


Apple Siri iPhone and iPad Icon

Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri, is an essential tool. Sometimes, though, its voice can be jarringly loud or too quiet to easily hear. Luckily, it’s easy to change Siri’s volume on an iPhone or iPad.

蘋果的虛擬助手Siri是必不可少的工具。 但是,有時它的聲音可能會非常響亮或太安靜而無法輕易聽到。 幸運的是,在iPhone或iPad上更改Siri的音量很容易。

使用語音命令調整Siri的音量 (Use Voice Commands to Adjust Siri’s Volume)

Your voice is probably the easiest way to control Siri’s volume. To adjust its volume this way, press and hold the Side or Home button (or say, 「Hey Siri,」) to launch it. Then say something like, 「Change your volume to 75 percent.」

您的聲音可能是控制Siri音量的最簡單方法。 要以這種方式調節音量,請按住「側面」或「主頁」按鈕(或說「嘿Siri」 )啓動它。 然後說類似「將您的音量更改爲75%」。

Changing Siri's volume using a voice command on iPhone or iPad.

This sets Siri’s (and the media playback) volume to 75 percent of the maximum setting. You can specify any value from 1 to 100 percent.

這會將Siri(和媒體播放)的音量設置爲最大設置的75%。 您可以指定1到100%之間的任何值。

You can also just say, 「Speak louder,」 or 「Speak softer,」 to change Siri’s volume.


使用音量按鈕調整Siri的音量 (Adjust Siri’s Volume with the Volume Buttons)

You can also change Siri’s volume by pressing the volume buttons on the side of your device. Some confusion can arise when using these buttons, though. This is because they sometimes control the ringer or media playback volume.

您還可以通過按設備側面的音量按鈕來更改Siri的音量。 但是,使用這些按鈕時可能會引起一些混亂 。 這是因爲它們有時會控制鈴聲或媒體播放音量。

Change Siri's volume with hardware buttons on iPad.

To make sure you’re controlling the right setting, ask Siri a question, and then press the Volume Up or Down button to see if it responds.


在控制中心中更改Siri的音量 (Change Siri’s Volume in Control Center)

If you’d prefer to use the touch screen to change Siri’s volume, you can also adjust it in Control Center. Launch Control Center in one of the following ways:

如果您希望使用觸摸屏來更改Siri的音量,也可以在Control Center中對其進行調整。 通過以下方式之一啓動控制中心:

  • iPhone X or newer/iPad running iOS 12 or later: Swipe down from the top right of the screen.

    運行iOS 12或更高版本的iPhone X或更高版本/ iPad:從屏幕右上方向下滑動。

  • iPhone 8 or earlier/iPad running iOS 11 or earlier: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. (Control Center first appeared in iOS 7).

    iPhone 8或更早版本/運行iOS 11或更早版本的iPad:從屏幕底部向上滑動。 (控制中心首次出現在iOS 7中)。

Change Siri's Volume using Control Center.

Tap the Volume slider to raise or lower Siri’s volume until you’ve got it where you want it.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683332/how-to-adjust-siri’s-volume-on-iphone-and-ipad/
