這是由於在過程當中用到了dbms_output.put_line()在服務器端輸出信息,而serveroutput 的size默認定義爲10000bytes。
set serveroutput on 30000html
ORA-20000 string
Cause:The stored procedure RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR was called which causes this error to be generated.
Action:Correct the problem as described in the error message or contact the application administrator or database administrator for more information.
寫存儲過程時遇到一個問題,執行dbms_output.putline(變量名)的時候,報錯 ORA-20000:ORU-10027:buffer overflow,limit of 2000 bytes. $ oerr ora 20000 20000, 00000, "%s" // *Cause: The stored procedure 'raise_application_error' // was called which causes this error to be generated. // *Action: Correct the problem as described in the error message or contact // the application administrator or DBA for more information. 應該是變量大小超過了dbms_output.putline的最大值。 解決辦法: SQL>set serveroutput on size 1000000 ##2014-07-18添加 解決辦法2: 在begin後面加上DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(buffer_size => null) ,表示輸出buffer不受限制。 以下面的語句是爲了獲取建立索引語句 set serveroutput on declare v_sql varchar2(1000); v_result varchar2(2000); begin for cur_sql in (select 'select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(''INDEX'',''' || T.INDEX_NAME || ''',''XXXX'') FROM DUAL' as f_sql from v$object_usage t where t.monitoring = 'YES' AND T.USED = 'NO') loop begin DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(buffer_size => null); --表示輸出buffer不受限制 execute immediate cur_sql.f_sql into v_result; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(cur_sql.f_sql); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_result); end; end loop; end; /