【Spring】Spring bean的實例化


二、寫好了一個測試類HelloWorld,裏面有方法getMessage()用於輸出"hello world"


ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
HelloWorld obj = (HelloWorld)context.getBean("HelloWorld");

運行上面代碼,會在控制檯打印出hello world字符。java





代碼new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");使用了構造函數以下:spring

     * Create a new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, loading the definitions
     * from the given XML file and automatically refreshing the context.
     * @param configLocation resource location
     * @throws BeansException if context creation failed
    public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String configLocation) throws BeansException {
        this(new String[] {configLocation}, true, null);
     * Create a new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext with the given parent,
     * loading the definitions from the given XML files.
     * @param configLocations array of resource locations
     * @param refresh whether to automatically refresh the context,
     * loading all bean definitions and creating all singletons.
     * Alternatively, call refresh manually after further configuring the context.
     * @param parent the parent context
     * @throws BeansException if context creation failed
     * @see #refresh()
    public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, boolean refresh, ApplicationContext parent)
            throws BeansException {

        if (refresh) {


    public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException {
        synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {
            // Prepare this context for refreshing.

            // Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.
            ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();

            // Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.

            try {
                // Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses.

                // Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.

                // Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.

                // Initialize message source for this context.

                // Initialize event multicaster for this context.

                // Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses.

                // Check for listener beans and register them.

                // Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.

                // Last step: publish corresponding event.

            catch (BeansException ex) {
                if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    logger.warn("Exception encountered during context initialization - " +
                            "cancelling refresh attempt: " + ex);

                // Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources.

                // Reset 'active' flag.

                // Propagate exception to caller.
                throw ex;

            finally {
                // Reset common introspection caches in Spring's core, since we
                // might not ever need metadata for singleton beans anymore...







因爲未設置HelloWorld類懶加載(lazy-init=true)(默認是non-lazy-load),所以該類是在初始化ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ,即實例化。(參考:spring容器的懶加載lazy-init設置



    public Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException {
        return getBeanFactory().getBean(name);


public abstract ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() throws IllegalStateException;


    private final DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
     * Return the single internal BeanFactory held by this context
     * (as ConfigurableListableBeanFactory).
    public final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() {
        return this.beanFactory;
    /** Bean factory for this context */
    private DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
    public final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() {
        synchronized (this.beanFactoryMonitor) {
            if (this.beanFactory == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("BeanFactory not initialized or already closed - " +
                        "call 'refresh' before accessing beans via the ApplicationContext");
            return this.beanFactory;

最終都是獲得DefaultListableBeanFactory,所以調用的是org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory#getBean(java.lang.Class<T>)方法,該方法又調用本類中的org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory#getBean(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object...)方法。

    public <T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType) throws BeansException {
        return getBean(requiredType, (Object[]) null);

    public <T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType, Object... args) throws BeansException {
        NamedBeanHolder<T> namedBean = resolveNamedBean(requiredType, args);
        if (namedBean != null) {
            return namedBean.getBeanInstance();
        BeanFactory parent = getParentBeanFactory();
        if (parent != null) {
            return parent.getBean(requiredType, args);
        throw new NoSuchBeanDefinitionException(requiredType);


    private <T> NamedBeanHolder<T> resolveNamedBean(Class<T> requiredType, Object... args) throws BeansException {
        Assert.notNull(requiredType, "Required type must not be null");
        String[] candidateNames = getBeanNamesForType(requiredType);//查找候選的bean名稱

        if (candidateNames.length > 1) { //若是有重名的須要進一步處理
            List<String> autowireCandidates = new ArrayList<String>(candidateNames.length);
            for (String beanName : candidateNames) {
                if (!containsBeanDefinition(beanName) || getBeanDefinition(beanName).isAutowireCandidate()) {
            if (!autowireCandidates.isEmpty()) {
                candidateNames = autowireCandidates.toArray(new String[autowireCandidates.size()]);

        if (candidateNames.length == 1) {//若是隻有一個,直接進行實例化
            String beanName = candidateNames[0];
            return new NamedBeanHolder<T>(beanName, getBean(beanName, requiredType, args));
        else if (candidateNames.length > 1) { //若是有重名的須要進一步處理
            Map<String, Object> candidates = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(candidateNames.length);
            for (String beanName : candidateNames) {
                if (containsSingleton(beanName)) {
                    candidates.put(beanName, getBean(beanName, requiredType, args));
                else {
                    candidates.put(beanName, getType(beanName));
            String candidateName = determinePrimaryCandidate(candidates, requiredType);
            if (candidateName == null) {
                candidateName = determineHighestPriorityCandidate(candidates, requiredType);
            if (candidateName != null) {
                Object beanInstance = candidates.get(candidateName);
                if (beanInstance instanceof Class) {
                    beanInstance = getBean(candidateName, requiredType, args);
                return new NamedBeanHolder<T>(candidateName, (T) beanInstance);
            throw new NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException(requiredType, candidates.keySet());

        return null;


/** List of bean definition names, in registration order */
    private volatile List<String> beanDefinitionNames = new ArrayList<String>(256);

四、上面找到beanName以後調用org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory#getBean(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object...)實例化bean
作一個合格的程序猿之淺析Spring IoC源碼(十一)Spring refresh()方法解析之一


1 首先先去實例化好的bean中去找,若是找到,直接返回

2 而後去當前beanfactory中父類factory找,若是能找到父類的factory,則叫父類去返回,(與jvm的classloader的雙親加載比較像~)

3 若是都沒有找到,則開始初次實例化,先標記開始實例化

4 開始查看當前要實例化的bean是否依賴於其餘的bean,若是依賴,則先實例化依賴的bean,若是依賴的bean還依賴於其餘的bean,則接着遞歸建立

5 若是建立的bean是單例(spring默認單例)接着建立

     * Return an instance, which may be shared or independent, of the specified bean.
     * @param name the name of the bean to retrieve
     * @param requiredType the required type of the bean to retrieve
     * @param args arguments to use when creating a bean instance using explicit arguments
     * (only applied when creating a new instance as opposed to retrieving an existing one)
     * @return an instance of the bean
     * @throws BeansException if the bean could not be created
    public <T> T getBean(String name, Class<T> requiredType, Object... args) throws BeansException {
        return doGetBean(name, requiredType, args, false);


     * Return an instance, which may be shared or independent, of the specified bean.
     * @param name the name of the bean to retrieve
     * @param requiredType the required type of the bean to retrieve
     * @param args arguments to use when creating a bean instance using explicit arguments
     * (only applied when creating a new instance as opposed to retrieving an existing one)
     * @param typeCheckOnly whether the instance is obtained for a type check,
     * not for actual use
     * @return an instance of the bean
     * @throws BeansException if the bean could not be created
    protected <T> T doGetBean(
            final String name, final Class<T> requiredType, final Object[] args, boolean typeCheckOnly)
            throws BeansException {

        final String beanName = transformedBeanName(name);
        Object bean;

        // Eagerly check singleton cache for manually registered singletons.在已經實例化的bean的緩存中查找
        Object sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName);
        if (sharedInstance != null && args == null) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                if (isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
                    logger.debug("Returning eagerly cached instance of singleton bean '" + beanName +
                            "' that is not fully initialized yet - a consequence of a circular reference");
                else {
                    logger.debug("Returning cached instance of singleton bean '" + beanName + "'");
            bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, null);

        else {
            // Fail if we're already creating this bean instance:
            // We're assumably within a circular reference.多是循環依賴了
            if (isPrototypeCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
                throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName);

            // Check if bean definition exists in this factory.檢查當前beanFactory是否有該實例
            BeanFactory parentBeanFactory = getParentBeanFactory();
            if (parentBeanFactory != null && !containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
                // Not found -> check parent.
                String nameToLookup = originalBeanName(name);
                if (args != null) {
                    // Delegation to parent with explicit args.若是沒有,去父beanFactory實例化
                    return (T) parentBeanFactory.getBean(nameToLookup, args);
                else {
                    // No args -> delegate to standard getBean method.
                    return parentBeanFactory.getBean(nameToLookup, requiredType);

            if (!typeCheckOnly) {

            try {
                final RootBeanDefinition mbd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
                checkMergedBeanDefinition(mbd, beanName, args);

                // Guarantee initialization of beans that the current bean depends on.
                String[] dependsOn = mbd.getDependsOn();
                if (dependsOn != null) {
                    for (String dep : dependsOn) {
                        if (isDependent(beanName, dep)) {
                            throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                                    "Circular depends-on relationship between '" + beanName + "' and '" + dep + "'");
                        registerDependentBean(dep, beanName);

                // Create bean instance.進行實例化
                if (mbd.isSingleton()) {
                //此處調用org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry#getSingleton(java.lang.String, org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory<?>)實例化
                    sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, new ObjectFactory<Object>() {
                        public Object getObject() throws BeansException {
                            try {
                                return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                            catch (BeansException ex) {
                                // Explicitly remove instance from singleton cache: It might have been put there
                                // eagerly by the creation process, to allow for circular reference resolution.
                                // Also remove any beans that received a temporary reference to the bean.
                                throw ex;
                    bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, mbd);

                else if (mbd.isPrototype()) {//prototype類型的bean在這裏實例化
                    // It's a prototype -> create a new instance.
                    Object prototypeInstance = null;
                    try {
                        prototypeInstance = createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                    finally {
                    bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(prototypeInstance, name, beanName, mbd);

                else {
                    String scopeName = mbd.getScope();
                    final Scope scope = this.scopes.get(scopeName);
                    if (scope == null) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("No Scope registered for scope name '" + scopeName + "'");
                    try {
                        Object scopedInstance = scope.get(beanName, new ObjectFactory<Object>() {
                            public Object getObject() throws BeansException {
                                try {
                                    return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                                finally {
                        bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(scopedInstance, name, beanName, mbd);
                    catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
                        throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
                                "Scope '" + scopeName + "' is not active for the current thread; consider " +
                                "defining a scoped proxy for this bean if you intend to refer to it from a singleton",
            catch (BeansException ex) {
                throw ex;

        // Check if required type matches the type of the actual bean instance.
        if (requiredType != null && bean != null && !requiredType.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())) {
            try {
                return getTypeConverter().convertIfNecessary(bean, requiredType);
            catch (TypeMismatchException ex) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Failed to convert bean '" + name + "' to required type '" +
                            ClassUtils.getQualifiedName(requiredType) + "'", ex);
                throw new BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException(name, requiredType, bean.getClass());
        return (T) bean;

五、上面調用了org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry#getSingleton(java.lang.String, org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectFactory<?>)對單例bean進行實例化,在該步因爲bean已經在AbstractApplicationContext構造方法執行時調用refresh對非懶加載的bean已經實例化,所以這裏直接從緩存singletonObjects中獲取bean實例並返回。下面的第六、7步是bean未實例化時進行實例化的主要流程(refresh實例化bean時也是調用這個流程)。


     * Return the (raw) singleton object registered under the given name,
     * creating and registering a new one if none registered yet.
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @param singletonFactory the ObjectFactory to lazily create the singleton
     * with, if necessary
     * @return the registered singleton object
    public Object getSingleton(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory) {
        Assert.notNull(beanName, "'beanName' must not be null");
        synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
            Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
            if (singletonObject == null) {
                if (this.singletonsCurrentlyInDestruction) {
                    throw new BeanCreationNotAllowedException(beanName,
                            "Singleton bean creation not allowed while singletons of this factory are in destruction " +
                            "(Do not request a bean from a BeanFactory in a destroy method implementation!)");
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Creating shared instance of singleton bean '" + beanName + "'");
                boolean newSingleton = false;
                boolean recordSuppressedExceptions = (this.suppressedExceptions == null);
                if (recordSuppressedExceptions) {
                    this.suppressedExceptions = new LinkedHashSet<Exception>();
                try {
                    //此處的singletonFactory是傳入的new ObjectFactory<Object>()匿名類
                    singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject();
                    newSingleton = true;
                catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
                    // Has the singleton object implicitly appeared in the meantime ->
                    // if yes, proceed with it since the exception indicates that state.
                    singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
                    if (singletonObject == null) {
                        throw ex;
                catch (BeanCreationException ex) {
                    if (recordSuppressedExceptions) {
                        for (Exception suppressedException : this.suppressedExceptions) {
                    throw ex;
                finally {
                    if (recordSuppressedExceptions) {
                        this.suppressedExceptions = null;
                if (newSingleton) {
                    addSingleton(beanName, singletonObject);
            return (singletonObject != NULL_OBJECT ? singletonObject : null);


sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, new ObjectFactory<Object>() {
                        public Object getObject() throws BeansException {
                            try {
                                return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
                            catch (BeansException ex) {
                                // Explicitly remove instance from singleton cache: It might have been put there
                                // eagerly by the creation process, to allow for circular reference resolution.
                                // Also remove any beans that received a temporary reference to the bean.
                                throw ex;


org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory#doGetBean調用了org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry#getSingleton(java.lang.String, boolean)來獲取緩存的bean實例。

     * Add the given singleton object to the singleton cache of this factory.
     * <p>To be called for eager registration of singletons.
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @param singletonObject the singleton object
    protected void addSingleton(String beanName, Object singletonObject) {
        synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
            this.singletonObjects.put(beanName, (singletonObject != null ? singletonObject : NULL_OBJECT));

六、這裏調用了org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean(java.lang.String, org.springframework.beans.factory.support.RootBeanDefinition, java.lang.Object[])方法實例化bean


     * Central method of this class: creates a bean instance,
     * populates the bean instance, applies post-processors, etc.
     * @see #doCreateBean
    protected Object createBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Creating instance of bean '" + beanName + "'");
        RootBeanDefinition mbdToUse = mbd;

        // Make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point, and
        // clone the bean definition in case of a dynamically resolved Class
        // which cannot be stored in the shared merged bean definition.
        Class<?> resolvedClass = resolveBeanClass(mbd, beanName);
        if (resolvedClass != null && !mbd.hasBeanClass() && mbd.getBeanClassName() != null) {
            mbdToUse = new RootBeanDefinition(mbd);

        // Prepare method overrides.
        try {
        catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {
            throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(),
                    beanName, "Validation of method overrides failed", ex);

        try {
            // Give BeanPostProcessors a chance to return a proxy instead of the target bean instance.
            Object bean = resolveBeforeInstantiation(beanName, mbdToUse);
            if (bean != null) {
                return bean;
        catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                    "BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed", ex);
        Object beanInstance = doCreateBean(beanName, mbdToUse, args);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Finished creating instance of bean '" + beanName + "'");
        return beanInstance;

七、上面調用了org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#doCreateBean實例化bean。根據註釋,該方法是Actually create the specified bean

     * Actually create the specified bean. Pre-creation processing has already happened
     * at this point, e.g. checking {@code postProcessBeforeInstantiation} callbacks.
     * <p>Differentiates between default bean instantiation, use of a
     * factory method, and autowiring a constructor.
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @param mbd the merged bean definition for the bean
     * @param args explicit arguments to use for constructor or factory method invocation
     * @return a new instance of the bean
     * @throws BeanCreationException if the bean could not be created
     * @see #instantiateBean
     * @see #instantiateUsingFactoryMethod
     * @see #autowireConstructor
    protected Object doCreateBean(final String beanName, final RootBeanDefinition mbd, final Object[] args)
            throws BeanCreationException {

        // Instantiate the bean.
        BeanWrapper instanceWrapper = null;
        if (mbd.isSingleton()) {
    // Create a new instance for the specified bean, using an appropriate instantiation strategy:
    //factory method, constructor autowiring, or simple instantiation.
            instanceWrapper = this.factoryBeanInstanceCache.remove(beanName);
        if (instanceWrapper == null) {
            instanceWrapper = createBeanInstance(beanName, mbd, args);
        final Object bean = (instanceWrapper != null ? instanceWrapper.getWrappedInstance() : null);
        Class<?> beanType = (instanceWrapper != null ? instanceWrapper.getWrappedClass() : null);
        mbd.resolvedTargetType = beanType;

        // Allow post-processors to modify the merged bean definition.
        synchronized (mbd.postProcessingLock) {
            if (!mbd.postProcessed) {
                try {
                    applyMergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessors(mbd, beanType, beanName);
                catch (Throwable ex) {
                    throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                            "Post-processing of merged bean definition failed", ex);
                mbd.postProcessed = true;

        // Eagerly cache singletons to be able to resolve circular references
        // even when triggered by lifecycle interfaces like BeanFactoryAware.
        boolean earlySingletonExposure = (mbd.isSingleton() && this.allowCircularReferences &&
        if (earlySingletonExposure) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Eagerly caching bean '" + beanName +
                        "' to allow for resolving potential circular references");
            addSingletonFactory(beanName, new ObjectFactory<Object>() {
                public Object getObject() throws BeansException {
                    return getEarlyBeanReference(beanName, mbd, bean);

        // Initialize the bean instance.
        Object exposedObject = bean;
        try {
            populateBean(beanName, mbd, instanceWrapper);
            if (exposedObject != null) {
                exposedObject = initializeBean(beanName, exposedObject, mbd);
        catch (Throwable ex) {
            if (ex instanceof BeanCreationException && beanName.equals(((BeanCreationException) ex).getBeanName())) {
                throw (BeanCreationException) ex;
            else {
                throw new BeanCreationException(
                        mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Initialization of bean failed", ex);

        if (earlySingletonExposure) {
            Object earlySingletonReference = getSingleton(beanName, false);
            if (earlySingletonReference != null) {
                if (exposedObject == bean) {
                    exposedObject = earlySingletonReference;
                else if (!this.allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping && hasDependentBean(beanName)) {
                    String[] dependentBeans = getDependentBeans(beanName);
                    Set<String> actualDependentBeans = new LinkedHashSet<String>(dependentBeans.length);
                    for (String dependentBean : dependentBeans) {
                        if (!removeSingletonIfCreatedForTypeCheckOnly(dependentBean)) {
                    if (!actualDependentBeans.isEmpty()) {
                        throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName,
                                "Bean with name '" + beanName + "' has been injected into other beans [" +
                                StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(actualDependentBeans) +
                                "] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been " +
                                "wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the " +
                                "bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using " +
                                "'getBeanNamesOfType' with the 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example.");

        // Register bean as disposable.
        try {
            registerDisposableBeanIfNecessary(beanName, bean, mbd);
        catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(
                    mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Invalid destruction signature", ex);

        return exposedObject;


     * Create a new instance for the specified bean, using an appropriate instantiation strategy:
     * factory method, constructor autowiring, or simple instantiation.
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @param mbd the bean definition for the bean
     * @param args explicit arguments to use for constructor or factory method invocation
     * @return BeanWrapper for the new instance
     * @see #instantiateUsingFactoryMethod
     * @see #autowireConstructor
     * @see #instantiateBean
    protected BeanWrapper createBeanInstance(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, Object[] args) {
        // Make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point.
        Class<?> beanClass = resolveBeanClass(mbd, beanName);

        if (beanClass != null && !Modifier.isPublic(beanClass.getModifiers()) && !mbd.isNonPublicAccessAllowed()) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                    "Bean class isn't public, and non-public access not allowed: " + beanClass.getName());

        if (mbd.getFactoryMethodName() != null)  {
            return instantiateUsingFactoryMethod(beanName, mbd, args);

        // Shortcut when re-creating the same bean...
        boolean resolved = false;
        boolean autowireNecessary = false;
        if (args == null) {
            synchronized (mbd.constructorArgumentLock) {
                if (mbd.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod != null) {
                    resolved = true;
                    autowireNecessary = mbd.constructorArgumentsResolved;
        if (resolved) {
            if (autowireNecessary) {
                return autowireConstructor(beanName, mbd, null, null);
            else {
                return instantiateBean(beanName, mbd);

        // Need to determine the constructor...
        Constructor<?>[] ctors = determineConstructorsFromBeanPostProcessors(beanClass, beanName);
        if (ctors != null ||
                mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == RootBeanDefinition.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR ||
                mbd.hasConstructorArgumentValues() || !ObjectUtils.isEmpty(args))  {
            return autowireConstructor(beanName, mbd, ctors, args);

        // No special handling: simply use no-arg constructor.
        return instantiateBean(beanName, mbd);


     * Populate the bean instance in the given BeanWrapper with the property values
     * from the bean definition.
     * @param beanName the name of the bean
     * @param mbd the bean definition for the bean
     * @param bw BeanWrapper with bean instance
    protected void populateBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, BeanWrapper bw) {
        PropertyValues pvs = mbd.getPropertyValues();

        if (bw == null) {
            if (!pvs.isEmpty()) {
                throw new BeanCreationException(
                        mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Cannot apply property values to null instance");
            else {
                // Skip property population phase for null instance.

        // Give any InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors the opportunity to modify the
        // state of the bean before properties are set. This can be used, for example,
        // to support styles of field injection.
        boolean continueWithPropertyPopulation = true;

        if (!mbd.isSynthetic() && hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) {
            for (BeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessors()) {
                if (bp instanceof InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) {
                    InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor ibp = (InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) bp;
                    if (!ibp.postProcessAfterInstantiation(bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName)) {
                        continueWithPropertyPopulation = false;

        if (!continueWithPropertyPopulation) {

        if (mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == RootBeanDefinition.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME ||
                mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == RootBeanDefinition.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE) {
            MutablePropertyValues newPvs = new MutablePropertyValues(pvs);

            // Add property values based on autowire by name if applicable.
            if (mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == RootBeanDefinition.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME) {
                autowireByName(beanName, mbd, bw, newPvs);

            // Add property values based on autowire by type if applicable.
            if (mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode() == RootBeanDefinition.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE) {
                autowireByType(beanName, mbd, bw, newPvs);

            pvs = newPvs;

        boolean hasInstAwareBpps = hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors();
        boolean needsDepCheck = (mbd.getDependencyCheck() != RootBeanDefinition.DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE);

        if (hasInstAwareBpps || needsDepCheck) {
            PropertyDescriptor[] filteredPds = filterPropertyDescriptorsForDependencyCheck(bw, mbd.allowCaching);
            if (hasInstAwareBpps) {
                for (BeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessors()) {
                    if (bp instanceof InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) {
                        InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor ibp = (InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor) bp;
                        pvs = ibp.postProcessPropertyValues(pvs, filteredPds, bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName);
                        if (pvs == null) {
            if (needsDepCheck) {
                checkDependencies(beanName, mbd, filteredPds, pvs);

        applyPropertyValues(beanName, mbd, bw, pvs);



org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#initializeBean(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, org.springframework.beans.factory.support.RootBeanDefinition)
     * Initialize the given bean instance, applying factory callbacks
     * as well as init methods and bean post processors.
     * <p>Called from {@link #createBean} for traditionally defined beans,
     * and from {@link #initializeBean} for existing bean instances.
     * @param beanName the bean name in the factory (for debugging purposes)
     * @param bean the new bean instance we may need to initialize
     * @param mbd the bean definition that the bean was created with
     * (can also be {@code null}, if given an existing bean instance)
     * @return the initialized bean instance (potentially wrapped)
     * @see BeanNameAware
     * @see BeanClassLoaderAware
     * @see BeanFactoryAware
     * @see #applyBeanPostProcessorsBeforeInitialization
     * @see #invokeInitMethods
     * @see #applyBeanPostProcessorsAfterInitialization
    protected Object initializeBean(final String beanName, final Object bean, RootBeanDefinition mbd) {
        if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() {
                    invokeAwareMethods(beanName, bean);
                    return null;
            }, getAccessControlContext());
        else {
            invokeAwareMethods(beanName, bean);

        Object wrappedBean = bean;
        if (mbd == null || !mbd.isSynthetic()) {
            wrappedBean = applyBeanPostProcessorsBeforeInitialization(wrappedBean, beanName);

        try {
            invokeInitMethods(beanName, wrappedBean, mbd);
        catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(
                    (mbd != null ? mbd.getResourceDescription() : null),
                    beanName, "Invocation of init method failed", ex);

        if (mbd == null || !mbd.isSynthetic()) {
            wrappedBean = applyBeanPostProcessorsAfterInitialization(wrappedBean, beanName);
        return wrappedBean;
     * Give a bean a chance to react now all its properties are set,
     * and a chance to know about its owning bean factory (this object).
     * This means checking whether the bean implements InitializingBean or defines
     * a custom init method, and invoking the necessary callback(s) if it does.
     * @param beanName the bean name in the factory (for debugging purposes)
     * @param bean the new bean instance we may need to initialize
     * @param mbd the merged bean definition that the bean was created with
     * (can also be {@code null}, if given an existing bean instance)
     * @throws Throwable if thrown by init methods or by the invocation process
     * @see #invokeCustomInitMethod
    protected void invokeInitMethods(String beanName, final Object bean, RootBeanDefinition mbd)
            throws Throwable {

        boolean isInitializingBean = (bean instanceof InitializingBean);
        if (isInitializingBean && (mbd == null || !mbd.isExternallyManagedInitMethod("afterPropertiesSet"))) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Invoking afterPropertiesSet() on bean with name '" + beanName + "'");
            if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
                try {
                    AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                        public Object run() throws Exception {
                            ((InitializingBean) bean).afterPropertiesSet();
                            return null;
                    }, getAccessControlContext());
                catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
                    throw pae.getException();
            else {
                ((InitializingBean) bean).afterPropertiesSet();

        if (mbd != null) {
            String initMethodName = mbd.getInitMethodName();
            if (initMethodName != null && !(isInitializingBean && "afterPropertiesSet".equals(initMethodName)) &&
                    !mbd.isExternallyManagedInitMethod(initMethodName)) {
                invokeCustomInitMethod(beanName, bean, mbd);



ServiceAuthToFujitsuClient.afterPropertiesSet() line: 109
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).invokeInitMethods(String, Object, RootBeanDefinition) line: 1367
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).initializeBean(String, Object, RootBeanDefinition) line: 1333
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).doCreateBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 471
AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory$1.run() line: 409
AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).createBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 380
AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject() line: 264
DefaultListableBeanFactory(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry).getSingleton(String, ObjectFactory) line: 220
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).doGetBean(String, Class, Object[], boolean) line: 261   -->此處實例化authorization的ref Client
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String, Class, Object[]) line: 185
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String) line: 164
BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(Object, RuntimeBeanReference) line: 269
BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveValueIfNecessary(Object, Object) line: 104
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).applyPropertyValues(String, BeanDefinition, BeanWrapper, PropertyValues) line: 1244
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).populateBean(String, AbstractBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper) line: 1008
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).doCreateBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 470
AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory$1.run() line: 409
AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).createBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 380
AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject() line: 264
DefaultListableBeanFactory(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry).getSingleton(String, ObjectFactory) line: 220
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).doGetBean(String, Class, Object[], boolean) line: 261   --->此處實例化ServiceTarget的屬性authorization
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String, Class, Object[]) line: 185
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String) line: 164
BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(Object, RuntimeBeanReference) line: 269
BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveValueIfNecessary(Object, Object) line: 104
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).applyPropertyValues(String, BeanDefinition, BeanWrapper, PropertyValues) line: 1244
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).populateBean(String, AbstractBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper) line: 1008
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).doCreateBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 470
AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory$1.run() line: 409
AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).createBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 380
AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject() line: 264
DefaultListableBeanFactory(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry).getSingleton(String, ObjectFactory) line: 220
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).doGetBean(String, Class, Object[], boolean) line: 261   --->此處實例化acsService的屬性acsServiceTarget
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String, Class, Object[]) line: 185
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String) line: 164
BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveReference(Object, RuntimeBeanReference) line: 269
BeanDefinitionValueResolver.resolveValueIfNecessary(Object, Object) line: 104
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).applyPropertyValues(String, BeanDefinition, BeanWrapper, PropertyValues) line: 1244
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).populateBean(String, AbstractBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper) line: 1008
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).doCreateBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 470
AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory$1.run() line: 409
AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).createBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 380
AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject() line: 264
DefaultListableBeanFactory(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry).getSingleton(String, ObjectFactory) line: 220
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).doGetBean(String, Class, Object[], boolean) line: 261    --->此處實例化acsService
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getTypeForFactoryBean(String, RootBeanDefinition) line: 1198    調用了doGetBean
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).getTypeForFactoryBean(String, RootBeanDefinition) line: 625
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).isTypeMatch(String, Class) line: 450 --->此處若是是factorybean類型的,會對其進行實例化
Root bean: class [org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean]; scope=singleton; abstract=false; lazyInit=false; autowireMode=0; dependencyCheck=0; autowireCandidate=true; primary=false; factoryBeanName=null; factoryMethodName=null; initMethodName=null; destroyMethodName=null; defined in class path resource [acs-basic.xml]

// Check bean class whether we're dealing with a FactoryBean.
if (FactoryBean.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass)) {
if (!BeanFactoryUtils.isFactoryDereference(name)) {
// If it's a FactoryBean, we want to look at what it creates, not the factory class.
Class type = getTypeForFactoryBean(beanName, mbd);
return (type != null && typeToMatch.isAssignableFrom(type));
else {
return typeToMatch.isAssignableFrom(beanClass);

DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBeanNamesForType(Class, boolean, boolean) line: 223   此處會校驗全部bean(包括FactoryBean)
DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBeansOfType(Class, boolean, boolean) line: 303
DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBeansOfType(Class) line: 297
ConverterFacade.afterPropertiesSet() line: 85
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).invokeInitMethods(String, Object, RootBeanDefinition) line: 1367
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).initializeBean(String, Object, RootBeanDefinition) line: 1333
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).doCreateBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 471
AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory$1.run() line: 409
AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory).createBean(String, RootBeanDefinition, Object[]) line: 380
AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject() line: 264
DefaultListableBeanFactory(DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry).getSingleton(String, ObjectFactory) line: 220
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).doGetBean(String, Class, Object[], boolean) line: 261
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String, Class, Object[]) line: 185
DefaultListableBeanFactory(AbstractBeanFactory).getBean(String) line: 164
DMCXmlWebApplicationContext(AbstractApplicationContext).getBean(String) line: 881
DMCXmlWebApplicationContext(AbstractApplicationContext).invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) line: 534  --->實例化全部實現BeanFactoryPostProcessor的類,此處包括如下類,此時遍歷到ConverterFacade#0
--->[com.huawei.xtvmw.commons.config.ConfigAssembler, org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, com.huawei.xtvmw.commons.rmi.interceptor.RemoteInvocationClassFactory#0, com.huawei.xtvmw.commons.rmi.ServiceInterceptorFactory#0, com.huawei.xtvmw.repository.spi.ConverterFacade#0, adjustSpider, org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomEditorConfigurer#0]

DMCXmlWebApplicationContext(AbstractApplicationContext).refresh() line: 363
ContextLoader.createWebApplicationContext(ServletContext, ApplicationContext) line: 255
ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext(ServletContext) line: 199
DMCContextLoaderServlet(ContextLoaderServlet).init() line: 81
DMCContextLoaderServlet.init() line: 48
DMCContextLoaderServlet(GenericServlet).init(ServletConfig) line: 160
StandardWrapper.initServlet(Servlet) line: 1280
StandardWrapper.loadServlet() line: 1193
StandardWrapper.load() line: 1088
StandardContext.loadOnStartup(Container[]) line: 5033
StandardContext.startInternal() line: 5317
StandardContext(LifecycleBase).start() line: 150
ContainerBase$StartChild.call() line: 1517
ContainerBase$StartChild.call() line: 1508
FutureTask$Sync.innerRun() line: 303
FutureTask<V>.run() line: 138
ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Runnable) line: 886
ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() line: 908
Thread.run() line: 662


四、beanPostProcessor是能夠臨時修改bean的,它的優先級高於正常實例化bean的,若是beanPostProcessor能返回,則直接返回了 五、由二、3兩點能夠知道bean的實例化是有優先級的
