Delphi XE5教程10:Delphi字符集

內容源自Delphi XE5 UPDATE 2官方幫助《Delphi Reference》,本人水平有限,歡迎各位高人修正相關錯誤!

1 The Delphi Character Set編碼

1 Delphi字符集spa


The Delphi language uses the Unicode character encoding for its character set, including alphabetic and alphanumeric Unicode characters and the underscore. Delphi is not case-sensitive. The space character and control characters (U+0000 through U+001F including U+000D, the return or end-of-line character) are blanks.代理

Delphi語言採用Unicode字符編碼做爲其字符集,包括英文字母和字母數字的Unicode字符和下劃線的Unicode字符編碼。 Delphi是不區分大小寫的。空格字符和控制字符(U +0000到U +001F包括U +000D,返回或行尾的字符)顯示爲空白。code


The RAD Studio compiler will accept a file encoded in UCS-2 or UCS-4 if the file contains a byte order mark. The speed of compilation may be penalized by the use for formats other than UTF-8, however. All characters in a UCS-4 encoded source file must be representable in UCS-2 without surrogate pairs. UCS-2 encodings with surrogate pairs (including GB18030) are accepted only if the codepage compiler option is specified.orm

RAD Studio編譯器將接受編碼UCS-2或UCS-4的文件,若是文件中包含字節順序標記。編譯的速度可能由於使用UTF-8之外的其餘格式而下降。全部UCS-4中的字符編碼的源文件都必須是可表示的UCS-2代理對。若是指定語言編碼編譯器選項,UCS-2編碼與代理對(包括GB18030)是能夠接受的。ci

