使開發者能建立可深刻移動設備硬件或操做系統功能的HTML5應用, 如重力感應、加速計、GPS、相機、聲音與震動、文件系統等,InfoWorld報道。‘其iOS MobiUs瀏覽器爲遊戲實現了HTML5的DirectCanvas API,併爲將瀏覽器緩存中的可執行文件和數據存儲在本地(以使應用能夠離線運行)實現了HTML5本地存儲API。可是使MobiUs不一樣於僅僅只是另 外一個瀏覽器的是,AppMobi在它上面提供了一個庫,它能容許開發者訪問本地硬件,並實現Web應用的消息推送。’
Extending Native Features To HTML5 Web Apps
posted by
snydeq on Thu 3rd Nov 2011 15:10 UTC
A small company called AppMobi is
enabling developers to create HTML5 apps that tap into native hardware and OS capabilities of mobile devices, such as gravity sensing, accelerometer, GPS, camera, sound and vibration, and the file system, InfoWorld reports. 'Its MobiUs browser for iOS implements HTML5's DirectCanvas API for gaming, as well as the HTML5 local storage API for saving executables and data in the browser cache so that apps can run offline. But what makes MobiUs more than just yet another browser is the set of libraries AppMobi provides app developers to access native hardware and enable push messaging from Web apps.'