本文源碼庫: program-in-chinese/quan4-highlighterjavascript
語法高亮是一個開發環境的基本功能. 此文嘗試爲以前的"圈4"語言(詳見編程語言試驗之Antlr4+JavaScript實現"圈4")編寫一個高亮插件, 僅爲演示之用. 參考的是Visual Studio Code官方文檔: Add Themes, Snippets and Colorizers to Visual Studio Code. 首先建立插件以下, 爲".圈4"的源文件添加高亮:php
$ yo code _-----_ ╭──────────────────────────╮ | | │ Welcome to the Visual │ |--(o)--| │ Studio Code Extension │ `---------´ │ generator! │ ( _´U`_ ) ╰──────────────────────────╯ /___A___\ / | ~ | __'.___.'__ ´ ` |° ´ Y ` ? What type of extension do you want to create? New Language Support Enter the URL (http, https) or the file path of the tmLanguage grammar or press ENTER to start with a new grammar. ? URL or file to import, or none for new: ? What's the name of your extension? 圈4高亮 ? What's the identifier of your extension? quan4-highlighter ? What's the description of your extension? 圈4語言的VS Code插件 ? What's your publisher name (more info: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/tools/vscecli#_publishing-extensions)? nobody Enter the id of the language. The id is an identifier and is single, lower-case name such as 'php', 'javascript' ? Language id: quan4 Enter the name of the language. The name will be shown in the VS Code editor mode selector. ? Language name: 圈4 Enter the file extensions of the language. Use commas to separate multiple entries (e.g. .ruby, .rb) ? File extensions: .圈4 Enter the root scope name of the grammar (e.g. source.ruby) ? Scope names: source.圈4 create quan4-highlighter/syntaxes/quan4.tmLanguage.json create quan4-highlighter/.vscode/launch.json create quan4-highlighter/package.json create quan4-highlighter/README.md create quan4-highlighter/CHANGELOG.md create quan4-highlighter/vsc-extension-quickstart.md create quan4-highlighter/language-configuration.json create quan4-highlighter/.vscodeignore create quan4-highlighter/.gitignore Your extension quan4-highlighter has been created!
默認語法文件syntaxes/quan4.tmLanguage.json中, 關鍵詞的模式匹配爲:java
"match": "\\b(if|while|for|return)\\b"
"match": "求約數"
運行插件後(F5新運行, Command+R能夠在插件修改後刷新)實現:github
很明顯它是最直接的正則表達式匹配. 還不肯定是否能作到空格敏感, 以及語法檢驗.正則表達式
這只是第一步, 以後還需對語法定義格式(TextMate Manual & Language Grammars)進行深刻學習.編程