1 // luatest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 2 // 3 4 #include "stdafx.h" 5 6 #include <lua.hpp> 7 #include <iostream> 8 9 class CGameData 10 { 11 public: 12 CGameData( int i ) { m_iLockpickLevel = i; } 13 int m_iLockpickLevel; 14 }; 15 16 char *szLua = 17 "function game_door_check( context ) " 18 " local x = GetLockpickLevel( context ) " 19 " return ( x > 7 ) " 20 "end "; 21 22 int lua_GetLockpickLevel( lua_State *luaState ) 23 { 24 try 25 { 26 // 檢查參數數量 27 int nArgs = lua_gettop( luaState ); 28 if( nArgs != 1 ) 29 { 30 throw( std::exception( "Script Error 1" ) ); 31 } 32 // 獲取參數,由於咱們知道這裏的參數是什麼,因此能夠cast到咱們所知道的類型 33 CGameData *pData = (CGameData *) lua_touserdata( luaState, 1 ); 34 if( !pData ) 35 { 36 throw( std::exception( "Script Error 2" ) ); 37 } 38 if( pData->m_iLockpickLevel < 0 ) 39 { 40 throw( std::exception( "logic error" ) ); 41 } 42 // 壓入棧,做爲返回值 43 lua_pushinteger( luaState, pData->m_iLockpickLevel ); 44 } 45 catch( std::exception const &e ) 46 { 47 // 若是有錯誤,通知lua 48 lua_pushstring( luaState, e.what() ); 49 lua_error( luaState ); 50 } 51 return( 1 ); 52 } 53 54 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 55 { 56 // lua_State就是一個執行代碼的狀態機 57 lua_State *lState = luaL_newstate(); 58 // 初始化這個狀態機: lState 59 luaL_openlibs( lState ); 60 61 // 幫助LUA註冊native 函數。一個名字和函數指針的pair,貌似不一樣的狀態機能夠有不一樣的native函數表 62 lua_register( lState, "GetLockpickLevel", lua_GetLockpickLevel ); 63 64 // 讓狀態機讀入須要執行的代碼,lua提供其餘方式好比從文件直接讀入 65 int iStatus = luaL_loadstring( lState, szLua ); 66 if( iStatus ) 67 { 68 std::cout << "Error: " << lua_tostring( lState, -1 ); 69 return 1; 70 } 71 72 // 執行lua代碼,注意錯誤檢查 73 iStatus = lua_pcall( lState, 0, 0, 0 ); 74 if( iStatus ) 75 { 76 std::cout << "Error: " << lua_tostring( lState, -1 ); 77 return 1; 78 } 79 80 // 經過函數名字讓lua準備好調用這個函數 81 lua_getfield( lState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "game_door_check" ); 82 CGameData Data( 8 ); 83 // 將這個參數壓入棧 84 lua_pushlightuserdata( lState, (void *) &Data ); 85 // 執行這個函數 86 iStatus = lua_pcall( lState, 1, 1, 0 ); 87 if( iStatus ) 88 { 89 std::cout << "Error: " << lua_tostring( lState, -1 ); 90 return 1; 91 } 92 93 // 獲取返回值 94 int iRet = (int) lua_toboolean( lState, -1 ); 95 if( iRet ) 96 std::cout << "Door opened!" << std::endl; 97 else 98 std::cout << "Door still closed." << std::endl; 99 100 lua_close( lState ); 101 102 return 0; 103 }