E203的Makefile默認是調用 iverilog編譯rtl,咱們能夠作以下修改,使其支持vcs編譯。linux
1. 首先修改e200_opensource/tb/tb_top.v, 增長dump波形的兩行代碼,這樣若是指定DUMPWAVE不等於0,就會打印dump出波形文件。shell
initial begin $value$plusargs("DUMPWAVE=%d",dumpwave); if(dumpwave != 0)begin // To add your waveform generation function $fsdbDumpfile("dump.fsdb"); $fsdbDumpvars("+all"); end end
2.修改e200_opensource/vsim/bin/run.makefile, 把SIM_TOOL,SIM_OPTIONS,WAVE_TOOL,WAVE_OPTIONS這些選項爲vcs和verdivim
RUN_DIR := ${PWD} TESTCASE := ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ui-p-addi DUMPWAVE := 1 VSRC_DIR := ${RUN_DIR}/../install/rtl VTB_DIR := ${RUN_DIR}/../install/tb TESTNAME := $(notdir $(patsubst %.dump,%,${TESTCASE}.dump)) TEST_RUNDIR := ${TESTNAME} RTL_V_FILES := $(wildcard ${VSRC_DIR}/*/*.v) TB_V_FILES := $(wildcard ${VTB_DIR}/*.v) # The following portion is depending on the EDA tools you are using, Please add them by yourself according to your EDA vendors SIM_TOOL := vcs #To-ADD: to add the simulatoin tool #SIM_TOOL := iverilog # this is a free solution here to use iverilog to compile the code SIM_OPTIONS := -full64 -line +vcsd +vpi -r +plusarg_save -Mupdate +cli+3 +error+10 +v2k +ntb_exit_on_error=10 -negdelay +neg_tchk +memcbk +sdrverbose -timescale=1ns/100ps +warn=all +warn=noTFIPC +warn=noWSUM -sverilog -l vcs.log -LDFLAGS -rdynamic -P ${NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/VCS/linux64/novas_new_dumper.tab ${NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/VCS/linux64/pli.a +incdir+${VSRC_DIR}/core/+${VSRC_DIR}/perips/ #To-ADD: to add the simulatoin tool options #SIM_OPTIONS := -o vvp.exec -I "${VSRC_DIR}/core/" -I "${VSRC_DIR}/perips/" -D DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION=1 -g2005 # This is a free solution here to use iverilog to compile the code. Please NOTE!!!! # # Note: # Here we add a macro "DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION" to disable the system-verilog coded # assertion in the RTL code because iverilog cannot support that syntax, if you # use other EDA tools which support the systemverilog, you should not add this macro "DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION". # # Here we didnt add macro "ENABLE_TB_FORCE" # that macro was used to enable the random interrupt and bus-error insertion to make # more intensive test in e200_opensource/tb/tb_top.v. # Although the test become more intensive, the drawback is it makes the regression # simulation running very slower, so by default now it is turned off. # If you want to turn on them without caring the the regression speed, # you can just add macro `ENABLE_TB_FORCE` here in command line. SIM_EXEC := ../simv #To-ADD: to add the simulatoin executable #SIM_EXEC := vvp ${RUN_DIR}/vvp.exec -none # The free vvp is tooooo slow to run, so just comment it out, and replaced with the fake way below #SIM_EXEC := echo "Test Result Summary: PASS" # This is a fake run to just direct print PASS info to the log, the user need to actually replace it to the real EDA command WAV_TOOL := verdi #To-ADD: to add the waveform tool WAV_OPTIONS := -2001 -sv -top tb_top +incdir+${VSRC_DIR}/core/+${VSRC_DIR}/perips/ #To-ADD: to add the waveform tool options WAV_PFIX := #To-ADD: to add the waveform file postfix all: run compile.flg: ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} @-rm -rf compile.flg ${SIM_TOOL} ${SIM_OPTIONS} ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} ; touch compile.flg compile: compile.flg wave: # gvim -p ${TESTCASE}.spike.log ${TESTCASE}.dump & ${WAV_TOOL} ${WAV_OPTIONS} ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} & run: compile rm -rf ${TEST_RUNDIR} mkdir ${TEST_RUNDIR} cd ${TEST_RUNDIR}; ${SIM_EXEC} +DUMPWAVE=${DUMPWAVE} +TESTCASE=${TESTCASE} |& tee ${TESTNAME}.log; cd ${RUN_DIR}; .PHONY: run clean all
3. cd e200_opensource/vsim, 執行make install CORE=e203,dom
執行make install,則會在e200_opensource/vsim目錄下,建立install目錄,並把testbench文件和rtl文件copy到install目錄,並把testbench文件tb_top.v中的e200,替換爲core_name,E200替換爲CORE_NAME,也就是e203。post
SIM_DIR := ${PWD} RUN_DIR := ${PWD}/run TESTNAME := rv32ui-p-add TESTCASE := ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/${TESTNAME} DUMPWAVE := 1 CORE := e203 CFG := ${CORE}_config E201 := e201 E203 := e203 E205 := e205 E205F := e205f E205FD := e205fd E225FD := e225fd CORE_NAME = $(shell echo $(CORE) | tr a-z A-Z) core_name = $(shell echo $(CORE) | tr A-Z a-z) all: run_test install: mkdir -p ${SIM_DIR}/install/tb cp ${SIM_DIR}/../tb/tb_top.v ${SIM_DIR}/install/tb/ -rf sed -i "s/e200/${core_name}/g" ${SIM_DIR}/install/tb/tb_top.v sed -i "s/E200/${CORE_NAME}/g" ${SIM_DIR}/install/tb/tb_top.v cp ${SIM_DIR}/../rtl/${core_name} ${SIM_DIR}/install/rtl -rf ${RUN_DIR}: mkdir -p ${RUN_DIR} rm -f ${RUN_DIR}/Makefile ln -s ${SIM_DIR}/bin/run.makefile ${RUN_DIR}/Makefile compile: ${RUN_DIR} make compile RUN_DIR=${RUN_DIR} -C ${RUN_DIR} wave: ${RUN_DIR} make wave TESTCASE=${TESTCASE} RUN_DIR=${RUN_DIR} -C ${RUN_DIR} run_test: compile make run DUMPWAVE=${DUMPWAVE} TESTCASE=${TESTCASE} RUN_DIR=${RUN_DIR} -C ${RUN_DIR} SELF_TESTS := $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32uc-p*.dump)) ifeq ($(core_name),${E203}) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32um-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ua-p*.dump)) endif ifeq ($(core_name),${E205}) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32um-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ua-p*.dump)) endif ifeq ($(core_name),${E205F}) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32um-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ua-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32uf-p*.dump)) endif ifeq ($(core_name),${E205FD}) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32um-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ua-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ud-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32uf-p*.dump)) endif ifeq ($(core_name),${E225FD}) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32um-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ua-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ud-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32uf-p*.dump)) endif SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ui-p*.dump)) SELF_TESTS += $(patsubst %.dump,%,$(wildcard ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32mi-p*.dump)) regress_prepare: make compile @-rm -rf ${RUN_DIR}/rv32*.log regress_run: $(foreach tst,$(SELF_TESTS), make run_test DUMPWAVE=0 TESTCASE=$(tst);) regress_collect: @-rm -rf ${RUN_DIR}/regress.res @find ${RUN_DIR} -name "rv32*.log" -exec bin/find_test_fail.csh {} >> ${RUN_DIR}/regress.res \; @cat ${RUN_DIR}/regress.res regress: regress_prepare regress_run regress_collect clean: rm -rf run rm -rf install .PHONY: compile run install clean all run_test regress regress_prepare regress_run regress_collect
4. 在目錄e200_opensource/vsim執行make compile測試
這是會執行如下的flow,會建立run目錄,並連接run/Makefile到bin/run.makefile,這個時候執行make compileui
${RUN_DIR}: mkdir -p ${RUN_DIR} rm -f ${RUN_DIR}/Makefile ln -s ${SIM_DIR}/bin/run.makefile ${RUN_DIR}/Makefile compile: ${RUN_DIR} make compile RUN_DIR=${RUN_DIR} -C ${RUN_DIR}
就是在run目錄下執行Makefile文件中的make all,編譯rtl代碼和testbench文件。this
all: run compile.flg: ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} @-rm -rf compile.flg ${SIM_TOOL} ${SIM_OPTIONS} ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} ; touch compile.flg
5. 在e200_opensource/vsim目錄裏下執行make run_test, 則會調用如下flow,默認會run testcase rv32ui-p-addspa
6. 在e200_opensource/vsim目錄裏下執行 make run_test TESTNAME=rv32ui-p-and, 此時run目錄下會有rv32ui-p-and目錄,裏面會有波形文件和log文件。
7. 在e200_opensource/vsim目錄裏下執行 make wave,則會在verdi中打開rtl文件,而後打開相應test的波形文件,就能夠就行調試程序了。
8.咱們對Makefile進行一點改動,用make debug TESTNAME=rv32ui-p-and 就能夠同時打開design和波形了。
e200_opensource/vsim/Makefile, 增長debug部分。
e200_opensource/vsim/run/Makefile, 增長debug部分。
RUN_DIR := ${PWD} TESTCASE := ${RUN_DIR}/../../riscv-tools/riscv-tests/isa/generated/rv32ui-p-addi DUMPWAVE := 1 VSRC_DIR := ${RUN_DIR}/../install/rtl VTB_DIR := ${RUN_DIR}/../install/tb TESTNAME := $(notdir $(patsubst %.dump,%,${TESTCASE}.dump)) TEST_RUNDIR := ${TESTNAME} RTL_V_FILES := $(wildcard ${VSRC_DIR}/*/*.v) TB_V_FILES := $(wildcard ${VTB_DIR}/*.v) WAVE_FILE := ${RUN_DIR}/${TESTNAME}/dump.fsdb # The following portion is depending on the EDA tools you are using, Please add them by yourself according to your EDA vendors SIM_TOOL := vcs #To-ADD: to add the simulatoin tool #SIM_TOOL := iverilog # this is a free solution here to use iverilog to compile the code SIM_OPTIONS := -full64 -line +vcsd +vpi -r +plusarg_save -Mupdate +cli+3 +error+10 +v2k +ntb_exit_on_error=10 -negdelay +neg_tchk +memcbk +sdrverbose -timescale=1ns/100ps +warn=all +warn=noTFIPC +warn=noWSUM -sverilog -l vcs.log -LDFLAGS -rdynamic -P ${NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/VCS/linux64/novas_new_dumper.tab ${NOVAS_HOME}/share/PLI/VCS/linux64/pli.a +incdir+${VSRC_DIR}/core/+${VSRC_DIR}/perips/ #To-ADD: to add the simulatoin tool options #SIM_OPTIONS := -o vvp.exec -I "${VSRC_DIR}/core/" -I "${VSRC_DIR}/perips/" -D DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION=1 -g2005 # This is a free solution here to use iverilog to compile the code. Please NOTE!!!! # # Note: # Here we add a macro "DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION" to disable the system-verilog coded # assertion in the RTL code because iverilog cannot support that syntax, if you # use other EDA tools which support the systemverilog, you should not add this macro "DISABLE_SV_ASSERTION". # # Here we didnt add macro "ENABLE_TB_FORCE" # that macro was used to enable the random interrupt and bus-error insertion to make # more intensive test in e200_opensource/tb/tb_top.v. # Although the test become more intensive, the drawback is it makes the regression # simulation running very slower, so by default now it is turned off. # If you want to turn on them without caring the the regression speed, # you can just add macro `ENABLE_TB_FORCE` here in command line. SIM_EXEC := ../simv #To-ADD: to add the simulatoin executable #SIM_EXEC := vvp ${RUN_DIR}/vvp.exec -none # The free vvp is tooooo slow to run, so just comment it out, and replaced with the fake way below #SIM_EXEC := echo "Test Result Summary: PASS" # This is a fake run to just direct print PASS info to the log, the user need to actually replace it to the real EDA command WAV_TOOL := verdi #To-ADD: to add the waveform tool WAV_OPTIONS := -2001 -sv -top tb_top +incdir+${VSRC_DIR}/core/+${VSRC_DIR}/perips/ #To-ADD: to add the waveform tool options WAV_PFIX := #To-ADD: to add the waveform file postfix all: run compile.flg: ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} @-rm -rf compile.flg ${SIM_TOOL} ${SIM_OPTIONS} ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} ; touch compile.flg compile: compile.flg wave: # gvim -p ${TESTCASE}.spike.log ${TESTCASE}.dump & ${WAV_TOOL} ${WAV_OPTIONS} ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} & debug: ${WAV_TOOL} ${WAV_OPTIONS} ${RTL_V_FILES} ${TB_V_FILES} -ssf ${WAVE_FILE} run: compile rm -rf ${TEST_RUNDIR} mkdir ${TEST_RUNDIR} cd ${TEST_RUNDIR}; ${SIM_EXEC} +DUMPWAVE=${DUMPWAVE} +TESTCASE=${TESTCASE} |& tee ${TESTNAME}.log; cd ${RUN_DIR}; .PHONY: run clean all
9. 在e200_opensource/vsim目錄裏下執行make regress_run CORE=e203, 則會運行全部的testcase,進行迴歸測試。
10. 在e200_opensource/vsim目錄裏下執行make regress_collect CORE=e203, 則會比較全部的testcase結果,若是test pass,則打印PASS,失敗,則打印FAIL
11. 在e200_opensource/vsim目錄裏下執行make clean, 則會刪除install和run目錄。