Windows Phone 實用開發技巧(21):自動循環播放視頻

In Windows Phone Mango update, we can use VideoBrush since we could not do that in windows phone 7 . So there is something interesting to do. We can develop more fantasitic apps.  For example, we can play a video as background in our application. We want to play video in a loop also. But here comes the problem. Since there is no MediaTimeline in Silverlight for Windows Phone API. How can we repeat media playback ?windows

In WPF or Silverlight, we can use following code to repeat media

< Page  xmlns =""
=""   >
< StackPanel >

<!--  The MediaElement control plays the sound.  -->
< MediaElement  Name ="myMediaElement"   >
< MediaElement.Triggers >
< EventTrigger  RoutedEvent ="MediaElement.Loaded" >
< EventTrigger.Actions >
< BeginStoryboard >
< Storyboard >

<!--  The MediaTimeline has a RepeatBehavior="Forever" which makes the media play
                     over and over indefinitely.
< MediaTimeline  Source ="media\tada.wav"  Storyboard.TargetName ="myMediaElement"   
="Forever"   />

</ Storyboard >
</ BeginStoryboard >
</ EventTrigger.Actions >
</ EventTrigger >
</ MediaElement.Triggers >
</ MediaElement >

</ StackPanel > </ Page >


 In windows phone , I find simple solution to play video in a loop. Since we can catch Media_End event, we can play again in ended event.ide


Another suggestion : do not play large video in your windows phone app since it will cause a little bit performance damage.oop

Source code can be found here :  post


 PS:第一次用英文寫技術博客,真D疼,奈何爲了學好E文,只好疼下去了,由於我堅信:疼着疼着就不疼了! spa
