RASPBERRY PI LINUX LESSON: From 29th to Final Project

  LESSON 29: Using GPIO pins as Inputs and Reading them in Pythonweb




here we dont have any pull-up resistor. If you are facing some noise, then return to this step.less







 LESSON 30: Control LEDs with Buttons on GPIO Pinside










LESSON 31: Creating a Dimable LED Using Pythonui









LESSON 32: Analog Input for the Raspberry Pithis


 get an arduino UNO or NANO :)spa





 LESSON 33: Graphical User Interface like Windows3d










 actually... I've already use GUI raspberry pi....code






 LESSON 34: Installing Google Chrome on the Raspberry Pi 20,203 viewsDownload Videoblog







 So... a stanford graduated engineer with a whole life experience of EE, is now teaching some high school students in CA???ip


How lucky these students are! Look at Chinese education system, we are still so poor in education resources and experts.







 LESSON 35: Install a Free Full Featured Spreadsheet and Word Processor


 sudo apt-get install libreoffice





 LESSON 36: Make Your Pi a One Click Machine












 LESSON 37: How to Run a Remote Graphical Desktop on Raspberry Pi








 The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Project



























 Low Cost Streaming IP Camera with Raspberry Pi


 This video shows a step by step tutorial on how to create a streaming IP camera with the Raspberry Pi. This lesson will show you how to stream video from your Raspberry PI to a WEB browser. You can find the commands and code used in this lesson at our WEB site below:








go to webbrowser and type in the IP address of your raspberry pi 












 Review of Raspberry PI Zero: Making a Wireless Portable IP Camera



