grpc thrift 都是經常使用的rpc 框架,這裏對grpc 和 thrift 從幾個方面對二者進行對比php
grpc 和thrift 對不一樣語言支持度不同,相比而言 thrift 比grpc 支持度更廣,到底如何選擇rpc 框架須要結合公司技術棧來,好比php 不支持grpc 的server,全部有些公司只能用thrift 做爲公司的rpc 框架。java
其中grpc 支持11種語言,其中php 只支持client。node
go get
npm install grpc
dependency to podspecpecl install grpc
pip install grpcio
gem install grpc
thrift 支持 23 Language,python
Language | Since | Build Systems | Lang/Lib Levels (Tested) | Low-Level Transports | Transport Wrappers | Protocols | Servers | Open Issues | |||||||||||||||||
autoconf | cmake | Min | Max | Domain | File | Memory | Pipe | Socket | TLS | Framed | Header | http | zlib | Binary | Compact | JSON | Multiplex | Forking | Nonblocking | Simple | Threaded | ThreadPool | |||
ActionScript | 0.3.0 | FLEX SDK 4.6 | [ActionScript]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("AS3 - Compiler"%2C "AS3 - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
C (glib) | 0.6.0 | 2.48.2 | 2.56.4 | [C (glib)]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("C glib - Compiler"%2C "C glib - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
C++ | 0.2.0 | C++11 | [C++]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("C%2B%2B - Compiler"%2C "C%2B%2B - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
C# | 0.2.0 Deprecated use netstd | .NET 3.5 / mono | .NET 4.6.1 / mono | [C# (.NET)]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("C%23 - Compiler"%2C "C%23 - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Common LISP | 0.12.0 | SBCL 1.4.x | SBCL 1.5.3 | [Common LISP]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Common LISP - Compiler"%2C "Common LISP - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dlang | 0.9.0 | 2.075.1 | 2.087.0 | [D]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("D - Compiler"%2C "D - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dart | 0.10.0 | 2.0.0 | 2.4.0 | [Dart]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Dart - Compiler"%2C "Dart - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Delphi | 0.8.0 | 2010 | unknown | [Delphi]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Delphi - Compiler"%2C "Delphi - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
.NET Core | 0.11.0 Deprecated use netstd | 2.1.4 | 2.2.101 | [.NET Core]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("netcore - Compiler"%2C "netcore - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
.NET Standard | 0.13.0 | .NET 4.5+, .NET Standard 2.x | [.NET Standard]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("netstd - Compiler"%2C "netstd - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Erlang | 0.3.0 | 18.3 | 22.0 | [Erlang]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Erlang - Compiler"%2C "Erlang - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Go | 0.7.0 | 1.10.8 | 1.12.6 | [Go]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Go - Compiler"%2C "Go - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Haskell | 0.5.0 | 7.10.3 | 8.0.2 | [Haskell]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Haskell - Compiler"%2C "Haskell - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Haxe | 0.9.3 | 3.2.1 | 3.4.4 | [Haxe]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Haxe - Compiler"%2C "Haxe - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Java (SE) | 0.2.0 | 1.8.0_151 | 11.0.3 | [Java SE]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Java - Compiler"%2C "Java - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Java (ME) | 0.5.0 | unknown | [Java ME]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("JavaME - Compiler"%2C "JavaME - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Javascript | 0.3.0 | ES5 | ES6 | [Javascript]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Javascript - Compiler"%2C "Javascript - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Lua | 0.9.2 | 5.1.5 | 5.2.4 | [Lua]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Lua - Compiler"%2C "Lua - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
node.js | 0.6.0 | 6.x | 10.x | [node.js]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Node.js - Compiler"%2C "Node.js - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
node.ts | 0.12.0 | 3.1.6 | [node.ts]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("TypeScript - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
OCaml | 0.2.0 | 4.04.0 | [OCaml]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("OCaml - Compiler"%2C "OCaml - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Perl | 0.2.0 | 5.22.1 | 5.26.1 | [Perl]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Perl - Compiler"%2C "Perl - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
PHP | 0.2.0 | 7.0.22 | 7.2.19 | [PHP]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("PHP - Compiler"%2C "PHP - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Python | 0.2.0 | 2.7.12, 3.5.2 | 2.7.15, 3.6.8 | [Python]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Python - Compiler"%2C "Python - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ruby | 0.2.0 | 2.3.1p112 | 2.5.1p57 | [Ruby]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Ruby - Compiler"%2C "Ruby - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Rust | 0.11.0 | 1.35.0 | 1.35.0 | [Rust]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Rust - Compiler"%2C "Rust - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Smalltalk | 0.2.0 | unknown | [Smalltalk]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Smalltalk - Compiler"%2C "Smalltalk - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Swift | 0.12.0 | 4.2.1 | [Swift]( %3D THRIFT AND component in ("Swift - Compiler"%2C "Swift - Library") and status not in (fixed%2C resolved%2C closed)) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Language | Since | autoconf | cmake | Min | Max | Domain | File | Memory | Pipe | Socket | TLS | Framed | Header | http | zlib | Binary | Compact | JSON | Multiplex | Forking | Nonblocking | Simple | Threaded | ThreadPool | Open Issues |
對比xml,json ,thrift 和pb 相差比較大。git
xml,json 採用文本方式編碼,thrift 和pb能夠支持二進制編碼golang
經過idl ,能夠方便客戶端和服務端維護數據結構,統一輩子成,項目很大後,維護成本下降objective-c
由於編碼方式和實現不一樣,大體可認爲TCompactProtocol和pb 性能至關,優於json 和xml,但具體數據類型會影響性能之間的差距,好比double 類型數據json 編解碼特別差。有篇文章能夠參考: 。
傳輸層,grpc 使用http2, thrift 支持Tsocket, TFramedTransport, TFileTransport, TZlibTransport 等多種自定義tcp層傳輸方式。