#include <string> using namespace std; class BankAccount { private: std::string m_name;//如果不用命名空間的話,就須要加std:: string m_id; double m_money; public: BankAccount(); BankAccount(const string & name,const string & id,double money=0.0); void show() const; void add(double money); void sub(double money); };
#include <iostream> #include "bank.h" //構造函數 BankAccount::BankAccount(){ m_name = ""; m_id = ""; m_money = 0.0; } BankAccount::BankAccount(const string & name,const string & id,double money){ m_name = name; m_id = id; m_money = money; } void BankAccount::show() const{ ios_base::fmtflags orig=cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);//設置cout對象的一個標記,命令cout使用定點表示法 streamsize prec=cout.precision(2); cout<< "Name: " << m_name << " ID: " << m_id << " Money: " << m_money << endl; //由於bank.h中已經聲明瞭命名空間,因此不須要加std:: } void BankAccount::add(double money){ m_money += money; } void BankAccount::sub(double money){ m_money -= money; }
#include "bank.h" void main(){ BankAccount a("MR.Zhang","20135908",8888888.88);; a.add(88888.88);; a.sub(88888.88);; system("pause"); }
//person.h #include <string> class Person { private: static const int LIMIT = 25; std::string lname; char fname[LIMIT]; public: Person() { lname = ""; fname[0] = '\0'; } //無參數 Person(const std::string &ln, const char *fn = "Heyyou"); //兩參數 void Show() const; void FormalShow() const; }; //person.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Person.h" Person::Person(const std::string & ln, const char *fn) { lname = ln; strncpy_s(fname, fn ,24); //fname的長度爲25 } void Person::Show() const { std::cout << fname << " " << lname << std::endl; } void Person::FormalShow() const { std::cout << lname << ", " << fname << std::endl; } //main.cpp #include "person.h" void main(){ Person one; Person two("Smythecraft"); Person three("Dimwiddy", "Sam"); one.Show(); one.FormalShow(); two.Show(); two.FormalShow(); three.Show(); three.FormalShow(); system("pause"); }
3.完成第9章的編程練習1,但要用正確的golf類聲明替換那裏的代碼。用帶合適參數的構造函數替換setgolf ( golf &, const char*, int), 以提供初始值。保留setgolf()的交互版本,但要用構造函數來實現它(例如,setgolf()的代碼應該得到數據,將數據傳遞給構造函數來建立一個臨時對象,並將其賦給調用對象,即*this)。函數
4.完成第9章的編程練習4,但將Sales結構及相關的函數轉換爲一個類及其方法。用構造函數替換setSales ( sales&, double [] , int)函數。用構造函數實現setSales(Sales&)方法的交互版本。將類保留在名稱空間SALES中。post
這兩題參考 或者
struct customer {this
char fullname[35];spa
double payment;.net
編寫一個程序,它從棧中添加和刪除cunstomer結構(棧用Stack類聲明表示)。每次customer結構被刪除時,其payment的值都將被加入到總數中,並報告總數。注意:應該能夠直接使用Stack類而不作修改;只需修改typedef聲明,使Item的類型爲customer,而不是unsigned long便可。
//stack.h struct customer{ char fullname[35]; double payment; }; typedef customer Item; class Stack //類聲明 { private: double total; enum{MAX=10}; Item items[MAX]; int top; public: Stack(); //默認構造函數 bool isempty() const; bool isfull() const; bool push(const Item & item);//壓棧 bool pop(Item & item);//出棧 }; //stack.cpp #include <iostream> #include "stack.h" //構造函數 Stack::Stack(){ top=0; total=0; } bool Stack::isempty() const{ return top==0;//top爲0返回true,反之爲false } bool Stack::isfull() const{ return top==MAX; } bool Stack::push(const Item &item){ if(top<MAX){ items[top++]=item; return true; }else return false; } bool Stack::pop(Item &item){ if(top>0){ item=items[--top]; total += item.payment; std::cout << "總共已取出" << total << "元" << std::endl; return true; }else return false; } //main.cpp #include<iostream> #include<cctype> #include "stack.h" using namespace std; void main(){ cout.setf(ios_base::fixed); cout.precision(2); //設置輸出保留兩位小數 Stack st;//建立對象儲物櫃 customer one; char ch; cout<<"Enter A to save money, P to withdraw money, Q to quit.\n"; while (cin>>ch&&toupper(ch)!='Q') { while(cin.get()!='\n')//若是不是換行就繼續 continue; if (!isalpha(ch))//若是不是字母就繼續 { cout<<'\a'; continue; } switch (ch) { case 'A': case 'a': if(st.isfull())//該方法判斷:若是滿了(top等於MAX)返回true,沒滿返回false cout<<"Stack already full\n"; else{ cout << "請輸入存錢的人的名字:"; cin.getline(one.fullname,34); cout << "請輸入要存多少錢:"; cin >> one.payment; cin.sync(); //清除輸入緩存,防止干擾 if (st.push(one)) cout << "存放成功!" << one.fullname << " 共計 " << one.payment << " 元錢已經被存進來啦!" << endl; else cout << "因爲某種未知的緣由,存放失敗了。。。。" << endl; } break; case 'P': case 'p': if(st.isempty()) cout<<"Stack already empty\n"; else{ st.pop(one); } break; } cout<<"Enter A to save money, P to withdraw money, Q to quit.\n"; } system("pause"); }
//1.h class Move { private: double x; double y; public: Move(double a = 0, double b = 0); //set x,y to a,b void showmove()const; //shows current x,y values Move add(const Move & m) const; //這個函數將被調用對象m的x和y值與本身的x,y值相加,並獲得2個新值,而後建立一個使用新的x、y值的move對象,並將增長後的x、y值賦給她,而後將這個新對象做爲返回值 void reset(double a = 0, double b = 0); //resets x,y to a,b }; //1.cpp #include <iostream> #include "1.h" Move::Move(double a, double b){ x = a; y = b; } void Move::showmove()const{ std::cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << std::endl; } Move Move::add(const Move & m) const{ Move q(this->x + m.x, this->y + m.y); return q; } void Move::reset(double a , double b ){ x = a; y = b; } //main.cpp #include<iostream> #include "1.h" void main(){ Move m,n(1.5,2.5); m.showmove(); m=m.add(n); m.showmove(); m.reset(); m.showmove(); system("pause"); }
7.Betelgeusean plorg有這些特徵。
//1.h class Plorg { private: char m_name[20]; int m_CI; public: Plorg(char * name = "Plorga", int CI = 50); void show()const; void setName(const char *name); void setCI(const int CI); }; //1.cpp #include <iostream> #include "1.h" Plorg::Plorg(char * name, int CI){ strncpy_s(m_name, name,19); m_CI = CI; } void Plorg::setName(const char *name){ strncpy_s(m_name, name,19); } void Plorg::setCI(const int CI){ m_CI = CI; } void Plorg::show()const{ std::cout << "name = " << m_name << ", CI = " << m_CI << std::endl; } //main.cpp #include<iostream> #include "1.h" void main(){ Plorg p;; p.setName("Jany"); p.setCI(49);; system("pause"); }
//list.h #include <stdlib.h> //包含NULL的定義 typedef int Item; class List { private: static const int LIMIT = 5; Item items[LIMIT]; int top; public: List() { top = 0; } //默認構造函數 bool push(const Item); //添加數據項 bool isempty()const; //肯定是否爲空 bool isfull()const; //是否爲滿 void visit(void(*pf)(Item &m)); //顯示每一個數據項,並執行某種操做,具體是哪一種,根據指針指向的函數而定 }; //list.cpp #include "List.h" bool List::push(const Item item) { if (isfull() == true) return false; items[top++] = item; return true; } bool List::isempty() const { return top == 0 ? true : false; } bool List::isfull() const { return top == LIMIT ? true : false; } void List::visit(void(*pf)(Item &item)) { for (int i = 0; i < top; ++i) (*pf)(items[i]); } //main.cpp #include<iostream> #include "list.h" void Print(Item &item) { std::cout << item << std::endl; } void main(){ List l; l.push(1); l.push(2); l.push(3); l.push(4); if(l.isempty()) std::cout << "isEmpty? " << "Empty" << std::endl; else std::cout << "isEmpty? " << "Not Empty" << std::endl; if(l.isfull()) std::cout << "isFull? " << "Full" << std::endl; else std::cout << "isFull? " << "Not Full" << std::endl; void(*pf)(Item &item); pf = Print; //或者 void(*pf)(Item &item) = Print l.visit(pf); system("pause"); }
例如:void visit( void (*pf)(Item& m) );
由於指針做爲參數,因此參數有點相似( char* pa)這樣的意思,char*表示pa是char類型的指針,但不是說char*是參數,因此函數指針做爲參數時,重點是pf,而不是外面那個修飾pf的。
可使用typedef void (*PP)(Item &m);將PP做爲這個的別名,因而能夠改成void visit(PP pf);這樣。