that users interact with. A thin layer sitting on top of the datastore that implements additional logic and features.
Here's how they interact:
Pelias itself (the import pipelines and API) is written in Node, which makes it highly accessible for other developers and performant under heavy I/O. It aims to be modular and is distributed across a number of Node packages, each with its own repository under the Pelias GitHub organization. ElasticSearch is our unconventional datastore of choice because of its unparalleled text functionality, which makes text search just work right out of the box, and sufficiently robust geospatial support.
We built Pelias as an open source project not just because we believe that users should be able to view and play with the source code of tools they use, but to get the community involved in the project itself.
Anything that we can do to make contributing easier, we want to know about. Feel free to reach out to us via Github,Gitter, email, or Twitter We'd love to help people get started working on Pelias, especially if you're new to open source or programming in general. Both this meta-repoand the API repo are good places to get started looking for tasks to tackle. You can also look across all of our issues on our meta-issue tracker, Waffle. We also welcome reporting issues or suggesting improvements to our documentation.
The current Pelias team can be found on Github as dianashk,missinglink, orangejulius,riordan, and stephenkhess.
Members emeritus include: randyme, seejohnrun, sevko, and hkrishna.